
10 little ways to have a long-term relationship

Many people say that now we are less and less in love.

In fact, it's not that we can't fall in love anymore, it's that we don't know how to maintain a long-term relationship.

Couples who have been together for a long time and eventually get married, what is the secret of their mode of getting along?

Learn to accept each other's imperfections

We all want to find the perfect partner, but such a person obviously doesn't exist.

Everyone is an independent individual, no one must become the other person's imagination, active change is long-lasting, forced change is definitely the root cause of a relationship began to disintegrate. Don't always ask the other person to be what you imagine, maybe the other person is not satisfied with you.

Learn to accept each other's imperfections, and the relationship is likely to last.

Cultivate common interests and grow together

Two people just started together, probably because of some very small point.

But if you want to work together for a long time, you need to find more attractions between each other, such as: playing games together, reading books together, and cooking together.

The more common points, the more common topics, growing together, making progress together, will be long-term sympathetic to each other.

Often praise each other

Anyone loves to hear positive encouragement and praise.

Therefore, the happiness index of partners who always habitually praise each other is much higher than that of couples who always blame each other and squeeze each other.

Moreover, the results of the study also show that people are motivated to get better after they are recognized and praised.

Don't skimp on your praise and praise, let the other person feel loved, respected, and needed all the time.

Don't make meaningless comparisons

We always habitually look outward, so we will feel that "other people's girlfriends are so sensible", "other people's boyfriends are good and considerate", "other people's girlfriends are so gentle", "other people's boyfriends have a house and a car and money"...

But what is the use of this meaningless comparison, other than to make each other feel angry?

If you really can't accept it, then stop the loss in time and separate as soon as possible.

Otherwise, growing up in such meaningless complaining and comparing feelings, it is also difficult to be healthy.

Maintain an appropriate sense of distance

No matter how good the feelings are, they can't stick together for twenty-four hours.

Maintaining a proper sense of distance is conducive to the sustained and healthy development of feelings, otherwise, it is really easy to get bored, and it is easy to fall into the dislike of each other and cannot extricate yourself.

Have your own opinions and judgments

If you're not a person with a lot of judgment, don't tell the people around you too much about the details of your relationship.

Because anyone's evaluation may make your attitude waver, it is no longer a child, and you must learn to take responsibility for your own choices, even if it is wrong.

Value your feelings

This is not selfishness, but because you first learn to love yourself, you can better love each other.

Many people who are in a hot relationship will enter a misunderstanding: that is, everything is focused on the other party, and too much attention is paid to each other's feelings.

But blindly paying may not be able to exchange for the results you want.

There is a saying that "if you bloom, the butterflies come", it is really like this, you can only meet better people if you first learn to love yourself, manage yourself well, and enrich yourself.

Don't limit each other too much

I have seen many couples, kill serial calls, frequent video checks, more than ten o'clock home to write leave notes, balance can not exceed 1,000 yuan of pocket money ...

But can these rules and regulations really guarantee the longevity of this relationship? I'm afraid not.

We are all independent individuals, no one likes to be bound like this, may be a small love between lovers at the beginning, but over time, it is inevitable that people will feel suffocated.

Know how to communicate when encountering things

Cold violence is definitely the number one killer in the relationship.

Many couples around them originally had no principled differences, but because they did not know how to communicate with each other after encountering problems, they habitually handled them coldly.

As a result, cold is cold.

In fact, when two people fall in love, where there are so many principled issues of right and wrong, more is the bumps and bumps of the skin, if you can't even get through these hurdles, then what luxury is there to ask for for a long time.

Don't give up on your principles and bottom lines

Never feel like you're the one who's the most special, and don't feel like you can easily change a person:

You can't let the prodigal son turn back, you can't let Ma Bao grow up in an instant, it's impossible to make a person who has no responsibility suddenly become responsible, no matter at any time, don't use the so-called "virgin" mentality to fall in love.

Being a person must have a bottom line, the same is true for love, adults are no longer children, and the character that is engraved in the bones and written into the blood is impossible to change easily.

Therefore, if it is not appropriate, separate, and do not take it for granted that the future will be better.

When you meet the wrong person, it really only gets worse.

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