
Children who grow up in messy families are difficult to grow up to be excellent, and parents pay special attention to these 3 aspects

Children who grow up in messy families are difficult to grow up to be excellent, and parents pay special attention to these 3 aspects

In addition to school, family education is very important, and home is the place where the child grows up and is also his safe haven. Children's words, deeds, and living habits from childhood to adulthood come from the family and come from the cultivation and influence of their parents. They will unconsciously emulate their parents' lifestyles, both positive and negative.

Children who grow up in messy families are difficult to grow up to be excellent, and parents pay special attention to these 3 aspects

Parents love to be clean and tidy, the home is orderly, the child will be affected by it will also be an orderly person, on the contrary, growing up in a messy family environment, the child is not orderly, easy to lose or even lazy. The family environment not only affects children's living habits, but also affects behavioral habits and personality.

In the "Super Nursery" program, the mother of a 4-year-old baby complained: the 4-year-old son did not understand politeness, his temper was still very impatient, he broke out if he was slightly unhappy, and he was more active, and it was difficult to manage if he jumped up and down quietly. Lan Hai, a childcare expert, went to the children's homes and just walked into the corridor to find that the floor was littered with cigarette butts and confetti.

Children who grow up in messy families are difficult to grow up to be excellent, and parents pay special attention to these 3 aspects

Entering the children's home, the nursery teacher found that the family was very disorganized, the living room was full of children's toys, there were multiple cartons on the floor, old boxes and waste paper were everywhere, and the kitchen was messy and smoky.

Children who grow up in messy families are difficult to grow up to be excellent, and parents pay special attention to these 3 aspects

Lan Hai said that children live in such an unordered and untidy environment, and it is inevitable that they will not pay attention and have no self-control. So the advice given by the nursery teacher is to clean up the room hygiene, and providing a clean and orderly family living environment is the first step to transform the child.

The child itself does not have enough self-control, the attention is easily attracted by the clutter in the environment, the work is not concentrated, and the mood is easy to fluctuate. With a structured and tidy living environment, children can calm down and do things, feel comfortable, and their emotions will be stable. I would also like to tell you that it is difficult for messy families to raise excellent children.

First of all, the room is messy and the child will not be diligent.

Zeng Guofan's family has admonitions to future generations, "sweeping" is one of them, which is left by Zeng Guofan's grandfather Zeng Yuping, who admonishes future generations to be diligent in cleaning and cleaning. When Zeng Guofan's grandfather had almost no ability to work in his old age, he still insisted on cleaning the courtyard and the room and cleaning it up.

Children who grow up in messy families are difficult to grow up to be excellent, and parents pay special attention to these 3 aspects

Zeng Guofan also wrote to supervise his brother, and he must be diligent in cleaning up and making the family tidy, otherwise it is a scene of a loser. Even if Zeng Guofan's son has established a family, he will still urge his son to insist on cleaning the house every day. Under the teachings of his father, his son Zeng Jize strictly followed the family training, cleaned the room every day, and the habits he developed from an early age also made his personality more stable and self-disciplined, laying the foundation for becoming a diplomat.

The Zeng family has experienced more than 200 years, and has produced a lot of talents, precisely because of the inheritance of family training, of which "sweeping" is not only a simple cleaning, but also a habit that accumulates over time, so that children can not get by, have requirements for themselves, can tidy up the room clean and orderly, feel more comfortable inside, and do things more attentively.

On the contrary, if parents do not have the habit of tidying up, the environment of daily life is dirty and chaotic, and there is no order. Children are also difficult to talk about hygiene, do not know order and tidying, and will not be a diligent person, the heart is also messy.

Children who grow up in messy families are difficult to grow up to be excellent, and parents pay special attention to these 3 aspects

Encouraging children to do housework within the scope of their ability, folding quilts, brushing dishes, wiping tables and other housework, can cultivate children into people who love cleanliness and hard work.

Secondly, the schedule is chaotic, and it is difficult for children to self-discipline.

When Li Hongzhang was working in Zeng Guofan's mansion, at the time of breakfast one day, everyone arrived, only Li Hongzhang did not arrive. So Zeng Guofan sent someone to call him, and Li Hongzhang said that he was unwell and did not eat. There is a rule in Zengfu that all people who work together have breakfast together on time in the morning. So Zeng Guofan sent someone to call him again, and asked him to bring words, if Li Hongzhang did not come to breakfast, everyone would wait and not eat.

Helplessly, Li Hongzhang hurried to go to dinner, and after Zeng Guofan had eaten, he told Li Hongzhang to be "sincere" in front of everyone. After li hongzhang listened, he felt very embarrassed and decided to change the problem of not being punctual. Since then, he has adhered to the law of work and rest time at any time, went to bed early and got up early, and good habits have constrained him, which has also made indelible contributions to the late Qing Dynasty.

Children who grow up in messy families are difficult to grow up to be excellent, and parents pay special attention to these 3 aspects

Going to bed on time and getting up on time is easy to say, but it's not easy to keep going. Especially now that people's lives are very rich, there are too many external factors that affect the timely rest of computers, mobile phones, tablets, and televisions. In a family, if even the most basic routines are arbitrary, then the child forms a casual habit, and it is difficult to discipline anything.

In the end, the heart is messy, and the child is difficult to improve.

CCTV broadcast an educational video called "Listen, The Children Are Talking", in which a family parent and several adults sit around a table and play mahjong, and the smoke in the house is thick. The 9-year-old boy in the house sat in a corner, and it was all in his eyes. He said: "I am not an enviable child of someone else's family, and my parents are not someone else's parents."

Another family, a little girl of three, 10 years old, sat motionless, her parents sitting on either side of her, each staring at the mobile phone in her hand. The background sound of the short film is the sound of chasing a TV series, which is the sound of playing a game. The screen switches, Dad is concentrating on playing games, and Mom is also immersed in the court drama on the mobile phone.

Children who grow up in messy families are difficult to grow up to be excellent, and parents pay special attention to these 3 aspects

The girl said: My parents asked me to study hard, but they couldn't even control themselves. Many parents require their children to concentrate on learning, but their hearts are scattered, and the children are not stable in their hearts under the influence of their parents, and it is naturally difficult to make progress.

Pillow Parenting Message:

Home is the place where children live and grow up from an early age, and it is also the space for the spread of love between parents and children. The family environment affects the child's heart, the parents operate with their hearts, the home is clean and orderly, the life order is orderly, the child's mood is comfortable, and the sense of happiness and security is improved. Influenced by parents is also an orderly child, doing things has more opportunities for success. On the contrary, the chaotic environment and living habits bring negative psychological hints, and it is difficult for children to be excellent.

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