
The full-time mother was abandoned after giving birth to her second child, and the husband empathized with the condition: divorce, give you 200,000

Hello, hello everyone, here is "Horses Talk About Emotions", pay attention to me to learn more emotional stories, so that every heart that needs warmth can be comforted, I hope that everyone can get a moment of ease and ease here, and better face the emotional life.

The famous host Dong Qing once said such a quote to explain how couples can maintain a relationship that will last;

"The most feared thing in the relationship is that one is very busy, one is very idle." One person's circle is large, while the other person is only him. One mind is sensitive, and the other doesn't like to explain. The relationship between them is gradually estranged, not because they do not love, but because the differences are too large, the contradictions and misunderstandings caused by them make each other tired."

Deeply believed, just take the current many women, want to marry into the rich, to be a full-time wife who does not have to go out to work, suddenly, the headmistress Zhang Jiamei's words, there are also deeper insights.

The full-time mother was abandoned after giving birth to her second child, and the husband empathized with the condition: divorce, give you 200,000

"I don't want the money of the full-time wife, you roll back!" Although the words were ugly, overnight, they woke up many women who were dreaming of princesses.

In the wedding, neither men nor women can use marriage as an emotional sustenance to accompany them throughout the rest of their lives.

Literary writer Lu Xun in the book "Wounded Death", with a novel story to interpret love, in which, there is such a sentence, telling readers, how to make love fresh.

"Love must always be renewed, grown, and created."

Marriage can not be without love as the foundation, love, if there is no steady stream of "nutrients" delivery, can withstand the wind and rain, but can not withstand the plain. After a long time, the feelings are naturally gone.

Moreover, the daily expenses of being a full-time wife must rely on the charity of the husband, and if you are not careful, a third party will intervene, so that the marriage will break down, and life will really be ruined.

The full-time mother was abandoned after giving birth to her second child, and the husband empathized with the condition: divorce, give you 200,000

When I was young, I thought that being good to myself was love; after entering marriage, I understood that no matter how romantic love was, after all, I could not resist the cruelty brought by chai rice oil and salt.

Tan Xin's ancestral home is in Hengyang, Hunan, after graduation, a person went to Zhuhai to work, entered a listed company, her career has just started, and she also has dreams for the future.

At a friend gathering, through the introduction of friends, Tan Xin met Peng Jun, a Changsha native, engaged in wholesale business, the two young people got along for three months, soon came together, and soon after, Tan Xin found out that she was pregnant, and then, Fengzi got married and held a marriage.

For love, Tan Xin quit her job in Zhuhai and came to the strange city of Changsha alone; after giving birth, when Tan Xin was ready to go to work, her husband suddenly fell ill, and in desperation, she could only abandon her job again and take care of her sick husband Peng Jun.

Since then, Tan Xin has not gone out to work again, and, shortly after, she became pregnant with her second child.

For love, she went to a different place, gave up her circle, only her in-laws, husbands and children in life, and had no interests and hobbies, and her family became all she had.

After giving birth to her second child and finishing the confinement, when Tan Xin returned to the marriage room in Changsha from her mother's house, she was "stopped" outside the door, and her own key could not open the door - the door lock was changed.

That night, in addition to Tan Xin, the daughter of about 2 years old, who knew how to shiver, shouted at her father Peng Jun to open the door in the crowd, but her husband turned a blind eye and chose to quit the group chat. As a last resort, I entered the home by other means.

When entering the room, Tan Xin found that the wedding photos in the room were all missing.

The full-time mother was abandoned after giving birth to her second child, and the husband empathized with the condition: divorce, give you 200,000

Soon after, a strange man took the initiative to contact Tan Xin and told her a secret that surprised her - her husband, who betrayed the marriage, and lived with a third party.

Tan Xin and Peng Jun have been married for 3 years, a son and a daughter under the knee, in the eyes of outsiders, the husband's business is booming, the wife is at home to teach her children, be a full-time wife, envy others, but do not know, the appearance of a happy home, has long been fragmented, has become no longer complete.

In order to find out why her husband abandoned her existing family and the marriage behind her, Tan Xin finally found her husband Peng Jun, who had "disappeared for a long time", after some investigation.

At present, Tan Xin and Peng Jun, not divorced, are still a legal couple, husband Peng Jun violated the morality of marriage, for this mistake, Peng Jun did not deny it, and, for this mistake, also gave a reasonable explanation: "The last time I mentioned 200,000 cash to find a divorce, she refused, also grabbed the steering wheel, planning to die with herself, and then, even snatched away 200,000, but never signed the divorce agreement." ”

The full-time mother was abandoned after giving birth to her second child, and the husband empathized with the condition: divorce, give you 200,000

After the words were spoken, Tan Xin, who was standing on the side, was a little emotional, was it really as Peng Jun said, Tan Xin's treatment of feelings was a little too extreme?

Subsequently, the husband Peng Jun said that since his wife Tan Xin gave birth to a child, his temper has become very grumpy, and he can usually endure it, and the key wife Tan Xin often speaks ill of her mother-in-law.

