
Boys are 13 years old, the first year of junior high school, children procrastinate, always want to say a few words, what to do?

Children who have just entered junior high school are grinding and rubbing, dragging and dragging, relying only on the supervision and nagging of parents, which cannot solve the problem at all.

In fact, the root cause of this behavior habit of children is that children have no sense of time, and they will not manage their own time, that is to say, children lack the ability to manage time.

The efficiency gap between children and children, the performance gap between learning, are all because of the gap in time management ability.

Boys are 13 years old, the first year of junior high school, children procrastinate, always want to say a few words, what to do?

If you want to completely change the child's habit of grinding, procrastinating, and grinding and chirping, you must fundamentally cultivate his concept of time and the ability to manage time.

Of course, in order to cultivate this ability, this is a relatively difficult process, parents must be prepared for perseverance and perseverance.

The easiest and most effective way to do this is:

Whether it is doing things or learning, each time there is a time limit, a task and a goal set, that is to say, to let the child complete the set goals and tasks in an effective time and a limited time.

If you want to do a good job in this area of training, there are two necessary conditions.

First, parents must do a good job of supervision and companionship in this process, and there can be no interruption in the middle.

Instead, every time a target task and plan is formulated, parents and children must reach a consensus, so that the child can accept the goal task and plan in his heart, and be willing to take the initiative to implement it.

Boys are 13 years old, the first year of junior high school, children procrastinate, always want to say a few words, what to do?

Take the example of completing a day's homework.

7:30~8:00 Complete mathematics;

8:00~8:10 Rest, go to the toilet, drink water;

Finish English from 8:10 to 9:00.

It is necessary for the child to clarify the time limit, clarify the task, and make it clear that the specified task must be completed within the specified time, if the time limit is exceeded, it is a failure of the task, and self-examination must be made.

As long as the child can complete the specified tasks within the specified time, parents must give affirmation and praise in time, and such training must be persevering, not moving, and persevering.

After such military training persists for a period of time, the child's concept of time will gradually increase, and the awareness of managing time will gradually increase, as long as the long-term training continues, the child's ability to manage time will naturally increase. There will be no more procrastination, grinding, and inefficiency, and academic performance will naturally improve.

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