
The current wife drove 30 kilometers early in the morning to deliver food to the ex-wife, and the former incumbent became a sister, netizen: rare

See a hot topic "Can former and incumbents become friends?" ”

Most netizens said that it is impossible, the past and the current are like two parallel lines that will never intersect, they are mortal enemies, they can never get along harmoniously, and no one can be so open-minded.

There are no absolutes, but the impossible is staged in reality.

On the day of the Eighth Festival, Ms. Qin of Xuzhou uploaded a heart-warming video, which made netizens call this matter too rare.

The ex-husband's current wife got up early that day and drove 30 kilometers to bring hot porridge and buns to her ex-wife, which moved her ex-wife to a mess, and she took a video to share with netizens.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, Ms. Qin, who had just gotten up, heard a knock on the door outside, and she wondered, who would it be so early?

She hesitated to open the door, and outside the door was a familiar face, and the wind and dust came, carrying a thermos bucket in one hand and a large bag of food in the other.

The current wife drove 30 kilometers early in the morning to deliver food to the ex-wife, and the former incumbent became a sister, netizen: rare

She is the ex-husband's current wife and a regular visitor to Ms. Qin's family.

The woman walked into the house with a bright smile and mischievously shouted "Your takeaway has arrived."

The ex-wife quipped "It's amazing, haha", and the relaxed tone is like a joke between good sisters.

At this time, a little girl ran out of the bedroom, saw the woman, her face was excited and surprised, quickly ran to the woman, sweetly called "little mother"

As the woman took the food out, she responded kindly, "Oh, baby."

This natural intimate scene makes people think that the little girl is the woman's biological daughter, but it is not, the girl is the daughter of the ex-wife.

Looking at the stepmother who was busy sorting out the food and smelling the seductive bun fragrance, the little girl obviously had not yet returned from the surprise: "Little mother, why did you come so early?" ”

The woman replied affectionately: "Bring you rice, the annual porridge is arranged by your little mother, you forgot, go get the bowl, baby"

The current wife drove 30 kilometers early in the morning to deliver food to the ex-wife, and the former incumbent became a sister, netizen: rare

The little girl ran happily to the kitchen.

Ms. Qin looked at the cute look of her daughter running upside down and laughed with the woman: "You are really good!" ”

The woman laughed happily, and her hearty laughter and bright smile were extremely infectious, and she could feel her heartfelt happiness across the screen.

This warm scene made Ms. Qin quite moved, although the scene is so familiar, every year in Lapa Ba, the child's stepmother will send hot Lapa Porridge to her mother and daughter early to accompany them through Lapa Ba.

Ms. Qin is touched by the current intentions and care, and it is fortunate to have this kind of friendship in this life.

The little mother accompanies the child to eat Laba porridge, while putting the bun in the child's bowl while breaking the broken thoughts "This is the bun you have in mind, it is particularly delicious, eat it quickly"

The current wife drove 30 kilometers early in the morning to deliver food to the ex-wife, and the former incumbent became a sister, netizen: rare

Seeing how the stepmother hates her children, such a harmonious and heart-warming scene is touching.

Ms. Qin said that at that time, she was particularly touched, she drove so far away, and sent Lapa Porridge early in the morning, which was too warm!

Ms. Qin and her ex-husband have a daughter, and when her ex-husband told her to remarry, she still had some concerns, worried that her stepmother would not treat the children kindly, and thought of asking for mercy for her daughter.

What surprised her was that the stepmother was very good, treating the child like a parent, she not only hurt the child, but also was very good to Ms. Qin, and she could understand her not easy, and often came to visit her. After 5 years of getting along like this, there is no barrier between the two, and they are like sisters.

Ms. Qin sighed that it is not easy for divorced families to get along like this, and such an atmosphere is particularly good for the growth of children.

The current wife drove 30 kilometers early in the morning to deliver food to the ex-wife, and the former incumbent became a sister, netizen: rare

This video has aroused heated discussion among netizens:

"This relationship is such a first time I met, both women of great wisdom"

"Rare in the country! A lot of people don't come back and forth again after a divorce."

"The ex can deal with the future to this, it is absolutely exemplary"

There are also netizens who envy the good fortune of men, and have stalled two beautiful and virtuous and atmospheric women, so why divorce it.

It is indeed rare for the former and the current to be able to become sisters, most of them regard each other as a thorn in their eyes, or they will not interact with each other, and if they have children involved, the current will also manage the man to death, for fear that the man will secretly meet the ex-wife, and even vent his anger to the child.

I have to say that the stepmother in the video is a kind and wise woman with a big pattern, the child is so happy to see her, you can see that she usually loves the child, is fully accepted by the child, and treats the husband's ex-wife like a sister, there is no barrier, and the open-mindedness is really not something that ordinary women can do.

Such a kind-hearted woman will definitely be treated kindly!

The current wife drove 30 kilometers early in the morning to deliver food to the ex-wife, and the former incumbent became a sister, netizen: rare

Selfishly speaking, men and ex-wives divorce, children are inseparable bonds, rather than letting men contact behind their backs, it is better to help their husbands take care of ex-wives and children, and they have a good relationship, so as to stabilize family relations.

There are also netizens who have a novel angle, saying that the treatment can prove a point, the stepmother is definitely not the reason for the ex-wife's divorce, and the ex-husband's ex-wife's divorce is also a peaceful breakup, completely put down.

Both women are kind and patterned people, in them we see the beauty of human nature, love without love is still there, they use open-minded love to nourish the healthy growth of children.

I hope that every divorced family can put aside their grievances, let go of the past, and give their children a happy and loving family atmosphere.

The current wife drove 30 kilometers early in the morning to deliver food to the ex-wife, and the former incumbent became a sister, netizen: rare

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