
#计生协: Carrying out abortion interventions for unmarried people #Headline Hot List Ethically speaking, abortion is essentially a bad practice. The older the fetus, the worse the miscarriage. Born

author:Su Dechao

#计生协: Carry out abortion interventions for unmarried people # Headlines From an ethical point of view, abortion is essentially an evil. The older the fetus, the worse the miscarriage. The fetus that is born is a life, and the fetus that has not yet been born is also a life. The fetus stays in the mother's body to seek refuge and grow up healthy, not to facilitate the adult class to find various reasons to end their lives at any time. The womb, the sanctuary of the fetus, is not their martyrdom.

Intervening in abortion, in addition to advocating the value of putting life first, may also have the benefit of increasing fertility. Some netizens joked that the Family Planning Association really tried its best to improve the fertility rate. In order to have more babies, first open three children; then a famous economist suggested catching the tail of the post-70s, and they still want to give birth. But last year, the net increase in the country's population was less than 500,000. Not only do people not want to have children, but even the willingness to get married is not strong, and there are a lot of leftover men and women. Married, many still want to leave, the divorce rate remains high, the national fine divorce rate of more than 40%. What to do? Eyes began to stare at the unmarried crowd? If you don't get married, you may also want to have a baby.

There is a right side to this line of thinking. The need to have children is not necessarily related to the need to get married. Life needs companionship. The human companion is too annoying, so raise an animal. Looking back, raising pets is raising, and raising babies is also raising. Raising a baby is indeed much more laborious, but the benefits of raising a baby are also much greater than the benefits of having a pet. Many single men and women do have the need to raise children.

But more single men and women don't want to raise babies. On the one hand, it is because raising a baby is troublesome and expensive, on the other hand, it is also because it is inconvenient to raise a single child, and at the same time, the public opinion environment is not so tolerant. "A person, actually has a baby, the heart is really big." The thought of neighbors and colleagues whispering like this behind their backs can't help but feel a little congested. If you don't want to raise a baby, if you are pregnant, you will terminate the pregnancy through medical means and have an abortion with the help of drugs or surgery. Some private hospitals have made their fortunes by performing abortion surgery.

People live in this world, of course, to find happiness. But happiness is based on respect for life. If you don't want children, go to scientific contraception. Instead of getting pregnant and trying to beat it off. This tossed his body and tortured an innocent life. In addition to extremely rare cases such as vicious crimes, I am opposed to abortion.

The heart of a fetus beats inside the mother's body, and neither its biological mother, biological father, nor doctor should pretend to be invisible. We see life, we love it. We don't see life, and we have to love it. If you really love it, let it come into this world and bathe in the sun.

#计生协: Carrying out abortion interventions for unmarried people #Headline Hot List Ethically speaking, abortion is essentially a bad practice. The older the fetus, the worse the miscarriage. Born
#计生协: Carrying out abortion interventions for unmarried people #Headline Hot List Ethically speaking, abortion is essentially a bad practice. The older the fetus, the worse the miscarriage. Born
#计生协: Carrying out abortion interventions for unmarried people #Headline Hot List Ethically speaking, abortion is essentially a bad practice. The older the fetus, the worse the miscarriage. Born

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