
The new seven fairies of the Chinese women's volleyball team are unveiled! Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie scored 31 points! Ding Xia's state is worrying!

author:Yilu Sports
The new seven fairies of the Chinese women's volleyball team are unveiled! Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie scored 31 points! Ding Xia's state is worrying!

In the first week of the 2024 World Women's Volleyball League, the Chinese women's volleyball team and the old Asian rival South Korean women's volleyball team launched a fierce competition.

The Chinese women's volleyball team swept the opponent with a perfect score of 3:0, opening the prelude to VNL.

The Chinese women's volleyball team is currently strong, ranking sixth in the world and first in Asia, while the South Korean women's volleyball team has declined significantly in recent years, ranking 40th.

The new seven fairies of the Chinese women's volleyball team are unveiled! Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie scored 31 points! Ding Xia's state is worrying!

In this game, the overall performance of the Chinese women's volleyball team was eye-catching, leaving no respite for the opponent.

The new Seven Fairies combo, the name sounds like synonymous with a young and dynamic team.

In the first match of the 2024 World Women's Volleyball League, this combination made its debut, led by Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie.

The performances of the two young players in the game were impressive and impressive.

The new seven fairies of the Chinese women's volleyball team are unveiled! Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie scored 31 points! Ding Xia's state is worrying!

Li Yingying, a young and talented player, has always been in the spotlight for her attacking ability.

In this game, she showed amazing strength, contributing 17 points and solidifying the offensive end for the Chinese team.

Each time she shot with a fierce momentum, as if she was about to smash the ball under the floor, the strength and determination were moving.

The new seven fairies of the Chinese women's volleyball team are unveiled! Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie scored 31 points! Ding Xia's state is worrying!

Wu Mengjie, on the other hand, is a skilled, calm and calm player.

Despite her young age, she showed maturity and consistency in the game.

The 14-point score not only shows her offensive ability, but also shows her calmness and decisiveness in key moments.

Every time she makes a shot, she is full of confidence, as if she is fearless, and this attitude is admirable.

The new seven fairies of the Chinese women's volleyball team are unveiled! Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie scored 31 points! Ding Xia's state is worrying!

The combined 31 points of the two young players became the highlight of the game.

Their attacking firepower not only made their opponents feel undefendable, but also earned the Chinese team a crucial point.

Each time their shot was as sharp as a sword, cutting through the opponent's defense and bringing the dawn of victory to the Chinese team.

Behind all this, there may be more stories hidden.

The new seven fairies of the Chinese women's volleyball team are unveiled! Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie scored 31 points! Ding Xia's state is worrying!

As young players, they may have all kinds of mental activities.

Perhaps before the game, they were nervous and excited, waiting for the start of the game with a fluttering heart.

Maybe in the game, they will face all kinds of pressure and difficulties, but they choose to face it firmly, work hard and fight for every point for the team.

The new seven fairies of the Chinese women's volleyball team are unveiled! Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie scored 31 points! Ding Xia's state is worrying!

Maybe after the game, they will feel satisfied and relieved because they have won the team with their efforts and earned respect for themselves.

In addition to the main attack, the performance of deputy attackers Wang Yuanyuan and Yuan Xinyue is also worth mentioning.

Their attacking speed has increased significantly, injecting more energy and variety into the team's attacking end.

The new seven fairies of the Chinese women's volleyball team are unveiled! Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie scored 31 points! Ding Xia's state is worrying!

Zhang Changning came off the bench in the third game, which was her debut back to the national team after three years, although it was not long, but it was a big encouragement for the Chinese women's volleyball team.

The victory of the Chinese women's volleyball team was not without flaws, and some issues also surfaced, which attracted the attention and discussion of fans.

In particular, Ding Xia's passing performance in the game caused dissatisfaction and concern among some netizens.

The new seven fairies of the Chinese women's volleyball team are unveiled! Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie scored 31 points! Ding Xia's state is worrying!

In the game, Ding Xia's passing was not satisfactory, and there were frequent mistakes, which caused some trouble to the Chinese team's attack.

Her mistake not only made her teammates anxious, but also made fans suspicious.

