
Once a woman has the idea of divorce, she will have these 3 thoughts, without exception

Once a woman has the idea of divorce, she will have these 3 thoughts, without exception

In marriage, all the women who hold these 3 ideas are eventually divorced, without exception

Once a woman has the idea of divorce, she will have these 3 thoughts, without exception


When it comes to love, most of us have a warm and happy first reaction.

When it comes to marriage, many people will have a series of family conflicts and life pressures in their heads.

In fact, marriage is not as terrible as we think, and the happiness of marriage depends on how two people operate.

We all know that good marriages are the same, and unhappy marriages are different.

The identity acquired at different ages in life is also different, and it is necessary to learn to grow and adapt at this time.

There is an old Chinese saying that goes: "A hundred years of cultivation must be crossed by the same boat, and a thousand years of cultivation must sleep together." ”

The combination of two people shows that it is a fate cultivated in the previous life.

It is inevitable that two people will quarrel together, after all, everyone's personality and family environment are different.

At this time, it takes mutual tolerance and understanding between two people to make the marriage long-lasting.

Once a woman has the idea of divorce, she will have these 3 thoughts, without exception

When we are not married, we all have different visions of love,

But often reality is always cruel, and time will make the good love dissipate.

Therefore, when a person decides to leave, it is useless to try all kinds of ways to keep it in time.

After all, feelings are a matter for two people, and it is not enough to rely on the efforts of one person.

Work together and live up to the burden, so that feelings will be equal.

But where a woman in a marriage holds the following three ideas, most of them are divorced in the end without exception.

Marriage is a matter for two people, and it also needs to nourish each other,

Therefore, the best state between husband and wife is to be able to understand each other's difficulties.

The most feared thing is that they don't know how to cherish each other, and the family is a chicken feather, which will also lead to the woman's desire to divorce you.

Once a woman has the idea of divorce, she will have these 3 thoughts, without exception

One. Unwilling to communicate with the other half anymore

The most comfortable state between husband and wife is that they like to share what they do every day with their spouse.

Especially when we encounter unpleasant things, the first person who comes to mind is our closest person.

At the same time, I also hope to get the care and comfort of the other party, at this time men always ignore these details, and women will become cold.

Slowly women will refuse to communicate with each other after they have the idea of divorce.

Knowing their own things and feelings, and are not willing to share,

In front of the other half, he also became exceptionally quiet and silent.

In fact, women have the idea of divorce not because there are other people out there.

It is usually because your other half makes you sad and indifferent to yourself.

When you find that your partner no longer wants to share with you, it means that the other person wants to leave you.

Once a woman has the idea of divorce, she will have these 3 thoughts, without exception

Two. Not in the willingness to tolerate you

We all know that every family has a difficult scripture to read, and life can never be smooth.

A good marriage is always a long-lasting way for two people to tolerate and understand each other.

Two people living together, no one can do it, everything makes each other happy,

It is only because there is love between two people that there will be more tolerance and accommodation.

But when a woman has the idea of divorce, she will no longer tolerate the problems of men.

It may even begin to be disgusted, and this boredom cannot be hidden.

With this feeling, even the other person's breathing feels wrong, so the other half who feels this feeling is definitely perceived.

Once a woman has the idea of divorce, she will have these 3 thoughts, without exception

Three. Suspicion

Many people have a strong sense of jealousy no matter what they encounter, and this kind of person can be said to be very tired in life.

Even after marriage, you will distrust your other half.

Trust is lost in the relationship, and those two people will often quarrel together and do a lot of extreme things.

Advise everyone to love unreservedly when they love someone, and taking care of the front and back will only make this relationship shattered.

Women are always worried about their other half cheating in their relationships, and in the end how can they make men feel at ease to love you?

Since we have chosen each other, we must believe with all our hearts,

If jealousy occupies our hearts, it will be difficult for the two people to go hand in hand in the end.

And this practice is done by the women themselves.

Once a woman has the idea of divorce, she will have these 3 thoughts, without exception

In a relationship, two people need to communicate with each other and tell each other what they think.

Only by correcting each other can such a love last.

So no matter what kind of life we live now, what our other half is, we have to accept it.

Only true acceptance can face all this objectively and get the happiness you want.

So a woman should not have too many ideas, even if she has ideas, she must solve them with the other party at the first time.

In this way, the family will be harmonious and the marriage will not be shaken.

Once a woman has the idea of divorce, she will have these 3 thoughts, without exception


Of course, in marriage, men must also be responsible and respect their other half.

In general, if a woman has these three thoughts and manifestations, it means that he really has to let go.

Marriage is originally a bland need to be jointly maintained and insisted upon by both parties.

Since two people can come together, there must be love in forming a family.

Therefore, there will always be a time when marriage will slacken off, and we must not forget our original intentions in order to be long-lasting.

Once a woman has the idea of divorce, she will have these 3 thoughts, without exception


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What happens to women once they have the idea of divorce?

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References | Journal of personality and social psychology

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