
In July of that year, I was admitted to the city's top 100 universities in the country. In the autumn afternoon, I accidentally climbed up to the top of the teaching building and met Wang Fei'ang, who was painting. About that day

author:The melancholy of nature

In July of that year, I was admitted to the city's top 100 universities in the country.

  In the autumn afternoon, I accidentally climbed up to the top of the teaching building and met Wang Fei'ang, who was painting.

  Around that day, I started trying to understand myself: What do I want? What do I like? What does my future hold? An ordinary person can weave an extraordinary dream with a charcoal pen, a canvas and some fantasies. I studied with Wang Fei'ang and began to learn from him.

  Sometimes love is like picking up wet matches in winter. No matter how anxious you are, it won't burn. We painted like this for two whole years.

  We drew hundreds of canvases and two boxes of charcoal pens. In the middle of winter, the people in the school were gone, and only the two of us, like two thin-footed storks, stood on the roof of the teaching building, showing a lonely and arrogant look. The snow fell and people sank to the bottom of the sea. I shivered with cold, and Wang Feiang said, "Do you need my warm chest?" I walked over and threw myself into his arms like a child. At that moment, we were so close that we almost became lovers. But I know that love is sometimes like picking up wet matches in winter. No matter how anxious you are, it won't burn.

  Many of our paintings are stored in broken boxes on the roof. Wang Feiang said: "My father has acquaintances. We can host exhibitions in the downtown square. We will succeed! ”

  In the square of the city center, we were busy all night, so tired that we almost collapsed to the ground. But the next day, I didn't have the courage to look. Wang Fei'ang went. When he came back in the evening, I asked, "Are there a lot of people watching?" He scolded, saying there were less than 10 people a day.

  That night, we drunkenly hugged each other and sat on our roof. Wang Feiang gently advised me: "Forget it, don't paint it." "It seemed to me that I had walked most of the way in the long cave, surrounded by cold and darkness, with no torches, but my companion had suddenly left me and returned home alone, and as for me, I was still slowly groping for a way out, hungry and cold.

  What kind of touch, so faint but really touching the softest corner of my heart?

  From then on, Wang Feiang really stopped painting, participated in various school activities, and soon became a "bureaucrat" among the students. Later, he became president of the student council. I went back to my lonely life, but in the spring, I suddenly received an email.

  The author is Sui Tianhan. He said: "Last winter, I was passing through your city on a business trip. After I finished my work, I walked down the street alone and saw your art exhibition. He said: "I didn't feel particularly good when I saw it, but it was strange, but I never forgot." ”

  What a touch it was, like an ephemera skimming over the water, so faintly but surely touching the softest corners of my heart. Painting is a lonely thing. I suddenly knew that a stranger was watching you in the distance. I feel so happy. That's how we met.

  Calling Sui Tianhan, he suddenly said, "Come and see me, will you come?" In the summer of his junior year, Wang Fei'ang graduated, like a young genius.

  I can't remember exactly which afternoon, Wang Fei'ang rode downstairs from my house, stopped, then raised his head and shouted at my dormitory: "Tang of 405, come out!" "I went downstairs and watched him." Have you been drinking? "No" "Still hard mouth, why?" I'm busy. "Don, I know you don't love me, but can I ask you to be my girlfriend?" I know you're lonely and I'm lonely. It is said that two lonely people together will not be lonely again. ”

  I looked at Wang Feiang. He had big bright eyes. He was bright and grateful. People with such eyes can be trusted for life. I said, "Okay. ”

  Life is long and boring, love is short and rare, and it seems unwise to wait for a short love with a long life. Even then, in a matter of seconds, the electric flint has completed the whole process of occurrence, development, and termination, and then it will move toward eternal silence. At that time, how much frustration and helplessness should I use to heal the scars left by love? Well, it is better to be a down-to-earth person, and another down-to-earth person to warm each other and get what you need.

When Sui Tianhan called again, I was hands-free, and Wang Feiang was beside me. I want Wang Fei'ang to know that Sui Tianhan and I are just friends, and I hope that Sui Tianhan can understand that I am now living the life he is looking forward to.

  After hanging up the phone, Wang Fei'ang and I went to dinner, passing the noisy wet market outside the campus. This is probably a portrayal of our future life, trivial and ordinary. We didn't talk. Fatigue enveloped me, and depression took Wang Fei'ang hostage. When I returned to the apartment that night, I suddenly wanted to call Sui Tianhan. Suddenly I said, "Come and see me, will you come?" "He really came.

  He officially became the nostalgia of my life, the eternal electric flint.

  It seemed that it wasn't until he came that I realized that my city could be so bright and sparkling. At night, he got off the plane and stood in the lights outside the airport. His clothes looked like clouds, and Sui Tianhan looked like a saint. It was our first meeting in five years.

  The bar had fine black pepper steaks, just the right plum wine. After dinner, we ordered an old song in the slot machine: "Never remember, never forget." ”

  Last year, I graduated. The following autumn, I married Wang Fei'ang and became his ordinary and ideal wife.

  I don't draw anymore, I'm just an ordinary clerk.

  But I will remember this man named Sui Tianhan, who is elegant and intelligent, who can know elegance when he listens to string songs, and who can sing freely with me. He's the cutest guy I've ever met, but I can't marry him. Because I can't bear to let him become vulgar, trivial, and bored in the days to come, and let his light dissipate in chai rice oil and salt. He could only live in memory, standing with me from afar in the image of a saint. So, let's stop there.

  What exactly is the arrangement of fate? Are they destined to be together, or are they destined to be apart? Love each other. together. A lot of times these two things can't be done at the same time, so we can only choose one of them. If you really love each other but can't be together, so be it!

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