
Women who want you to "get it" will give you these codes, can't be wrong

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Communicate with you with words, convey emotional life, pay attention to me, and grow together.

"Yue Ren Song" has clouds: the mountain has wood and wood has branches, and the heart is happy and the king does not know.

Emotional women are shy, like a bright moon in the clouds, looming.

For the person you love, although you have infinite desire in your heart, you will still hold the pipa and half cover your face, and you want to meet and refuse.

The reason for this is that the shy part of the personality is doing evil; the second is that after saying love, it will end up passive.

This deliberation, although funny, is the most common gesture of a woman facing love.

The only thing she is good at may be to use seemingly inadvertent small things to secretly hint good to the people she loves, expecting others to pursue her in turn.

In the face of women's "contrivance", smart men can see through it at a glance, while dull men may not be able to fully understand it.

I have seen some men, in the process of pursuing women, obviously repeatedly showed kindness, concern, and invitations, but he still thought to himself: as long as the other party does not say "I love you", it is not recognized.

This view, of course, is wrong. In the long run, you may miss a good love.

In fact, there are many ways for a person to confess his heart, and it is not necessary to say it directly.

Women are demure and do not like to hang love on their lips. If she is satisfied with you, she will cooperate with you in the process of pursuing her, communicate tacitly, and let love gradually enter a better state.

If a woman wants you to "get it", she will give you these codes, which is the proof that she loves you, and she can't be wrong.


Chat: Cooperate with your initiative and cater to your topic

The love of modern people is slowly unfolded through WeChat.

Pursuing a woman is indispensable to the interaction and communication at the beginning. Sending a message is both to get to know each other and to be tempted.

If the other party does not reply to the message for a long time, or simply ignores it, it means that people are not interested in you at all.

If the other party is more enthusiastic and willing to talk to you for a long time, it at least proves that people do not dislike themselves.

Women treat men they don't like, usually they are relatively cold, and the last thing they want is to give each other the illusion.

Only when there is love for you, will not skimp on time and enthusiasm, cooperate with your active contact, confide in you, and let you know each other more deeply.

Sometimes, the topic you are talking about is obviously not so interesting, but she is still willing to listen, in fact, because she cares about you.

Talking to you all night, talking to you about your heart, this is the beginning of liking.


When getting along: Agree to your offer and allow you to get closer

Falling in love is definitely to meet, and inviting this kind of thing is mostly a man who opens his mouth first.

"I'll come to you", the meaning of this sentence revealed, in fact, is to let two people be alone in private, to talk about love.

How clever women are, of course, understand the deep meaning of men saying to meet. The reason why she did not refuse was because her heart was also longing for that step.

On the day of the date with you, she always had a shy smile on her face, and no matter what you said, she listened quietly.

Walking side by side for a while, you try to touch her hand, and instead of retracting, she doesn't hesitate to tighten your hand.

You get closer little by little, and she doesn't show the slightest hint of resistance. Every action you make, she gladly accepts.

You must not know that your hug, she had longed for for a long time. So your courage at this time can be said to be just right.

Looking at you affectionately, holding hands with you, this is the default relationship.


When separating: Some cling to each other and say words of concern

Two people who love each other together will feel that time passes very quickly.

How happy they are when they are together, how clingy they are when they are separated, and how eager they are to let each other stay by their side.

Women are inherently fragile, and once they are loved, the easier it is to be sentimental and the easier it is to be sad.

Seeing that you are leaving, there will be resentment in her eyes. Obviously it was a short separation, but she was particularly unable to put it down.

No way, the warmth of love, let her stay nostalgic, let her not want to be separated from you for a moment.

It is not until the moment you leave that she will fully accept the reality and then tell you to take care of yourself.

I'm afraid that if I'm not around you, you won't eat well and dress badly, so I say the words of concern over and over again.

She always feels that the care she gives you is the best and wants you to rely more on her.

Even if you separate the two places, she will still have to greet your life every day. You're doing well, she's at ease.

Thinking of your heart and caring for you is the evidence of the depths of love.

West Window Message:

For love, everyone has a different definition and a different way of chasing it.

Some people think that love should be spoken out loud; others firmly believe that as long as they are religious enough, they will always see the undercurrents that lurk in each other's hearts.

A woman's shyness makes it less easy for a man to think through her mind at the very beginning.

But it is precisely because of that shyness, the love of two people, more style, more charm.

Some affection, do not need to say it deliberately, the style on her face when she looks at you has already exposed her heart.

I remembered Lao She saying: A woman's blush is better than a large section of dialogue.

She loves you or not, and as the days go by, you can understand it.

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