
The child is well at home, and he cries as soon as he enters the classroom, what is going on?

The child is well at home, and he cries as soon as he enters the classroom, what is going on?

Issue 006

Li Qian column

In different places, children behave differently, why is this?

What the difference is

The child is the same child, the only variable is the difference in the environment, excluding the child's separation anxiety this part of the factor, and it is very important that even if you do the same thing, different environments have different requirements for the child.

Home and classroom, corresponding to the living environment and teaching environment.


We all know that children are mostly in a relaxed state at home, comfortable and happy.


After entering the school, a series of constraints are followed, which means that any behavior has specific requirements and standards.

The child is well at home, and he cries as soon as he enters the classroom, what is going on?


Take playing with toys, for example.

When children play with toys at home, they can lie /kneel/lie on the ground to play with toys, which one to play with, how to play how to play, toys scattered all over the floor, after playing with the toys do not need to put away themselves.


When children play with toys in the classroom, they can only take one toy at a time, they need to sit on a small chair when playing with toys, a toy needs to play tricks, and more importantly, they must be able to play with the teacher, and the current toys should be returned to their original position before changing toys.

Therefore, in the early stage of the child's transition from the living environment to the teaching environment, it is easy to be reluctant to enter the classroom, and it is not necessarily that the child cannot do the above requirements, but the change of behavior habits, which needs to adapt to the stage, and the adaptation time of each child is different, which varies from person to person.


So how can we help children get through this stage quickly?

First, parents need to face up to:

In the initial stage of the transformation environment, it is very normal for children to have such a performance, do not be anxious, the child will feel it.

Second, shorten the gap between the two environments:

At home, it is also necessary to set rules for children, not many, but there must be, gradually approaching the requirements of the teaching environment for children.

When the initial stages have passed, you will find that children are more willing to jump into the classroom to play with the teacher than to play at home

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