
What should parents do when a child has destructive behavior?

What should parents do when a child has destructive behavior?

Parents often do not tolerate destructive behavior in their children, especially when children break valuables such as computers and televisions. Most parents will be furious, and even call their children stupid, annoying, and so on. Some parents will also be very rude to beat their children, or punish their children in other ways, such as wall-facing punishment stations as punishment, not giving food and so on. These overreactions and simple and crude solutions are quite detrimental to the child's growth.

What should parents do when a child has destructive behavior?

In order to scientifically guide the child's destructive behavior, parents must first understand the child's psychology, understand why the child is doing it, and then make targeted adjustments. Specifically, parents can do this.

What should parents do when a child has destructive behavior?

First, guide children to imitate reasonable behavior. For example, if children like to imitate their parents, parents should communicate more with their children to let their children understand that not all behaviors can be imitated. For example, you can't imitate your dangerous goods with electricity or cut fruit with a fruit knife, but you can have your child brush their teeth, wash their faces, make white dishes, wash clothes, and so on.

What should parents do when a child has destructive behavior?

Second, help your child adjust his emotions. If it is found that the child has extreme revenge, anger and other bad emotions, and it is precisely because of this psychology that things are destroyed, parents must first guide the child's bad emotions and help the child vent bad emotions. Children should know how to appreciate others, know how to get praise and appreciation from others through the right channels, rather than letting go of their own extremes through destruction. If others do it wrong, learn to be tolerant. You can forgive and be a broad-minded person.

What should parents do when a child has destructive behavior?

3. Affirm your child's kindness. If the child is kind enough to help, but due to lack of experience, my ability is limited, which makes the act of helping become destructive. First of all, parents should affirm the child's ideas, and apologize for his kindness, and then analyze the reasons for failure with the child, give them the correct way to do things, as a parent, have confidence, to cultivate the child with heart, and to cultivate the child to become an assistant who can help the family take responsibility. If you do this, you can not only quickly improve your child's sense of responsibility and labor awareness, but also cultivate your child's mind, as well as cultivate your child's grateful heart and the excellent quality of bearing hardships and standing hard work.

What should parents do when a child has destructive behavior?

4. Make full use of waste products, take them out, and engage in sabotage with children. We could pull out out outdated magazines and newspapers and fold airplanes with the kids. You can also take out old clothes and sew sandbags with your children, which can help children learn knowledge without causing trouble or destroying valuables in the home. Please note that not all children's destructive behavior is malignant. Instead, a significant portion of children's destructive behavior is a way for them to explore the world and satisfy their curiosity. In addition, some children's destructive behavior is due to the limitations of our level of development, which makes them unable to correctly evaluate the outcome of things.

What should parents do when a child has destructive behavior?

Therefore, when parents face their children's destructive behavior, they should make specific problems, make specific analysis, and use scientific and reasonable methods to guide their children's destructive behavior.

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