
Truly good love doesn't need to be flattered at all

Love requires careful care to extend the shelf life.

Therefore, today I will share with you 20 love preservation tips, and I hope that everyone's love can maintain the excitement of the first sight.

Truly good love doesn't need to be flattered at all

1. Don't compare the current with the past

If you are always thinking back on your ex, it is most likely that you can't let go of your last relationship. It is better to continue to the next relationship after breaking clean

2. Love concrete people, not abstract people

Ideal and realistic lovers are not the same existence, do not try to change the other party to their own ideal type, this may give the other party a lot of pressure.

3. Don't have a cold war, I'd rather quarrel and solve it together

Psychologist Sternberg believes that love consists of passion, intimacy and commitment, and that the Cold War was devastating to intimacy.

4. Keep your distance from the opposite sex

Although the jealous appearance of the lover is very cute, if the distance between the lover and the opposite sex is not well grasped, it will make the lover very insecure.

Truly good love doesn't need to be flattered at all

5. Your own world revolves around you

Always remember that loving yourself is always the most important thing! Don't please the other person all day because they are your lover, and the focus of life is on yourself.

6. Don't use tantrums to test whether the other person loves you

Adults should control their emotions. Don't throw a tantrum because the other person tolerates you.

7. Make it clear that the future plans of the two are consistent

Good love, both parties have a place in the future plan of the other. If you find that the future of the two is not staggered, it is better to stop the loss in time.

8. Express more love

Talk about love, love needs to be discussed together. When you miss your lover, you must express it boldly, and if you love him, you must put it in his ear and say it.

Truly good love doesn't need to be flattered at all

9. Cultivate common interests

If you are worried that after a long time, the relationship between the two will fade, you can try to cultivate new common hobbies with your lovers, and the feeling of learning from each other and growing up is great!

10. Involve the other person in your life

If you encounter problems, remember to discuss with your lover, this is the only way to enhance intimacy, to make the other party feel that he and you are close teammates.

11. Peel occasionally

Naughtiness can also be used as a flavoring agent for feelings, and no one will reject a funny soul.

12. Don't keep asking, learn to give

Fromm mentions in The Art of Love that "it is in the act of giving that I experience my strength, my wealth, my power." ”

Truly good love doesn't need to be flattered at all

13. Be a child together

The older you get, the more shackles you have, and when you are with your lover, let go a little, giggle and play happily together.

14. Keep a desire to share

The phrase "The moon is beautiful tonight" is moving, not only because the Japanese pronunciation of "moon" and "like" is similar, but also because when you encounter beautiful things, you can't help but share them with each other.

15. Don't hold contradictions in your heart

When there is a problem in the relationship between the two, it is necessary to discuss with each other to solve it, do not hold it in your heart, hold it for a long time, and the consequences will be more serious when it breaks out.

16. Do not turn over old accounts

When quarreling, do not turn over old accounts, turn to easy to hurt feelings. Only by discussing things can we solve problems.

Truly good love doesn't need to be flattered at all

17. Learn to be spoiled

Be gentle, wrap the requirements and commands of your lover as spoilers, and you will have unexpected gains.

18. Respect each other

Respect the efforts and work of your lover and don't laugh at each other. The most important thing: don't jump left and right on the other person's bottom line.

19. Don't be too willful, too willful

Small work is pleasant, big work hurts the body, we must grasp the degree. If you find that you can't help it, you have to see if you are insecure.

20. Do not deceive, always guarantee sincerity

Wearing a mask to make a scene will only make the two people more and more tired. The touch of two true hearts is the real romance.

Truly good love doesn't need to be flattered at all

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