
1 case found! This infectious disease can cause miscarriage and stillbirth in pregnant women, and patients often mistake it for a cold...

author:Yishui release

At first I thought it was a cold

Unexpectedly, the disease progressed violently

Multi-organ failure is present

Diagnosed by a doctor

"Abortus chlamydia"

1 case found! This infectious disease can cause miscarriage and stillbirth in pregnant women, and patients often mistake it for a cold...

Repeated fever thought it was a cold

However, multi-organ failure occurs

Recently, Ms. Du (pseudonym), who lives in Panyu District, Guangzhou City, had a fever for 3 consecutive days, with a body temperature of more than 39 degrees Celsius, combined with cough, dizziness, weakness and other symptoms.

At first, Ms. Du thought she had a cold, so she self-medicated cold medicine, but her symptoms did not improve, and she still had a recurrent fever, and then went to the hospital for treatment. The results of chest X-ray showed "infection in both lungs", and the outpatient department was admitted to the Department of Infectious Diseases for inpatient treatment of "pneumonia".

1 case found! This infectious disease can cause miscarriage and stillbirth in pregnant women, and patients often mistake it for a cold...

On the second day of admission, Ms. Du's condition deteriorated rapidly, sweating profusely, irritability, shortness of breath, and blood oxygen saturation dropped to 80% (more than 95% normal), and she was transferred to the intensive care department for further treatment. However, Ms. Du's condition continued to deteriorate, and she developed shock, multiple organ failure, and was in critical condition.

Through the unremitting efforts of the doctors, Ms. Du's oxygen supply to her whole body has improved, and her vital signs have finally stabilized.


"Abortus chlamydia"

In the short term, high fever appeared, lung CT inflammation was mainly consolidation, and the disease progressed violently, and multi-organ failure occurred......

1 case found! This infectious disease can cause miscarriage and stillbirth in pregnant women, and patients often mistake it for a cold...

Which pathogen is the "murderer"? How to find out the "murderer"? Metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) testing showed that Ms. Du's alveolar lavage fluid and blood mNGS test results showed "Chlamydia abortus".

While the rare results surprise everyone, they provide important clues to the medical team. The medical team immediately adjusted the anti-infection regimen according to the characteristics of Chlamydia abortus and strengthened organ function supportive treatment. After 7 days of treatment, Ms. Du's condition gradually improved, she was successfully weaned off the ventilator, removed the tracheal intubation, and was soon transferred to the general ward for further treatment.

1 case found! This infectious disease can cause miscarriage and stillbirth in pregnant women, and patients often mistake it for a cold...

Ms. Du took a group photo with the medical team before she was transferred out of the intensive care department

What is Chlamydia abortus

How can it be prevented?

Chlamydia abortus is a gram-negative intracellular parasitic prokaryotic microorganism whose main hosts are sheep, cattle, pigs, etc., and infected livestock will be aborted in the later stages of pregnancy.

Studies have shown that Chlamydia abortus can be transmitted through the respiratory tract or direct contact to infect humans, causing atypical pneumonia and abortion in pregnant women, etc., which is a zoonotic pathogen. Human-animal infection can occur if humans inhale through the respiratory tract or come into close contact with sick cattle and sheep. But human-to-human transmission is relatively rare. Ms. Du may have been infected when she came into contact with slaughtered cows, sheep and pigs in the kitchen.

1 case found! This infectious disease can cause miscarriage and stillbirth in pregnant women, and patients often mistake it for a cold...

According to doctors, aborted chlamydia is generally thought to cause miscarriage, stillbirth, and sepsis of pregnancy in human pregnant women, but rarely causes pneumonia in humans. For aborted chlamydia infection, the main focus is on prevention, usually to enhance immunity, pay attention to personal hygiene.

If there are symptoms such as repeated high fever, chills, chills, dyspnea, etc., and there is a history of contact with poultry and livestock, and no other reasons can be found, they should go to the hospital in time for treatment, and take the initiative to inform the doctor of the relevant contact history, so as to take targeted treatment as soon as possible.

1 case found! This infectious disease can cause miscarriage and stillbirth in pregnant women, and patients often mistake it for a cold...

Source: Linyi CDC

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