Peng Jun is a great filial piety, and he treats his mother with great respect and love; he will never tolerate his wife and disrespect her.

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, as a full-time wife's wife Tan Xin, not only did not bring help to her own life, but also added to the blockage, not good understanding, resulting in Peng Jun sandwiched between his wife and mother, very uncomfortable.

The full-time mother was abandoned after giving birth to her second child, and the husband empathized with the condition: divorce, give you 200,000

Car loans, mortgages, children's milk powder money, the daily expenses of a family of five, all counting on a man who is working outside, this pressure, Peng Jun is breathless, plus his wife's jealousy and bad temper all day, the feelings of the two people, over time, are getting farther and farther away. Even, Peng Jun often despised Tan Xin:

"You think I'm like you, eating at home"

Unhappy marriages have their own causes.

The husband has been working outside for a long time, establishing a rich social network, the wife keeps an acre and a third of the land in front of her all day long, material life, spiritual pursuit, can not achieve equality, so between husband and wife, it is very easy to produce emotional rifts, so that others can take advantage of the opportunity.

On the contrary, the "third party" Zhu Ting, who has experienced two failed marriages, knows better how to manage feelings. It can not only give advice to Peng Jun's work, but also give Spiritual Comfort to Peng Jun's unhappy marriage, so the two quickly came together.

The full-time mother was abandoned after giving birth to her second child, and the husband empathized with the condition: divorce, give you 200,000

According to Tan Xin, the third party Zhu Ting is a hotel manager, owning three suites, at first, the husband wanted to open a hotel, wanted to find her to learn the experience of scripture, but did not want to, because at the beginning did not guard, resulting in the third party to take advantage of the opportunity.

What she did not expect was that the relationship between Zhu Ting and Peng Jun had reached the point where her mother-in-law also liked this "daughter-in-law", and Zhu Ting had visited her home, and her mother-in-law specially cooked and entertained Zhu Ting.

Subsequently, Tan Xin asked her mother-in-law how she viewed the relationship between Peng Jun and Zhu Ting. In the mother-in-law's words, it seems that Tan Xin was persuaded to take the initiative to quit.

A marriage without feelings and broken, even if it continues to last, the person who hurts is ultimately himself.

Perhaps to make up for the harm to his wife Tan Xin, Peng Jun proposed to agree to divorce, and the compensation was increased from the original house or 250,000 to a one-time 450,000 or 500,000, for which Tan Xin asked for 600,000.

Hearing that Tan Xin wanted 600,000 yuan, the third party Zhu Ting on the side, was very angry, Peng Jun originally did not have much savings, and recognized Tan Xin's lion with a big mouth, and he had to inch in. After some discussion, Peng Jun proposed 2 plans for divorce:

1. The two children are raised by themselves and compensate 250,000 Tan Xin

2. Husband and wife each raise a child and give Tan Xin a property or compensation of 500,000 yuan

Tan Xin did not hesitate too much, chose condition one, gave up raising a child, and made another request, hoping that After the expropriation of Peng Jun's old house, Tan Xin could take a share of the compensation of 920,000.

In this regard, Peng Jun disagreed, when the marriage came to an end, when the relationship fell to the bottom, both began to calculate their own gains and losses.

Seeing his wife Tan Jun asking for housing compensation, for a while, I felt a lot of pressure, so many years, originally there was no savings, if all of them were given to his wife Tan Xin, he would raise 2 children in the future, and what to feed,

The full-time mother was abandoned after giving birth to her second child, and the husband empathized with the condition: divorce, give you 200,000

Hearing her husband's hug, Tan Xin still let her husband go, willing to take 250,000 yuan at a time, and has no economic entanglement with her husband Peng Jun.

When he got the divorce agreement, Tan Xin silently shed his eyes, and finally understood the importance of running a marriage, claiming that what he had done in some places in the past really did not fulfill the responsibility of a "good wife".

In addition, I also understood a truth, marriage, not a woman's life, nor the whole of a woman, to tie the rest of her life to marriage, at the beginning, is a mistake.

Zhao Geyu, a young female writer, once said this about women in "A Lifetime of Being a Woman":

"A woman who depends on a man to be happy is a woman's sorrow. A person's complete happiness in life is: a career of his own, a beautiful family, a child who can complete his dreams, so a good family is also one-third of happiness. If you expand the happiness of marriage to 100%, then this happiness is also regrettable. ”

Marriage, of course, is important to a woman, but overestimating one's own marriage will backfire. It is better to rely on others than on yourself.

Women cannot be bound by marriage, let alone expect marriage, and can make their lives more prosperous.

Happy marriage, often created by themselves, counting on others, but they will become a burden in the eyes of others, in marriage, women in addition to marriage, work, hobbies, circles, are needed.

Well today's story is here, the horse hopes that each issue of the story can bring friends a little emotional thinking, like the horse, please pay attention to me, give the article praise collection recommended Oh, thank you we will see you in the next issue ~

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