
12 years ago, the 60-year-old mother who gave birth to twins in a test tube now says: If there is an afterlife, it will not be born

In 2010, in the obstetrics and gynecology department of a hospital in Hefei, Anhui Province, several pregnant women were waiting to give birth. Looking at it again, there was an elderly pregnant woman.

As we all know, if a woman becomes pregnant after the age of 35, even if she is an elderly mother, an elderly woman is not only older than others, but also suffers from pain that many pregnant women of the right age have not experienced.

Therefore, at that time, the elderly pregnant women in the mainland were simply rare. And such an ultra-old woman as this old man is unprecedented and unheard of.

12 years ago, the 60-year-old mother who gave birth to twins in a test tube now says: If there is an afterlife, it will not be born

A happy family of three

Sheng Hailin is an internist at a hospital in Hefei, and her husband is a retired military officer who later became a senior professional. The family's living conditions are superior. After saving enough money to support the child, the couple decided to have a child.

In 1980, 31-year-old Sheng Hailin successfully gave birth to her daughter Tingting at the hospital in her hometown of Hefei. Since then, a family of two has also become a family of three.

In 1979, the state began to implement the one-child policy, Sheng Hailin actively responded to the national policy, shortly after the confinement of the hospital to go to the ring, wholeheartedly with their daughter Tingting.

Because she is an only daughter, Sheng Hailin and her husband especially love Tingting, milk powder is the most expensive, sister-in-law is the best, and clothes are the most skin-friendly.

Although because of her profession, Sheng Hailin cannot accompany Tingting all the time, but every night when she comes home, she will read the bedside story for her daughter and watch her daughter fall asleep.

Tingting reached the age of elementary school, and the couple took the trouble to send her to the best elementary school.

12 years ago, the 60-year-old mother who gave birth to twins in a test tube now says: If there is an afterlife, it will not be born

Sheng Hailin adheres to the concept of "rich daughter" and has never cut off anything from her daughter. He even bought a piano for Tingting, just to cultivate her daughter's interest.

At that time, if the family was not particularly wealthy, the luxury of the piano was not common in ordinary people's homes. It can be seen that Sheng Hailin cherishes her daughter.

Tingting thrived under the favor of her parents, from elementary school to junior high school, then from junior high school to high school, high school to college, and finally took her lover's hand and walked to the palace of marriage.

2. The beginning of misery

On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2009, Tingting, who had just been married for a year, returned to her mother's house for a few days, and then she had to rush to her in-laws' house for the New Year, which was also the first time that her daughter Tingting went to her in-laws' house for the New Year.

In order to receive her daughter and son-in-law, Sheng Hailin made a large table of delicious dishes. After the meal, she pulled her daughter to the bedroom, took out the fur coat and leather boots she bought for Tingting from the cabinet, and beckoned her daughter to put them on. This outfit is the New Year's line specially prepared by Sheng Hailin for her daughter, hoping that Tingting can have a good status and get along well in the face of her in-laws.

A few days later, Tingting and them left for her in-laws' house in Chizhou, Anhui. Sheng Hailin and her two sons sent Tingting and her husband to the station, and watched her daughter and son-in-law get on the train and go to the far side.

12 years ago, the 60-year-old mother who gave birth to twins in a test tube now says: If there is an afterlife, it will not be born

At this moment, Sheng Hailin is really happy for her daughter, and now that her daughter has her own family, she has begun to think about the beautiful life of teasing her grandson.

Unexpectedly, this side of the station with my daughter was the last.

While they were having dinner with their husbands, they received a call from their relatives.

"Hey, my dear." It's been okay lately, my girlfriend didn't cause you any trouble. ”

"Tingting her mother, Tingting, Tingting and my son, they, they are gone, gone, ahhh..."

"Oh, dear family, this big New Year's Day is not happy to make such a joke!"

"My family and I went out to buy a dish, and the gas in the house was not turned off. They, the two of them, are... Just..."

Sheng Hailin knew that her family was not joking, and no one would joke about her child's life. At this moment, she couldn't stand at all, her hands were shaking constantly, the phone was not held, and she fell to the ground with a bang.

Sheng Hailin's old partner looked at the child's wrong, and quickly supported her, asking her what had happened.

"We're gone, we're gone."

"What, what!" The two old men hugged each other and cried loudly.

12 years ago, the 60-year-old mother who gave birth to twins in a test tube now says: If there is an afterlife, it will not be born

On this day of family reunion and happiness, Sheng Hailin's home was completely broken.

Since her daughter left, Sheng Hailin's soul seemed to have gone with her daughter. Wash your face with tears all day long, like a walking dead. After giving her daughter a funeral, she locked her room to death.

As soon as I entered the room, all that floated in front of me was the voice and smile of my daughter. One moment, the daughter lay on the bed, opened her hazy sleeping eyes, and sweetly called out to her mother; the next moment, the daughter hid in the closet again, smiling secretly, ready to scare her mother...

Even, Sheng Hailin once suffered from depression, and also bought a mansion next to her daughter's grave, planning to go with her daughter, but fortunately was stopped by her husband.

Third, the light of hope

Sheng Hailin's old partner saw it in her eyes and felt pain in her heart, and she was really worried that her wife would do some terrible behavior again, so she called out to some of Sheng Hailin's relatives and friends to comfort and enlighten her.

