
This is education! The gift of mothers to their children has silenced countless parents...

Every parent wants their child to be a polymath in the future.

A very small percentage of what is learned during school is actually. More knowledge is gained through continuous accumulation of life and reading.

Good behavior habits and reading habits play a very important role in people's lives. However, no habit is innate, and it needs to be cultivated from an early age.

Early childhood is the key to the success of children's various habits, for example, 1-4 years old is a sensitive period of children's self-awareness, which will play a key role in what kind of person the child will become in the future;

Another example is that 3-5 years old is the sensitive period of children's thinking, during which parents must guide well, which helps to speed up the child's cognition of things.

Of course, far more than that, before the age of 7 is the key to a person's behavior habits and personality formation. How to guide correctly during this period is the key factor in determining the future of children.

Many parents may say that each child's personality is different, some are lively and active, some are introverted and quiet, how should I educate and guide it?

I would like to say that no matter what kind of personality children, they must have a common hobby, that is, listening to stories! So: stories are the best gifts a mom can give to her child!

The narration of the image makes the child full of unlimited imagination

The reason why fairy tales are special is because it can express the hearts and passions of children, children can learn about adults through fairy tales, and they can also develop unlimited imagination through fairy tales!

This is education! The gift of mothers to their children has silenced countless parents...

3-5 years old is the sensitive period of children's logical thinking, during which children always maintain a curiosity and always keep asking why;

"Why do rabbits have two ears?" , "Why does it rain?" and so on. Some questions even make us unable to answer, but this is the main manifestation of the child's logical thinking.

I remember a mother said that once she told her child "Mermaid Princess", when it came to the little mermaid swimming to the surface of the sea, the child's two arms swung up and down, the mother asked: "What are you doing?" The child replied, "I'm swimming." ”

When it is said: "The little mermaid rescued the prince and hid behind the reef. The child sat far to the side, and the mother asked, "What's wrong?" The child said, "I'm hiding behind the reef." ”

Look, fairy tales can really make children full of unlimited imagination, I think this should be the best enlightenment "teaching book"!

Why insist on telling stories to your children

I know a mom who tells stories to her children from the time they are two or three months old.

When she first started to tell her child, the sisters around her would laugh at her, saying that if you tell such a young child about this, can he understand it?

But later, these sisters also learned from her and tried to spend as much time telling stories to their children.

Listening to the story, of course, you can't see the child's changes in a day or two, but let the child insist on listening, the effect is particularly obvious;

After the child goes to kindergarten, when other children are still shy and embarrassed to play with other children, her children have been able to perform the festival for everyone in a generous way;

And the child is also very polite, well-behaved and sensible, and there is no kindergarten teacher or neighbor who does not praise.

Why tell stories to persistent children?

This should be the best answer, the story can not only promote the harmony of parent-child relationship, the most important thing is to let the child learn the rules and etiquette.

You say that as long as you spend some time with your children every day with stories, you can see such changes, is it not worth it?

The child listens to the story, but feels useless?

I have been telling everyone how good it is to let children listen to stories, but some parents have asked me that I also tell stories to my children, but I have not found that my children have changed much.

I would like to say that educating children is like walking with a snail, and you really can't be in a hurry. The same is true of listening to stories, some parents occasionally tell a few stories to their children on a whim;

In a few days, I will let the cartoon go with the child again, so I want to see the effect, so how is it possible? Storytelling should be done step by step, with choices and purposes.

Telling a story is not the same as reading a story, there is a saying: when the story is told, the plot will only increase and will not decrease.

And many parents are more scripted when telling stories to their children, how can they give full play to the value of stories? You might as well do this:

1. Parent-child interaction:

Be sure to be with your child, and increase interaction in the process of storytelling, ask more questions to your child, because the story is to let the child give full play to his imagination;

2. Use props:

Only take a book to read, it is inevitable to be a little monotonous, background music, story props, these must be prepared, love to play but the nature of all children, so it is easier to attract children, for your story to add points;

3. Family stage drama:

If you can, use the evening time to gather your family to join the ranks of the story, assign the roles, so that the child will like it, and the memory will be more profound.

Start with a story and let your child become creative

We always say that people must have a sense of innovation, so what is the sense of innovation?

When we tell stories to children, children stare intently at picture book pictures, and after listening to them several times, they can tell this story to other children;

This is because the child connects the content and the picture, which is the beginning of innovation, and later, we will tell the child a more complex story;

After listening to it, the child will also adapt some plots, which is the continuous enhancement of creativity. And this ability is exactly what future children need most.

In fact, I don't think I need to say more, everyone knows that the benefits of stories are really numerous, and most importantly, stories can make children fall in love with reading.

A child who loves to listen to stories in early childhood will love to read in the future. From hearing the lecture to the point of view, this is the best way to cultivate children's reading habits.

As parents, we can't always be with our children, and all we can do is try to give him the best education possible while he's still around.

One day, when he flips through a book, he will surely remember the good memories of his childhood.

The best way to love a child is to accompany him to grow up with stories, which is the best education!

Source: The picture and text come from the network, invaded and deleted.

EDIT: Xiao Huang

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