
If a man really spoils you, he will definitely have a performance, and the last one is very critical

If a man really spoils you, he will definitely have a performance, and the last one is very critical


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Every girl will have all kinds of hopes for her other half, some people regard material things as very important, hoping that the other half can have enough economic foundation to support their lives, but the vast majority of people's desire for love is only to be able to find a partner who pampers themselves, even if he does not have too much money.

The so-called princess dream, in fact, does not necessarily have to live in the castle. Some people look bright and beautiful, but they seem to be imprisoned in marriage, and they do not feel the temperature of the family at all, and no amount of money for such a person can give her real warmth. And some people, although they live in poverty, are spoiled by their lovers and become princesses, smiling every day and immersed in the harbor of happiness.

Happiness is never defined by others, but up to you. As long as you can find the person who hurts you and loves you, then other things outside the body are not so important.

If a man really spoils you, he will definitely have a performance, and the last one is very critical

Marriage is a big gamble, everyone bets the rest of their lives, some people gamble to win, some people gamble to lose. When we love someone, we make people lose their minds for love and lack basic sanity and judgment. The man will lose his mind because of his rhetoric for a while, like a moth, and pounce on the other party with great strength, without thinking of leaving a way out for himself.

Some people's love is trapped in the top, and in fact, real love should be reflected in life, some people are very good at sweet words, in fact, just say not to do, and some people, although their mouths are very stupid, in fact, all kinds of behaviors are spoiling you and loving you.

If a man really spoils you, he will definitely have the following performances, and the last one is particularly critical.

If a man really spoils you, he will definitely have a performance, and the last one is very critical

He will be willing to spend money for you and will be absolutely generous to you

It is said to see if a person really loves you recently, to see if he is willing to spend money for you.

People who are willing to spend money for you don't necessarily really love you, but people who don't want to spend money for you don't love you, and that's absolute.

Some men like to draw big cakes for girls, and they say that if I have money, I will buy you a designer bag, and if I have money, I will buy you a big house. The boy's face was full of sincere expressions when he said these words, so that some little girls believed it.

But in fact, they are not even willing to buy a dress for girls, and a bouquet of flowers on Valentine's Day is also buckled and searched, saying that they love you, in fact, they are reluctant to give you a penny to spend.

It sounds like they are willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars on you, but when it is the turn of tens of thousands of dollars, they are not willing to give them out, that is because tens of thousands of dollars they may not have, but hundreds of dollars they must have, but they are reluctant to spend them on you.

If a man really spoils you, he will be very generous in spending money, he will never draw you a big pie, but will satisfy your romance in the details of life, and will give you real warmth.

He may not have much money, but will do his best to satisfy you whenever you want.

If a man really spoils you, he will definitely have a performance, and the last one is very critical

He will fully respect your ideas and give you enough self-space

A man who does not respect you, no matter what he says, do not believe it, lack of respect as the premise of love, like a mirage, sooner or later it will collapse.

In "Xiao Min's Family", Liu Xiaojie is a girl who loves a brain, and she is touched by the deep affection played by Xu on the surface, so that she marries him without hesitation despite the opposition of her family.

She was completely brainwashed by Xu Zheng, Xu Zheng said what she believed, he asked her not to have contact with the opposite sex, she did it, he asked her not to associate with Qian Feng, she also did it. So much so that Xu Zheng became more and more crazy, and finally interfered with her normal communication, monitored her whereabouts, and even imprisoned her at home.

In fact, Xu Zheng did not love him at all, just regarded her as his own private property, he did not respect Liu Xiaojie's ideas at all, it has always been how I want you to be, you must be how, and I have not considered Liu Xiaojie's feelings at all.

If a man really spoils you, he will not deprive you of your free space and will not control your personal wishes. Will fully respect your ideas and give independent freedom. In his case, you are not an appendage of him, but an individual with an independent sense of self.

Lack of respectful love, he said no matter how much love you don't believe.

If a man really spoils you, he will definitely have a performance, and the last one is very critical

He will be involved in the housework and will be distressed by your fatigue

In fact, the first two are the necessities of love, if a man is not willing to spend money for you, then talk about love? A person who lacks basic respect for you, always satirizes you frequently, suppresses you, even if he says it nicely, does not love you at all.

Being willing to spend money for you is the premise of love, and respect is the foundation of love. These two points are almost the threshold of love, and should not be used as a standard to measure others.

Many people can do the first two, but the last one is not something that everyone can do. That is, it will be painful for your hardships, and it will hurt your efforts for this family, and he will consciously participate in the family's chores, free your hands, so that you can do what you want to do.

Even today, many men have developed to such a point that the times have developed, but they still have a deep-rooted concept that housework should be done by women and has nothing to do with themselves. They are like uncles at home, doing nothing, lying in bed as soon as they get home, enjoying your dedication to him.

Even if the dishwashing sink at home has been piled up for several days, even if the dry clothes are hung on the balcony for a week, they will not do it, always waiting for you to do it, they can't see your difficulty at all, just take care of their own comfort.

Such a man is ultimately selfish, always thinking only of himself and not thinking of others. A man who will not actively participate in family building cannot spoil you at all.

If he really spoils you, he will definitely feel sorry for you, and he will not want you to work too hard, and he will use practical actions to show his love for you.

If a man really spoils you, he will definitely have a performance, and the last one is very critical

Men's favor is never just lip service, the words spoken are very good, and they can be spoken when they touch their upper and lower teeth, but few people can really do it, because doing it requires action.

Never believe what the boy says, but look at his actual actions. If the action is not in place, then no matter how much sweet words, it seems very light.

A man who really spoils you and loves you will definitely have the above three performances, and doing housework is basically the most critical point in judging this answer.

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