Looking at her friends, thinking of their children, and thinking about her own children, Sheng Hailin did not feel better, but more uncomfortable, often staring at the vase in the living room with her eyes blank, listening to the advice of her friends.

Suddenly, a friend's inadvertent words woke her up. "It's not when you're young, and if you're still young, it's a big deal to have another one."

12 years ago, the 60-year-old mother who gave birth to twins in a test tube now says: If there is an afterlife, it will not be born

Regenerate one! Regenerate one!

Sheng Hailin's mind was completely occupied by this idea, and at the same time, she was also thinking about feasibility. As a doctor, she knows that pregnancies can be conceived through IVF. However, his body still needs to be well nourished.

After telling her husband about her thoughts, she was met with harsh opposition.

The husband was worried that her body would not be able to eat, after all, Sheng Hailin was now 59 years old and would immediately run to the sixth person. All the negative effects of pregnancy, he feared that his wife would not be able to survive.

However, there was no way, Sheng Hailin was very insistent, especially after consulting some information, she learned that it was feasible. So, the couple went around seeking medical treatment, hoping to be able to do IVF.

Unsurprisingly, all the doctors rejected her, and the plight of such an elderly mother is not just talk.

Just when they had no way to seek medical treatment, Sheng Hailin suddenly thought of the hospital where she gave birth to Tingting. So, the two went to the doctor at the time, begging him to agree to help Sheng Hailin do IVF and explain the reason behind it.

The doctor also knew about their situation, and he could not bear it, so he agreed to them, but asked them to completely obey the arrangement. Sheng Hailin and his wife were ecstatic and nodded their heads like mashed garlic.

12 years ago, the 60-year-old mother who gave birth to twins in a test tube now says: If there is an afterlife, it will not be born

Sheng Hailin's first task is to restore menstruation, and then, she went to the hospital to get the ring, took an unknown amount of medicine, how many injections, and after 3 months, she finally resumed her menstrual period.

Next, Sheng Hailin became a regular visitor to the hospital, countless ovulation injections, countless test tubes, the emperor did not pay off, she finally successfully became pregnant, and now there are three small embryos in her womb.

Although one embryo died in the end, it was already surprising to the doctor to survive, not to mention that there were still 2 surviving.

In order to raise a good fetus, Sheng Hailin has not been out of bed for seven months, afraid that she will lose two children with one action. After seven months of persistence, Sheng Hailin's body could not provide sufficient nutrition for the two children, so the doctor recommended that she have a caesarean section.

Finally, on May 25, 2010, the good news came that Sheng Hailin successfully gave birth to a pair of sister flowers, and named them Zhizhi and Huihui.

Since the birth of the two children, Sheng Hailin and his wife have really embodied what is called holding in the hand for fear of falling, and containing it in the mouth for fear of melting into love.

However, contrary to people's wishes, the sixty-year-old Sheng Hailin really did not have the energy to take care of the two children, and because of the children's things, they pursued the best in everything, hired the best nanny, and ate three hundred fast buckets of milk powder. They found out that their pension had almost bottomed out.

12 years ago, the 60-year-old mother who gave birth to twins in a test tube now says: If there is an afterlife, it will not be born

At the same time, in order to provide the best education for her children, Sheng Hailin, who has been retired for several years, had to return to her old profession, holding lectures everywhere to disseminate medical knowledge, fortunately, because of the title of "China's oldest mother", her lectures were held one after another.

In 2016, Sheng Hailin's husband was overworked and paralyzed in bed. Since then, Sheng Hailin has taken on the responsibility of raising her family alone.

As a mother of the "grandmother generation", Sheng Hailin not only has to take care of her young children, but also takes care of her paralyzed old partner. Accumulated over the years, finally, I was tired on the side of the road. The leak in the house coincided with overnight rain, at this time, the youngest daughter Hui Hui also had a sudden mycoplasma pneumonia pleural effusion.

At this time, she realized more deeply that she did not accompany the children well. Over the years, she and her husband have also saved millions of dollars piecemeal, which is enough to provide a good living condition for their children. So she stopped lecturing and began to settle in her hometown, concentrating on her children.

During this period, when someone asked her if she regretted doing IVF at that time, she gave birth to Zhizhi and Huihui. But she replied: I don't want to be born again in the next life.

12 years ago, the 60-year-old mother who gave birth to twins in a test tube now says: If there is an afterlife, it will not be born

Reluctantly getting pregnant at such an advanced age, not only has your body been greatly damaged, but the child will also be born prematurely because of lack of nutrition. After giving birth, older mothers do not have the energy to raise children when they were young, and raising children will only be more difficult than having children.

Sheng Hailin stressed that her experience cannot be copied, first, she is a doctor herself, has a deep understanding of her body, and is familiar with some medical knowledge, and second, their family's economic conditions are not bad, can support this small family.

In addition, she was lucky that 2 embryos survived. For her, in fact, the success rate of IVF is very low, and she is just blessed with heavenly pity and is willing to give her wisdom and wisdom.

After the interview, many people scoffed at Sheng Hailin's behavior, thinking that she was obstinate and irresponsible for her children. At the same time, some people were deeply touched by Sheng Hailin's love for her daughter.

The divergent opinions could not affect the stable life of the Sheng Hailin family. Life is sweet or bitter, only they know.

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