
Middle-aged men in their 30s and 40s: Do you also feel what is sadness?

Men over 30 and men over 40 years old are actually not much different, both are "middle-aged men"! A middle-aged man never wants outsiders to know his "secret privacy", the purpose is to protect himself under the premise of self-protection, but also to constantly cover up his sadness! This content will greatly alleviate the sadness of middle-aged men, and you should be worth collecting and tasting carefully and slowly!

"The money is not earned, I am still old" This sentence has become the feeling of many people about age. Many middle-aged men feel very sad when they face the current life. Watching our parents get up early every day to work outside, watching their smart children unable to go to a good school, and what they don't have, everything seems to make us feel helpless and sad, but powerless.

Grandpa once said: "Middle-aged men are too tired, but learn to make themselves less tired"! Two years later, in the winter, Grandpa traveled west with a crane, but his spirit and his words have been circulating throughout the village and among our relatives. Everyone recalls from time to time that his legendary but ordinary life was so "great".

Middle-aged men in their 30s and 40s: Do you also feel what is sadness?

It is important to state that I am not a fictional story, but a fact!

Grandpa has never had a conflict with anyone in his life, which is completely unimaginable, and often gives "life philosophy lessons" to middle-aged people in the village, so he is respected by everyone. From my memory, I have never seen my grandfather angry with anyone, including the people in the family, no matter how naughty we are, he treats us with a smile and can solve the bad things. So when I was a child, including when I grew up, I often went to my grandfather's house to play and listen to him give those adults "relief".

Many of what Grandpa said was not only philosophical, but also too right! I had no idea, how could he see so thoroughly? Here I'll sort it out and write it out based on a few stories!

Middle-aged men in their 30s and 40s: Do you also feel what is sadness?

One: the sadness of marital discord

After my grandfather's son, my youngest uncle, got married, the couple often quarreled, and the saddest thing about him was that the husband and wife were not in harmony and did not love each other like others.

Grandpa said to his uncle without hurrying: "The reason for the discord between all husband and wife is mainly because of money and feelings, and most of them are mainly money."

The money thing is divided into:

Can't make money, make less money, hide money from private houses, spend money indiscriminately, and don't let her spend money.

Emotional matters are divided into:

Eyebrow flirtation, confusion, affair cheating, mother-in-law relationship.

"Husband and wife are originally two people in this life to complete what you failed to accomplish in the previous life." There is no need for everyone to feel sad about marriage in this life, it is a predestined result of the previous life. You hurt her in your previous life, and it is not normal for her to come to you for justice in this life? ”。

The uncle asked Grandpa how to deal with marriage? What Grandpa said next made me have to admire that his wisdom was really high.

"Work hard and treat your wife well!" As long as what you do is worthy of yourself and her, if she is not satisfied with her current life and is not satisfied with you as a person, then you do not have to deliberately please anyone, everything is already doomed. All you can do is wait, and when she finishes the debt you owed her in the previous life, naturally there will be no more quarrels, and then there will naturally be a good solution, then neither of you will owe anyone! What a fair thing, so there's no need for husband and wife to quarrel. ”

Middle-aged men in their 30s and 40s: Do you also feel what is sadness?

Two: the sadness of not making money

I have been working very hard since I graduated, and it seems that I have been working very hard, but everything has not developed towards the future I hope, and I can't tell why.

I asked my grandfather a few years ago what I had done in my previous life to make me so unhappy in this life. When people reach middle age, they can achieve nothing, they have no money for money, and they have no career if they want a career. Grandpa smiled and said, "Actually, you are the best, God gave you the best." This sentence made me feel inexplicable.

"Anyone comes into this world with a mission, to help some people!" This sentence puzzled me because I didn't understand it at all, and even felt that it was wrong. I asked My Grandfather, are those who have been sentenced to death also here to help others? Unexpectedly, my grandfather's words still made me admire.

"Human nature is inherently good, all people are good, they all come to help others, but the way of helping is different." For example, those who are heinous, they spend their lives helping the staff of the judicial system to get better jobs, otherwise they will lose their jobs. So God can still make you work hard every day, and already give you the best. Working hard and making money is not something you should consider, because these are the numbers of lives."

"You just have to do the Tao: learn more, think more, work hard, and treat your work persistently, and the rest will naturally have the fairest result for you." So there is no need to be sad because of money, you should be more sad that you have not done this and want God to give you the results you want in advance, it is simply a fool's dream.

Middle-aged men in their 30s and 40s: Do you also feel what is sadness?

Three: the sadness of trivialities

"Then I can't make money now, so I can't let my children live a good life, I can't go to a good school, I can't give my parents a better life," I continued to ask my grandfather.

Grandpa said, "The life you live now is a good life, you just keep comparing yourself to others." Why don't you compare yourself to the people in 1958? If you compare yourself to the people at that time, aren't you doing well now? The dreams you're looking forward to are really just trivial things that don't need to spend too much time on them. In addition, parents have never thought about what kind of good life you want you to give them, these are just your personal thoughts. And if your child really gets to a good school, it is possible that everything will become worse than it is now, so many things can be worked hard by themselves.

One way of living for one person, and one way of living is the best way for everyone at the moment!

Middle-aged men in their 30s and 40s: Do you also feel what is sadness?

Whether you are a 30 majority or a 40 majority, whether you are middle-aged or young, whether you are old or young, as long as you try to do what you should do every day, everything else will have the best result waiting for you, no need to put your heart on it too early.

Someone told me that 30-year-olds are not called middle-aged people, they are proper young people! Yes, not really! But should a 30-year-old man with both senior and lower levels be considered a middle-aged man? I don't know, but I think so

Be sure to take care of your body, old irons. Don't you want to see what the answer God finally gives you?

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