
"Dad, why did you get your hands on it in the first place?" When the parents were young, they looked like brothers, and marriage was worship?

"Dad, why did you get your hands on it in the first place?" When the parents were young, they looked like brothers, and marriage was worship?

Everyone says that today is a "face-watching" society, whether young people are still in the workplace when choosing a mate, "appearance" will often become an important criterion for judging, and good looks are important.

However, time goes back to the last century, in the older generation of people's concept of mate selection, looks may not be so important, everyone may pay more attention to some other characteristics of the other party.

Before a netizen posted a photo of his parents when they were young, it once caused everyone to discuss, because whether it was a couple or a "brother" in the photo, it seemed really difficult to distinguish at first glance.

The two people in the photo are also wearing white shirts, with identical short hair, and their looks are the same serious, except for a slight difference in height, they look like brothers.

"Dad, why did you get your hands on it in the first place?" When the parents were young, they looked like brothers, and marriage was worship?

When sharing the photo, the netizen also humorously said "Dad, how did you get your hands on it in the first place"? It makes everyone laugh.

Driven by this photo, other netizens have also posted photos of their parents when they were young, and various aesthetic or interesting pictures have amused everyone. For example, the netizen's parents also look like a pair of brothers.

Only to see that the two people in the photo have the very popular "three or seven points" hairstyle of the year, it looks like a handsome man with white pure Sven, if it is not the mother holding a rag doll, I believe that anyone who sees this photo will be mistaken for a brother.

"Dad, why did you get your hands on it in the first place?" When the parents were young, they looked like brothers, and marriage was worship?

In fact, if we all pay attention to observation, it is not difficult to find that similar situations are not in the minority, especially before there are netizens who have shared that the gap between the parents' photo appearance is very different, from the appearance alone, it is difficult to imagine how they came together in that year.

What do the older generations look at when they choose a mate?

1. Treat people in the world

From the perspective of the social environment at that time, in the eyes of most young people, the other half of the way of dealing with the world is far more important than appearance, especially at that time, the economy was underdeveloped, the young people's minds were relatively simple, and their lives were relatively simple, everyone had a purer idea when choosing a mate, and the opposite sex who was honest and honest and not good at words might be more popular.

"Dad, why did you get your hands on it in the first place?" When the parents were young, they looked like brothers, and marriage was worship?

2. Door to door pair

Unlike today's more open way of love, in the last century, both young people and young people's parents have higher requirements for door-to-door, especially in the eyes of the elderly, only door-to-door marriage can last longer.

However, it is worth mentioning that in fact, more and more young people are aware of the importance of door-to-door pairs, after all, if the growth environment is too different, the way of thinking and life experience between each other will be very different, which is a big hidden danger for marriages that need to be integrated into each other's lives to a large extent.

"Dad, why did you get your hands on it in the first place?" When the parents were young, they looked like brothers, and marriage was worship?

3. The order of the parents

The last and most decisive factor for young people of the last century is the thoughts of their parents.

Since ancient times, the mainland has paid attention to the "words of the parents' fate", and young people will be greatly influenced by their parents when choosing a mate, and if the parents hold opposing opinions, it is difficult to "cultivate the right results".

Moreover, the parents' vision is not the same as that of their children in a large probability, so the gap between the couple's appearance is relatively large, which is reasonable.

"Dad, why did you get your hands on it in the first place?" When the parents were young, they looked like brothers, and marriage was worship?

Establish a correct view of mate selection for children, and find the other half can not "look at the face first"

In today's "appearance is justice" society, many young people will pay too much attention to each other's appearance when choosing a mate, thus ignoring a person's inner cultivation and other factors that need to be considered.

As parents of children, we must establish a correct view of mate selection for children, let children know that looking for the other half, "looking at the face" is not the most important, such as kindness, filial piety, basic etiquette, temperament and so on, these internal qualities are the decisive factors that determine whether the marriage can be smooth.

"Dad, why did you get your hands on it in the first place?" When the parents were young, they looked like brothers, and marriage was worship?

It can be said that if two people come together simply because of their appearance "look right", such a marriage is often difficult to last.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the child's concept of mate selection will be greatly influenced by the parents, we must pay attention to leading by example, first manage their own marriage well, in order to let the child understand what kind of marriage they need to establish in the future.

Otherwise, if the parents quarrel continuously, and even to the point of divorce, the children will easily lose confidence in the marriage and dare not take the initiative to pursue their own happiness when they grow up.

"Dad, why did you get your hands on it in the first place?" When the parents were young, they looked like brothers, and marriage was worship?

Crooked Mom Conclusion:

Each generation has a different concept of mate selection, and it is precisely because of this that many young people will clash with their parents when choosing a mate.

As parents of children, we should consciously establish a correct view of mate selection for children from an early age, avoid excessive interference with children's privacy when they grow up, and try to "control the good pass" to protect children from being hurt.

"Dad, why did you get your hands on it in the first place?" When the parents were young, they looked like brothers, and marriage was worship?

Today's topic: Do you have a photo of your parents when they were young?

I am @ crooked mother, home has a cute treasure, focus on pregnancy, parenting knowledge research, more dry goods content, please pay attention to me.

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