
Children who dare to take responsibility have a future? Parents learn these tricks to raise good children with a sense of responsibility

Children who dare to take responsibility have a future? Parents learn these tricks to raise good children with a sense of responsibility

Children will always think, why do you want to organize your school bag? Why do you want to do your homework?

Parents always wonder, why don't children do what they should do? No sense of responsibility at all!

Parents say that their children have no sense of responsibility, and they will never do a little housework at home, for example, they will not take the initiative to help their parents sort out the dishes; they will not take the initiative to wash the dishes after meals; the floor is dirty, and they will not think of dragging it.

At home, even if there is teacher supervision and guidance, the child can hide, or show in front of the teacher, once the teacher leaves, the child's performance will end.

Children who lack a sense of responsibility are not liked in school or society.

Because children who lack a sense of responsibility, there is a common problem is that they love to lie, and they like to blame all the disasters and troubles they have run into on others.

When they are questioned by a parent or teacher after they have made a mistake at home or at school, they often cover up their mistakes by lying or shirking responsibility.

And because of the lack of responsibility, children lack enough patience for what they are doing, and they will be intimidated by unknown consequences, often doing things halfway and giving up halfway.


Why do children lack a sense of responsibility?

Overly coddled

Today's children are the little emperor and little princess in the family, and they can't scold or beat.

Four old people, plus two adults to raise a child, but where the child has material needs, whether it is the elders or parents, will try their best to meet, the child's pampering is getting deeper and deeper.

Sometimes children make mistakes and parents want to blame them, but under the persuasion of the next generation, they finally don't get away.

Over time, children develop self-centered values.

Unable to understand the feelings of the people around them, even if the parents and elders work hard, in their view, it is also a matter of course, the child lacks responsibility, naturally lack of responsibility.

Too demanding

Some parents are naturally grumpy, and when children make mistakes, these parents will indiscriminately accuse their children of not being.

The child also wanted to explain the reason, but before he could speak, the parents began to talk with their heads covered.

Because of the fear of parental accusations and criticism, children often behave only in front of their parents, dare not admit the mistakes they have made, and do not have the courage to correct their own problems.

This also leads to the lack of courage to correct mistakes in children, and the sense of responsibility is also lost.

The child is labeled

Some children are naturally naughty and lively, and they often bring some trouble to their parents.

For children who have repeatedly run into trouble, parents always have the title of trickster, naughty king and so on.

After the child is labeled with this kind of label, from the bottom of his heart, he thinks that he is an unpopular person, so that the wrong continues to be wrong, even if he does it wrong, he does not have to bear any consequences, and such a child will naturally lack a sense of responsibility.

Children who dare to take responsibility have a future? Parents learn these tricks to raise good children with a sense of responsibility


How to cultivate a sense of responsibility in children?

Trust your child and learn to let go

If a person is trusted, in fact, he has a responsibility in his heart, and if he is not trusted, his heart is not responsible.

So many of our parents keep nagging and constantly urging, in fact, the essential logic behind it is a lack of trust.

If people are not trusted, they do not feel responsible, and believing is not a mantra, but in your eyes and expressions.

Let your child read about your trust in him, and the child will gain great power.

Most parents feel that their children are not mature enough, so many times they will take care of it.

Over time, children will not be aware of the consequences of their actions.

If parents can leave some things in their lives to their children to decide.

They often start to think about the impact this will have on themselves, so they become more responsible.

At the same time, parents should teach their children to learn to bear the adverse consequences caused by things.

Have a strong heart to bear more wind and rain.

Children's tempering when they are young will become their wealth on the way forward in the future.

If parents are always used to paving the way for their children, help them bear the consequences.

It will only make children more and more dependent on their parents, and hide behind their parents when things happen, thus losing their sense of responsibility and responsibility.

Give praise and encouragement to inspire a sense of honor

When children are young, if they are often praised and encouraged from the outside world, their sense of achievement will also be greatly satisfied, which will produce a positive feedback mechanism, which will make them want to do better.

At the same time, some words of praise and praise can also make children feel recognized, stimulate their desire for protection and honor, and improve their sense of responsibility.

Start small and do what you can

Studies have shown that children who do housework when they are young will be more successful and excellent than children who do not do housework when they are young, so parents should not spoil their children too much and let them do what they can, which is good for their growth.

When children try to do what they can, they will also find their own value and potential, which is also a process of self-recognition, which can induce them to want to do more and better, thereby motivating children to take on more roles and tasks.

A common problem with many children now is that when their parents ask them to do something, they will always use me to excuse themselves.

Sometimes it's because the child is too lazy, and there are many situations where the child feels that things are too complicated for them.

So at this time, parents can split things into many small parts, let the children start from small things, and only let the children complete the corresponding parts each time.

The so-called completion is greater than perfection, let the children do it first, and then teach them how to do it more perfectly.

When children are able to successfully complete the tasks entrusted to them, a sense of accomplishment and recognition will also inspire their sense of responsibility.

Gradually, they will also take the initiative to help their families do something, thereby improving their sense of family responsibility.

Teach by example

It is said that parents are the best teachers of children, parents are a mirror parents of children, and children's sense of responsibility also needs parents to teach by example and cultivate children in a subtle life.

Parents without responsibility can never educate responsible children.

Therefore, parents must ensure that they are a responsible person and be the best role model for their children.

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