
Men get interested in you and he can't help but use these "routines" to get close to you

Men get interested in you and he can't help but use these "routines" to get close to you


Sanmao once said: What cannot be hidden in this world, except coughing and poverty, is love.

It can be seen that no matter how high and cold your personality is, as long as you are in love, most of them will have some things that cannot be hidden.

In love, the man's heart, seemingly simple, is likely to be as deep as the sea. If he becomes interested in you, he will do everything he can to "seduce" you, try his best to make you "notice him", and do everything he can to "relate" to you.

You will suddenly find that in life, there is a transformation, that is, the stranger who was once a stranger suddenly became a person who often appeared around you; no matter when and where, he seemed to be with you; no matter what happened, he seemed to know everything.

Although he is also hiding his words and deeds, he will also unconsciously do some stupid things, and his "everywhere" makes you wonder whether this person is interesting to me.

And these, in fact, are he attacking you, waiting for you to be hooked.

Men get interested in you and he can't help but use these "routines" to get close to you


Affection is often not retained, and the most popular routine is the popularity.

The so-called routine is that at the right time, doing the right thing, will not be confusingly annoying, but let the person he likes see his most perfect side, so that she has a good feeling for him.

A man has a crush on you, and what he is most afraid of is to annoy you and make you feel distant from him.

His mentality, often, is timid, but also full of expectations, fear, and silent bravery, he can't help but do everything in his power to you, trying his best to get you in hand.

Secretly liking a person, in fact, there will be some can't help it, but will restrain themselves, will not easily confess, because he will be afraid that if this time fails, he will leave a lifetime of regrets.

So, when he's interested in you, he'll use these routines on you, getting closer to you little by little, getting closer and closer to the relationship between you.

Deliberately "provoke you" to make you notice him

Perhaps, in film and television dramas, there will always be such a plot, a man in love with a woman, will be countless times when she needs it, like a golden flash, to relieve her worries and difficulties, as if her life met a big nobleman, from then on, the big heroine career.

However, in real life, you will find that when a man really falls in love with a girl, it will often be the opposite, he will not necessarily be gentle and considerate, praising you, but it is likely to be a variety of pranks to tease you, and even provoke you to be angry, just like in elementary school, the girl in the front row will always be "accidentally pulled to the hair" by the boy in the back row.

If you don't pay attention to him, he will deliberately make up some moths, with a hint of uncertainty, and a hint of longing, hoping that you can turn your eyes to him, so that some stories can happen between you.

Moreover, you will feel that since you met, his contact with you has increased significantly, and he will occasionally find some small troubles to deliberately talk to you and deliberately brush up on your presence.

His purpose is to make you accustomed to his presence. Whether it's fun or annoyance, he can bring you some joy in life.

Love, sometimes, is really weird.

You know, a man who "provokes you" everywhere, he must not be idle enough to do nothing, deliberately to annoy you, but only, he has an interest in you, has a good feeling.

Because I am not sure whether you have the same "feelings" for him and do not understand your thoughts, I will tempt you again and again, surround you, and do not want to leave.

Men get interested in you and he can't help but use these "routines" to get close to you

At night "talk to you" and let your time be exclusive to him

The time of day belongs to work, and the night belongs to oneself.

At night, often at their most vulnerable, people want someone to chat, eat, and talk nonsense.

So, when a man is interested in you, he will definitely desire to occupy your time at night, do not want you to have anything to do with others, he will cut off everything in your relationship with others, and stubbornly pestering you.

The sentence "what is he doing" in the WeChat chat is the proof of his love for you; the whispers you say again and again are his secretly rubbing his confession.

He will always meet you in the evening, invite you to dinner, he will turn your circle of friends upside down, know what you like to eat, where you like to play, and "prescribe the right medicine" for you, so that you can't help but feel that this person really knows himself.

He will even lead you into his circle of friends, invite you to his friends party, let you listen to what they say about himself, give yourself extra points, and make you feel more good about him.

Love, in fact, is like this, to introduce each other into their own lives, so that each other has more entanglement and more companionship.

And, when your time is occupied by him, his routine also achieves the purpose.

Men get interested in you and he can't help but use these "routines" to get close to you

"Keep sharing" with you and make you feel like he's your confidant

The deepening of interaction between people actually begins from the moment they share with each other.

There is a cloud in the sky, it looks very beautiful, he will take a picture and send it to you; colleagues talk about a very interesting thing, he will tell you; eat your favorite dish, he will promise to invite you to taste it too...

To him, you don't feel like a passer-by, but the person he knows best.

Between you, it is as if there is no first acquaintance, but as if you have known each other for a long time. He will share the places he often goes with you so that you can see his past; he will tell you about the past that he has never talked to others, tell you about his childhood fun, and make you his closest "friend"; even, he will tell you about his family situation, his parents, as if he is selling himself to you.

Love lies in each other's most sincere attitude and sharing everything about themselves.

You will find that the books you read, he has also read, the movies you love to watch, he has also seen, you love to eat, he also likes.

His routine for you is to love what you love, think what you think, and do what you do.

You will have a feeling that Jia Baoyu met Lin Daiyu's confidant, from a chance encounter to knowing each other, as if the fate of fate finally hit you.

In fact, it is very likely that he has done a lot of homework behind his back, learned a lot of your past, and even your friends around you may be "spies", always reporting to him all your schedules.

Therefore, although love is a routine, it is not a heart.

After all, in this world, the chances of meeting a soul mate are too low. And this person who wants to be close to you, to know you, to understand you, but to be the person with the highest chance of becoming your "soul mate" in the future.

Men get interested in you and he can't help but use these "routines" to get close to you


Remember seeing a sentence:

When people fall in love, they will involuntarily open the screen to each other, like peacocks, to let each other notice themselves.

Perhaps, if a man meets a woman he is interested in, he will be like this, want to give you a good feeling, want you to notice him, want to get your attention.

Even if you rarely send a circle of friends on weekdays, you have suddenly become more; even if you are in the crowd on weekdays, you rarely talk, and in front of you, you have become more talkative; even if you rarely go out, but your friends gather, there are more of his figures.

All love is a premeditated attack.

Distance will not make you have obstacles between you, but it will make you feel fresh and beautiful to each other.

So, girls, if there is a person by your side who is trying his best to get close to you, you may as well use his routine as an opportunity to examine him.

The narrower the road meets, the more you are evenly matched, the more you can see through each other, the more you can test whether you have met the right person.

Life is long, may every pair of people who are related to each other be able to send out a surprise: Hey, it turns out that you are also here.

Men get interested in you and he can't help but use these "routines" to get close to you

Author, Frank Fox

Figure, network

May you find in my words the ordinary years, a strong affection! Thanks for your attention!

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