
Once a woman is emotional, she will send you these 5 "signals"

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Once a woman is emotional, she will send you these 5 "signals"

Author: Seven Seven

Original works, plagiarism must be investigated!


The writer Gu Long once said such a very philosophical sentence: Whoever moves his heart first will lose everything;

Deeply believed, especially in the emotional world, female friends are a very magical and extremely emotional creature, they are very eager for love, extreme lack of love, and even sometimes for a love, willing to desperately pursue their favorite people, the pursuit of the love they yearn for; sometimes they are willing to choose to secretly love a person in their hearts for a love; sometimes they are willing to choose to secretly love someone in their hearts;

However, no matter what kind of love, or what kind of love, when a person likes another person, there is no way to hide, and there is no way to hide the emotion, you know, when a girl likes a boy, has a true feeling for a boy, and secretly has a crush on a boy in her heart, the following performances are difficult to hide.

Perhaps in real life, many male friends will feel that "women's hearts, needles under the sea", will feel that their minds are too difficult to understand, but also too difficult to guess, they do not know what the other party is thinking, do not know when her behavior is what it means, so it always leads to male friends, either will be the wrong person's meaning, making both sides very embarrassed, or directly miss the hint of others, thus missing love.

Wanting to judge whether a girl likes herself or not, whether she has herself in her heart is actually very easy to see, but some girls are more shy and reserved, so it is difficult to show it directly.

Although girls do not directly say "like you" on their mouths, girls can't hide some of their usual behaviors and actions and feelings for men. If a woman sends the following 5 "signals" to a man, it means that the girl is emotional about you, don't be stupid and don't know. After all, once a woman is emotional, she will send you these five "signals".

Once a woman is emotional, she will send you these 5 "signals"


She will want to get to know you;

Seriously, the pace of our modern life is very fast, everyone is busy, and time is also very precious, want to really know a person, want to understand a person well, in fact, is a very difficult thing.

How to say it, basically many times we will face two major problems, one is that there is no opportunity, that is, there is no opportunity to get along with the opposite sex, to get to know each other well, and the other is that there is no space, that is, it may be because of different places or can not meet and other reasons, two people do not have the space to know and understand each other well.

However, when a girl really likes a man, has true feelings for men, and has a man in her heart, she can't help but want to understand men, want to know men well, especially to know men's personality hobbies, to know men's private interests and preferences, through these to understand men's lives, so as to get close to men and integrate into men's lives.

Once a woman is emotional, she will send you these 5 "signals"

She can't help but laugh when she thinks of you;

Wang Xiaobo said in the book "Loving You Like Loving Life" written to Li Yinhe: As long as I think of you, my ugly face will smile.

In love, not only male friends are like this, but also female friends. Especially whenever a girl falls in love with a certain man, has true feelings for a man, and secretly has a crush on someone in her heart, it is actually when a girl is pregnant with spring and has the most abundant and generous feelings for men.

Whenever a girl thinks of the person she secretly likes in her heart, when the face of the beloved person comes to mind, the girl will unconsciously smile at the corner of her mouth, and her mood will suddenly become sunny, and she can't help but become happy and happy.

After all, love is to make a person feel happy and happy, and girls in addition to thinking of their favorite people in their hearts, they can't help but imagine the scene of the two of you playing or laughing together in their minds, and even imagining the two of you experiencing all kinds of things alone and feeling different life scenes. Even at this moment, the two of you are not together yet, but in the eyes of the girl, this is a very sweet and happy thing, because really liking someone is like this, just imagining a beautiful scene with each other, you will feel very happy and happy.

Once a woman is emotional, she will send you these 5 "signals"


She will find a way to meet you by chance;

Jay Chou's "Lovely Woman" is sung like this: beautiful cute woman who makes me blush, lovely woman who makes me feel tender, lovely woman who is transparent and makes me move, cute woman who makes me crazy...

