
Pregnant women give birth to children, and their mother-in-law doesn't care, and their mother-in-law pays

author:Capital Observation Jun

My name is Xiaofang, I am 28 years old this year, I am pregnant with a baby, it should be a happy thing for the whole family, but my mother-in-law's family made a lot of trouble about it.

That day, I was watching TV in the living room of my mother-in-law's house with a big belly, and my mother-in-law said in a weird way: "This birth is your woman's business, and we men don't care." When I heard this, I was so angry in my heart, but when I thought of the child in my belly, I still endured it.

At this time, my father and mother came, and as soon as I entered the door, I saw that my face was wrong, and after asking the reason, my father slapped the table and stood up: "Giving birth to a child is a matter of two people, how can we just let our daughter bear it?" The mother also echoed on the side: "That's it, you are doing too much!" ”

The mother-in-law's family started a war of words. Watching them argue, I had mixed feelings. In the end, my father and mother slapped their thighs: "Forget it, we'll pay!" ”

Since then, I have been back to my parents' home. My father and mother took good care of me, for fear that I would be wronged. And on the side of the in-laws, it seems to have disappeared, and there is no news.

In the blink of an eye, the due date is approaching. One day, I was resting in my bedroom when I heard a noise outside. I hurriedly asked my mother to go and see what was going on. When my mother came back, she said angrily, "Your mother-in-law's family is here, and we have to give them the child." ”

I gritted my teeth in anger, grabbed the phone and called my husband: "What's the matter with your mother?" When they gave birth, they didn't ask, and now that the child is about to be born, they run out to grab the child? On the other end of the phone, my husband was hesitant and couldn't say why.

At this moment, the mother pushed the door and came in, with tears in her eyes: "Xiaofang, they are overwhelming, we are afraid that we will ......"

My eyes widened, and a wave of anger surged into my heart: "Mother, don't be afraid, we have a reason, they can't snatch the child!" With that, I walked out of the bedroom with a big belly and bumped into my in-laws' family head-on.

The two sides were tense again, and at this time, my father stood up and glared at the in-laws: "If you dare to snatch the child, I will fight with you!" "The scene was at an impasse.

At this tense moment, my husband hurried over and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'm late." I've already told my mom that the child is our common cause, and you can't let your mother's family pay for it. After speaking, he turned to his mother-in-law: "If you dare to come nonsense again, I will cut off relations with you!" ”

The in-laws looked at each other and were finally defeated. My father and mother breathed a sigh of relief, and I, too, looked at my husband with teary eyes, and the gratitude in my heart was beyond words.

After this turmoil, my in-laws began to care about me and the children, and the relationship between the two families gradually eased. Finally, under the care of my father and mother-in-law and the care of my in-laws, I successfully gave birth to a big fat boy.

Although this experience has left me with lingering fears, I believe that as long as we are united, any difficulties can be overcome. And my children will thrive under our joint care.

The days went by like this, and the child became the treasure of our family. The in-laws and mother-in-laws are scrambling to take care of the children, and the original contradictions are gradually resolved by this common love. I looked at them and my heart was warm.

One day, when I was breastfeeding my child, my mother-in-law walked in, sat on the edge of the bed, patted the child's face gently, and said, "Xiaofang, it was wrong with my mother before, but now my mother understands that giving birth to a child is a matter for both families, and we should all share it." In the future, we will also share this matter with the children. ”

I listened, looked at my mother-in-law with emotion, and said, "Mom, thank you for your understanding." In fact, we are all for the good of our child, as long as he is healthy and happy, we are satisfied. ”

At this time, the mother came in with a bowl of hot chicken soup and said with a smile: "Yes, now our two families live in harmony, and the child can also feel this warmth." Xiaofang, drink the chicken soup and replenish your body. ”

I smiled and nodded, and took the bowl with gratitude.

On the day of the child's full moon, the in-laws and the mother's family held a lively full moon wine for the child. Friends and family gathered together and laughed. At the banquet, my father and father-in-law drank red and toasted each other, as if they had been friends for many years.

At this time, my husband came over, put his arm around my shoulders, and whispered, "Wife, thank you for your hard work." In the future, I will work harder to make a good life for both of you. ”

I looked at him, my heart was full of happiness, and I said softly, "As long as you are good to our mother, I will be satisfied." ”

After the full moon drink, our lives returned to peace. In order to take care of my children, I quit my job and concentrated on taking care of my children at home. My in-laws and mother-in-law took turns to help, which made me feel a lot easier.

One day, I met a mother with a child in the community, her name is Xiaoli, and she is a warm person. We quickly became good friends and often took the kids out together.

Xiaoli told me that she had encountered similar family conflicts before, but through communication and understanding, the relationship between her in-laws and her mother's family gradually improved. Hearing her say this, I am more confident that our two families can get along.

On the child's first birthday, our two families threw a big birthday party for the child. Seeing the children smiling so happily, I feel that all the hard work is worth it.

At night, after I put my child to sleep, I sat on the edge of the bed and looked at his little face, and a warm current welled up in my heart. This little life has taught us what responsibility is and what love is.

I know that there is still a long way to go, and we will still encounter various difficulties and challenges. But as long as we are united and support each other, any difficulties will no longer be a problem. And my child will thrive under our care and become a caring and responsible person.

The days passed quietly like flowing water, and the children gradually grew up under my care. Every smile he faces, every time he grows, makes me feel deeply happy.

That day, I took my children for a walk in the park, and the sunlight shone through the gaps in the leaves on the ground, creating dappled light and shadows. The child was bouncing in front of him, and suddenly, he stopped, pointed to a little boy not far away, and said, "Mom, I want to play with him." ”

I followed his gaze and saw that the little boy was playing alone in the sandpit. I encouraged my child to make friends with him, and he hesitated, then plucked up the courage to walk over.

