
Chase the girl you like, master three skills, let her die for you

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In ordinary life, there are many boys who always hope to be able to pursue the opposite sex they like in the shortest possible time, chase after the girl they like, and master three skills to make her die for you! Then in the face of this situation, it is not an easy thing for many boys, so we must master enough skills, after mastering these skills, you can close the relationship and feelings between the two sides in the shortest possible time, and also arouse each other's interest in the shortest time, so that the feelings between the two sides can have a better development.

Over-flattery can only turn into interruptions

In the pursuit of girls, the most effective way is to "vote for their liking", but often many people will put their favorite understanding as kneeling licking, in the pursuit of girls, always find ways to please, or try to use kneeling to lick the way to chat with girls, in fact, this is very wrong, you know, timely flattery is allowing you and girls to quickly upgrade the relationship, but has been kneeling licking will evolve into a kind of disturbance, your behavior has seriously affected the normal life of girls, Surely the good feelings for you will not be much better, so it is necessary to learn to use the right skills to chase girls, so that girls can also like you, if you are not careful to be self-defeating, it will only make her more and more out of reach from you.

Chase the girl you like, master three skills, let her die for you

Tickle her in a joking way

Jokes this kind of thing, open on is easy to become true, when the boy likes a girl, you can often say something to her when you get along with her to see her reaction, such as "You are so beautiful, is there a lack of a boyfriend?" "I think I have a husband and wife with you!" And so on. If the girl will blush when she is provoked by you, and then beat you in anger, then she absolutely likes you, and she is very happy to hear your words, so the number of times she is plucked, it will definitely be able to make the girl into your female ticket, and the boy must remember this trick, it works very well!

Chase the girl you like, master three skills, let her die for you

No hesitation

Girls' indecision will give boys a headache, and boys' indecision will make girls disgusted. If you are shopping with a girl you like, and you are always hesitant when shopping, looking like a girl, then this girl will despise you in her heart. I believe that no girl will like an indecisive boy, because your indecisiveness cannot give her a correct guide when she needs help or choices. Therefore, boys with some indecisive personalities, hurry up and change it.

Chase the girl you like, master three skills, let her die for you

Emotional message: Feelings are never forced, only let her see your charm, let her feel that she can't miss you, she will be moved by you. Don't think about it all at once, just come up and ask "Can you be my girlfriend?" It's like saying to her, "I don't have anything, but I like you, can you give me a chance?" At this time, there were only three words in the girl's heart: "By what?" "Only by showing herself out, letting her see your goodness, and really attracting her, will she take the initiative to approach you." Believe that when you endure loneliness, there must be another person who is running in your direction!


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