Yes, in real life, when a woman likes a person, is emotional about this person, and really falls in love, it is actually very cute, because a woman's heart will always have a man, thinking of a man, and can't help but think about the man, and whenever this happens, the woman will always try to find a way to let herself meet a man, and will always rack her brains to take the initiative to create some "chance encounters" with men, that is, she will spend her best to let herself have a chance to meet with men.

At that time, the woman was the kind of little girl who had fallen into the love trap, once she met a man, there would be a feeling of blushing heartbeat and fawn bumping, how to describe it specifically, that is, the kind of person who met her beloved, and felt very happy and happy in her heart.

However, at the same time, I feel very shy, especially embarrassed, that is, the typical under the germination of love hormone factors, women are difficult to control their feelings for men, she does not help to control their emotions, nor can she hide her emotions, which is a kind of emotion that makes people feel that it is complex and profound, and only people who have really experienced it can understand it.

Once a woman is emotional, she will send you these 5 "signals"

She will try to get better because she wants to be worthy of you;

As we all know, gender psychology mentioned above, most of the female friends who are partial to sensibility are insecure in their hearts, or they are very prone to insecurity. Especially when girls like a person of the opposite sex, have true feelings for this person, and have each other in their hearts, they will become very insecure and easy to become cranky.

Once the man's attitude towards himself is not good enough or hot and cold, girls will always think in their hearts whether they are not good enough, whether they have done something wrong, whether they are unhappy with each other, if men do not like themselves, what if men do not have a good feeling for themselves, what if men do not like their own type of women, what to do if men have other people in their hearts, etc., many questions piled up, There will be motivation to push women forward, it will make women determined to try to become better, and women will want to work hard to become what men like.

In this way, women will become better and better, let themselves become more capitalized to pursue the men they like, to strive for the love they want, to be more worthy of the men they want to be together, and to be able to harvest real happiness.

Once a woman is emotional, she will send you these 5 "signals"


It will become like a little girl in front of you;

In fact, no matter how old a woman is, her heart is eager for love, and she is eager to be pampered, so once a girl falls in love with someone, once she has moved her true feelings for him and falls in love, she will become like a little girl, but it must be in front of her beloved.

No matter what kind of personality the woman originally was, no matter how strong the woman was, how rude she was, but once she really fell in love with a man, then in front of her beloved man, she would become like a little girl, she would be spoiled, she would be clingy, and in front of the man, it would become like a little girl who would do nothing and needed to be taken care of by a man, anyway, it was the kind of little girl who liked to be jealous of men, very vulnerable, very dependent on men, Women just want to be so spoiled and loved by men all the time, which is the magic of so-called love.

Once a woman is emotional, she will send you these 5 "signals"

I like that the writer Mu Xin once wrote such a sentence: Once upon a time, the weather became slow, and the cars, horses, and mail were slow. There is only enough to love one person in a lifetime.

All in all, in the process of intersex intercourse, when a woman likes a man, has a true feeling for a man, and wants to be with a man, the various performances are actually very obvious, depending on whether the man has noticed it or not, whether he has carefully discovered it.

You should know that most of the female friends are more shy and shy, they are born with a kind of thing called "reserved", so girls usually do not easily put the two words like on the mouth, nor will they directly confess their love to the men they like, directly say "I like you", but sometimes women do not express it, and the woman herself will feel very uncomfortable in her heart.

Therefore, they can only secretly show love to men through some behaviors and small actions that they usually spend with men. If men just happen to like women and want to care about women, then don't be indifferent to women, don't turn a blind eye to women's love, grasp the hard-won fate, and embrace the happiness that belongs to you.


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Author Introduction: Other people's seven seven, self-media bloggers, 1000+ emotional case researchers, focusing on the study of gender psychology, professional research on gender marriage, welcome to pay attention to me, want to become your most intimate emotional consultant, willing to share an interesting and meaningful life with you, independent and change with you. If you like my text, you may wish to like, forward, and bookmark it!

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