Watching my two children play together, I felt a sense of warmth in my heart. At this time, my mobile phone rang, and it was a call from my husband.

"Wife, where are you? I have something to discuss with you. His voice was a little urgent.

"I'm in the park, what's wrong?" I'm a little worried.

"Mom said that she wanted her child to go to kindergarten, and I thought he should also be exposed to group life. What do you think? "My husband asked me.

I thought about it for a while and felt that my child was indeed old enough to go to kindergarten, so I replied, "Okay, then let's find a time to visit the neighborhood kindergarten together." ”

After hanging up the phone, I looked at the children who were playing with the children, and I felt a little reluctant. I know it's going to be a way for him to grow, but I can't help but worry that he won't be able to adapt to his new environment.

Over the weekend, my husband and I visited several kindergartens with our children, and finally chose one with a beautiful environment and strong teachers. On the day of registration, I was so nervous that my palms were sweating, but my child was extremely excited.

On the first day of sending my child to kindergarten, I stood at the school gate and watched his little figure disappear into the school building, with mixed feelings in my heart. When I got home, I felt a little uncomfortable with the empty house.

In the evening, when I went to pick up my child from school, he pounced on me and said excitedly, "Mom, I have made a new friend today!" ”

I crouched down, looked at his blushing little face, smiled and asked, "Really?" So what did you learn today? ”

The child kept talking about his time in kindergarten, and I could hear it. It turned out that he had grown up unconsciously.

As the days passed, the child's life in the kindergarten became more and more colorful. My husband and I also started to plan for his future, hoping that he would receive a better education.

One day, I was sorting out my child's clothes and suddenly I noticed that his clothes were already a little small. I picked up a piece of clothing and looked at the familiar cartoon pattern on it, and a wave of emotion welled up in my heart.

At this time, my mother-in-law walked in, saw the clothes in my hand, and said with a smile: "Xiaofang, the child is growing up so fast, this dress has to be changed again." ”

I nodded, smiled and said, "yes, time flies." Mom, do you think we should enroll our children in interest classes? Let him learn more. ”

The mother-in-law thought for a moment and said, "As long as the child likes it, we will support him." However, don't put too much pressure on your child, the most important thing is to let him grow up happily. ”

I agreed with my mother-in-law and decided to observe what the child was interested in before making a decision.

In the process, I deeply realized how difficult it is to be a parent. But every time I see my child's smiling face and hear his laughter, I feel that everything is worth it. I know that as long as we accompany and guide with our hearts, our children will definitely grow up and become a person with dreams and talents. And our family will be happier because of his growth.

The days passed like this, and the child grew up under my care. Every smile he faces, every time he grows, makes me feel deeply happy.

One day, I took my children for a walk in the park, and the sunlight spilled through the gaps in the leaves on the ground, creating dappled light and shadows. The child was bouncing in front of him, and suddenly, he stopped, pointed to a little boy not far away, and said, "Mom, I want to play with him." ”

I followed his gaze and saw that the little boy was playing alone in the sandpit. I encouraged my child to make friends with him, and he hesitated, then plucked up the courage to walk over.

Watching my two children play together, I felt a sense of warmth in my heart. At this time, my mobile phone rang, and it was a call from my husband.

"Wife, where are you? I have something to discuss with you. His voice was a little urgent.

"I'm in the park, what's wrong?" I'm a little worried.

"Mom said that she wanted her child to go to kindergarten, and I thought he should also be exposed to group life. What do you think? "My husband asked me.

I thought about it for a while and felt that my child was indeed old enough to go to kindergarten, so I replied, "Okay, then let's find a time to visit the neighborhood kindergarten together." ”

After hanging up the phone, I looked at the children who were playing with the children, and I felt a little reluctant. I know it's going to be a way for him to grow, but I can't help but worry that he won't be able to adapt to his new environment.

Over the weekend, my husband and I visited several kindergartens with our children, and finally chose one with a beautiful environment and strong teachers. On the day of registration, I was so nervous that my palms were sweating, but my child was extremely excited.

On the first day of sending my child to kindergarten, I stood at the school gate and watched his little figure disappear into the school building, with mixed feelings in my heart. When I got home, I felt a little uncomfortable with the empty house.

In the evening, when I went to pick up my child from school, he pounced on me and said excitedly, "Mom, I have made a new friend today!" ”

I crouched down, looked at his blushing little face, smiled and asked, "Really?" So what did you learn today? ”

The child kept talking about his time in kindergarten, and I could hear it. It turned out that he had grown up unconsciously.

As the days passed, the child's life in the kindergarten became more and more colorful. My husband and I also started to plan for his future, hoping that he would receive a better education.

One day, I was sorting out my child's clothes and suddenly I noticed that his clothes were already a little small. I picked up a piece of clothing and looked at the familiar cartoon pattern on it, and a wave of emotion welled up in my heart.

At this time, my mother-in-law walked in, saw the clothes in my hand, and said with a smile: "Xiaofang, the child is growing up so fast, this dress has to be changed again." ”

I nodded, smiled and said, "yes, time flies." Mom, do you think we should enroll our children in interest classes? Let him learn more. ”

The mother-in-law thought for a moment and said, "As long as the child likes it, we will support him." However, don't put too much pressure on your child, the most important thing is to let him grow up happily. ”

I agreed with my mother-in-law and decided to observe what the child was interested in before making a decision.

In the process, I deeply realized how difficult it is to be a parent. But every time I see my child's smiling face and hear his laughter, I feel that everything is worth it. I know that as long as we accompany and guide with our hearts, our children will definitely grow up and become a person with dreams and talents. And our family will be happier because of his growth.

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