
"Faceless" middle-aged man

"Faceless" middle-aged man

Author: Insight Annabesu

When people reach middle age, their waists are bent, but their backbones stand up.

I once read a question on the Internet: From what details, it can be seen that men are becoming more mature and living more thoroughly in middle age?

A high praise replied:

1. The party is no longer rushed to pay, but calmly drinks and eats.

2. Talk less, speak slower, become less competitive, understand that some things are not won by mouth.

3. Moments don't set how long to be visible, but there is nothing visible anymore.

4. Have learned to pretend to be drunk at the wine table and stop proving how good you can drink.

5. Think about the benefits in advance, and consider whether you will offend people when you speak.

6. Don't cry when you're down, and don't show off when you're developed.

7. There will be no more "angry youth" to solve things by quarrels and fights.

8. Stop spending money and start living wisely.

The maturity of middle age is to fade a sharp body, put on a thick disguise, in order to live a good life, decisively put down the face.

The middle-aged man who "does not face" has lived an invincible appearance after several encounters with life.

"Faceless" middle-aged man


The most thief is not a middle-aged man

When I was young, whenever I went to a class reunion, rushing to pay was the most lively scene.

At the checkout, a live-action melee is staged in the box.

Some people here made generous statements, shouting "If you don't let me pay today, you won't give me face."

Someone over there grabbed another eager person with his left hand, and hurriedly pulled out his wallet with his right hand.

When we were young, we felt that paying for the party was to show that we were capable and earn face for ourselves.

When a person reaches middle age, his hair is bald, his belly is bigger, and his wallet is deflated.

Every month, excluding the mortgage, car loan, and family expenses, there is very little money left, and every time you get together, you have to secretly weigh it in your heart.

People with average relationships don't go to dinners, and worthless drinks don't want to participate.

Sifting around, the money in hand, it's better to buy a dress for your wife, a toy that the child has been studying for a long time, or buy it easily.

Middle-aged people who bear the trivial tasks of firewood, rice, oil and salt have a clear account in their hearts.

Spending investment in education, insurance in healthcare, which is not more cost-effective than the bustle of the crowd.

The middle-aged man who seems to be a "chicken thief" lives more thoroughly.

Boldness cannot be exchanged for righteousness, and face cannot be exchanged for reality.

Spending limited energy and financial resources on more worthwhile things is the true maturity of middle-aged people.

"Faceless" middle-aged man


The most intimidating middle-aged people

When people reach middle age, they are even more "intimidated".

When I was young, I could quarrel with people for three days and three nights for a little thing, but now I hide when I meet the wicked like a shrunken turtle.

Just like on the hot search some time ago, the owner of the express station who was punched and kicked by a drunk man and did not fight back.

He knew that if he fought back, the nature would turn into a "fight", delaying business and worrying about his family.

Can endure a momentary anger, can be exchanged for a stable life, how to think of this deal is how cost-effective.

Rotten people, naturally there are evil people to clean up.

If you can't afford to provoke, hide, so as not to stimulate the other party's greater malice, it can also be regarded as the wisdom of Mingzhe to save your life.

When people reach middle age, they don't have much desire to win or lose.

In the past, I always loved to fight with others for you and I won, but now I live a harmonious life.

The mantra also changed from "you wait for me" to "You're right." ”

Weakness is not cowardice, as the writer Jiang Fangzhou said:

The most manly moment is not the moment when a husband is in a rut, but the moment when he admits his weaknesses.

To know how to show weakness is to understand that everyone under heaven has their own reason, and no one can convince anyone.

It's better to close your mouth and keep your ears clean.

"Faceless" middle-aged man


The most middle-aged person

Middle age is the age of laughter, not only to please the elderly, but also to be a role model for children, and constantly cater to the thoughts of superiors.

People who are difficult and aggrieved in middle age, can pour out a basket with a shake at will.

In the workplace, you can't fight energetic young people, so you have to constantly squeeze your already overdrawn body.

At work, you dare not offend your colleagues, you have to look at the boss's face, just to carry the expenses of a family.

The problems of life often pop up indiscriminately and hit you hard.

Wronged, we can only endure, tired, we can only endure.

So Lao Zhang was scolded by the leader and still followed with a smile, but he was afraid of being laid off by the company.

You can only read his bitterness and difficulty from the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes and the gray hair on his sideburns.

Lao Cao accompanied the customer to run so that his leg was about to break, and his stomach was pierced, but it was just to win the year-end bonus.

You can only glimpse his hard work and stress from the occasional loss of concentration at his dinner table and the cigarette butts in the toilet.

When people reach middle age, their waists bend down, but their backbones stand up.

Those middle-aged men who knocked out their teeth and swallowed blood swallowed their grievances, but they became more and more tenacious.

Because they have something more worthy of protection than useless face.

"Faceless" middle-aged man


The poorest are not middle-aged

Many years ago, a line in the TV series "Snail House" told the embarrassing truth of middle-aged people's lives:

Every day as soon as I open my eyes, a string of numbers floods into my mind.

Housing loan 6000 yuan, food, clothing and housing 2500 yuan, children to kindergarten 1500 yuan, personal relations 600 yuan, transportation expenses 580 yuan, property management fee 340 yuan...

From the moment I woke up and took my first breath, I had to make at least $400 a day, which was the cost of living in this city.

People who are not middle-aged do not realize how poor they are.

Without money in your pocket, you will deeply appreciate what it means to be cold in the world.

With the piles of bills in front of you, you will deeply understand what it means to be stretched.

"Five flowers and horses, thousands of golden qiu, Hu'er will be exchanged for fine wine", just the poet's bravado and frivolity.

"Put down your head and earn a ticket" is the daily life of every middle-aged person.

The host Dou Wentao, who has eyes above the top, never disdained commercial performances and advertisements when he was young, and his mother was sick and hospitalized, and he could do anything.

Well-known actor Wu Weile had no drama to act during the epidemic, but there were four children to raise at home, so he turned around and took off his costume and put on a takeaway suit.

You and I who are crawling in the world are even more than the mountain of money.

Your parents raised you and you have to live as their crutch as an adult.

Your wife will accompany you on the road to give her a rich life.

The only thing your children have chosen is you to be a father, and you must take care of their healthy growth.

The middle-aged man who "does not have a face" is nothing more than living to understand.

They admit that life cannot help themselves, and they also bear the wind and frost of life alone.

After all, our family is our deepest bond in the world, and it is also the biggest reason for us to move forward.

Learning to compromise is not cowardice, but growth.

I've heard this analogy:

When he was young, he lived like fire and was unrestrained; After middle age, you must live like a curved stream of water, surrounded by mountains, and entered when you meet the sea.

The middle-aged man's chicken thief, cowardly, but the survival wisdom of overcoming rigidity with softness.

This is the experience accumulated over many years of fighting with life, and it is also the best armor we can walk on earth.

Give it a thumbs up, please laugh at the storms of the world, keep walking, and try to ferry your own and your family's life.

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