Some netizens commented: "The quality of Ding Xia's passing is really unacceptable, and this kind of mistake can't continue!" Another netizen also said: "Ding Xia's state is obviously not as good as before, she needs to adjust her mentality and regain her state." ”

The new seven fairies of the Chinese women's volleyball team are unveiled! Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie scored 31 points! Ding Xia's state is worrying!

Ding Xia's performance has also sparked some discussion and speculation.

Some thought she might have been affected by the pressure of the match, which led to a technical error.

A netizen said: "Maybe the pressure of the game was too great, and Ding Xia couldn't release her energy, which led to a passing error." Other netizens think that it may be because she and her teammate Zheng Yixin do not have enough tacit understanding, which leads to the unsmooth cooperation.

The new seven fairies of the Chinese women's volleyball team are unveiled! Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie scored 31 points! Ding Xia's state is worrying!

Someone commented: "The tacit understanding between Ding Xia and Zheng Yixin really needs to be improved, and they need more time and opportunities to run in." ”

For these problems, netizens have also put forward some solutions and suggestions.

Some people think that Ding Xia needs more training and adjustment to improve her technical level and mental quality.

The new seven fairies of the Chinese women's volleyball team are unveiled! Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie scored 31 points! Ding Xia's state is worrying!

A netizen suggested: "Ding Xia needs to focus more on training, improve her technical level, and at the same time adjust her mentality and maintain a good game condition." ”

Others believe that the Chinese women's volleyball team needs to give Ding Xia more support and encouragement, so that she can regain her confidence and form in the game.

Ding Xia's passing ideas are flexible, bold, and hidden, compared to several other setters in the team, she is more active in defense, and is also good at stopping the ball twice, often sharing the scoring pressure for her teammates.

The new seven fairies of the Chinese women's volleyball team are unveiled! Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie scored 31 points! Ding Xia's state is worrying!

After Wei Qiuyue retired, after further training and growth, Ding Xia is undoubtedly the best setter of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

This piece of information sparked a heated discussion among fans.

Some netizens expressed their appreciation and support for Ding Xia's performance.

The new seven fairies of the Chinese women's volleyball team are unveiled! Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie scored 31 points! Ding Xia's state is worrying!

A netizen said: "Ding Xia's passing skills are indeed excellent, her techniques are flexible and changeable, she can quickly adapt to various situations, and she has delivered a steady stream of firepower to the team." ”

Another netizen also said: "Ding Xia's positive performance on the defensive end is impressive, she is not only able to effectively organize the attack, but also can stop the opponent's attack in time, winning more opportunities for the team." ”

The new seven fairies of the Chinese women's volleyball team are unveiled! Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie scored 31 points! Ding Xia's state is worrying!

There are also some netizens who have raised some questions and concerns about Ding Xia's performance.

A netizen believed: "Although Ding Xia's passing skills are good, her error rate is also relatively high, which sometimes brings certain risks to the team." ”

The new seven fairies of the Chinese women's volleyball team are unveiled! Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie scored 31 points! Ding Xia's state is worrying!

Other netizens believed: "Ding Xia's ability to stop the second ball is strong, but sometimes she relies too much on this technique, lacks changes, and is easy to be cracked by opponents." ”

For these controversies, some netizens also put forward their own views and suggestions.

The new seven fairies of the Chinese women's volleyball team are unveiled! Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie scored 31 points! Ding Xia's state is worrying!

A netizen believed: "As the main setter of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Ding Xia needs to play her role more steadily, reduce mistakes, and improve offensive efficiency." ”

Another netizen said: "Although Ding Xia's second ball stop is effective, we must also pay attention to timing and changes to avoid being targeted by the opponent." ”

The new seven fairies of the Chinese women's volleyball team are unveiled! Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie scored 31 points! Ding Xia's state is worrying!

On the whole, the Chinese women's volleyball team showed strong strength and potential in this game, and the emergence of the new Seven Fairies combination makes people look forward to the future of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

It is also necessary to pay attention to and solve some details to maintain the stability and competitiveness of the team.

The new seven fairies of the Chinese women's volleyball team are unveiled! Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie scored 31 points! Ding Xia's state is worrying!

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