
Pregnant women with high blood pressure refuse to take medication and are diagnosed with eclampsia after giving birth, which is a fatal obstetric emergency

Pregnant women with high blood pressure refuse to take medication and are diagnosed with eclampsia after giving birth, which is a fatal obstetric emergency


2024-05-17 17:25Posted in Hunan Parenting Creators

Pregnant women with high blood pressure refuse to take medication and are diagnosed with eclampsia after giving birth, which is a fatal obstetric emergency

Original | Pregnancy

Because there is a baby in the belly, all many pregnant mothers who are sick and uncomfortable want to endure it if they can, and they don't use medicine if they can.

However, pregnant mothers should remind that if it is necessary to take medication, it must not be stopped without authorization.

This can put both yourself and your baby at risk.

Recently, there was a hot search news: a pregnant woman with high blood pressure refused to take medication and was diagnosed with eclampsia after giving birth.

Pregnant women with high blood pressure refuse to take medication and are diagnosed with eclampsia after giving birth, which is a fatal obstetric emergency

News and image credits @AB video

What is Eclampsia?

It is one of the four major killers of obstetrics, and it is a critical, urgent and severe obstetric disease, which will seriously threaten the health of mothers and babies once it occurs.

The mother in the news had a mild increase in blood pressure in the second and third trimesters, and she was worried that the drug would affect the fetus, so she did not take the medicine as prescribed by the doctor.

Pregnant women with high blood pressure refuse to take medication and are diagnosed with eclampsia after giving birth, which is a fatal obstetric emergency

As a result, not long after the cesarean section, he suddenly had convulsions all over his body and increased protein in his urine, and was diagnosed by the doctor as eclampsia.

If eclampsia is not treated in time, it will be life-threatening, but fortunately it was controlled in time.

Pregnant mothers, the complications caused by gestational hypertension are very terrible, and you must follow the doctor's instructions to use the medication.

Blindly stopping the drug is really very dangerous.

Many netizens also said after watching the news:

Pregnant women with high blood pressure refuse to take medication and are diagnosed with eclampsia after giving birth, which is a fatal obstetric emergency

"You still have to follow the doctor's instructions, the doctor must have considered it when confirming that you were taking it, and fortunately it was okay in the end."

"That's the consequence of not listening to the doctor."

"You're an expectant mother, but you have to be yourself first."

"Listen to the doctor, it's okay to use medicine rationally”

Yes, it is really not that pregnant women cannot use any medicine, and it is safe for the baby to take medicine according to the doctor's instructions.

Don't dare to take blood pressure medication during pregnancy

This mom almost lost her sight!

Taking medicine is definitely a big no-no during pregnancy.

If you catch a cold during pregnancy, carry it!

If you have a toothache during pregnancy, carry it!

If you have high blood pressure during pregnancy, you should still carry it!

In short, if you can carry it, you will never take medicine!

But there are some diseases that can't be resisted.

There is also a mother with high blood pressure in Xuzhou, who insists on not taking medicine for the sake of the baby.

As a result, he almost lost his sight.

As early as the prenatal check-up, she was diagnosed with high blood pressure, and her blood pressure was very high.

Pregnant women with high blood pressure refuse to take medication and are diagnosed with eclampsia after giving birth, which is a fatal obstetric emergency

Based on her condition, the doctor prescribed an appropriate dose of antihypertensive medication.

But she was worried that the drug would affect the child, so she never dared to take blood pressure medicine.

At first, there was really nothing abnormal, but she felt that her vision was getting more and more blurry, which had affected her normal life, so she hurried to the hospital.

After diagnosis, the doctor said that stopping blood pressure medication without authorization may lead to blindness in severe cases.

Pregnant women with high blood pressure refuse to take medication and are diagnosed with eclampsia after giving birth, which is a fatal obstetric emergency

Fortunately, after the treatment of the medical staff, Ms. Peng's blood pressure finally dropped and her vision returned to normal.

The doctor also reminded pregnant mothers that they should not use drugs indiscriminately during pregnancy, but if they stop blood pressure medication without authorization, the consequences may be serious.

Many medications are safe for pregnant women as prescribed, so be sure to follow your doctor's instructions!

Because gestational hypertension is terrible, and the serious complications caused by gestational hypertension are even more terrible, so if you are found to have high blood pressure, you must have regular pregnancy tests and actively treat it!

Pregnancy-induced hypertension

It is an invisible killer that will seriously threaten the health of mothers and children!

Let's first understand what pregnancy-induced hypertension is.

Gestational hypertension syndrome refers to a group of conditions in which pregnancy and elevated blood pressure coexist, including gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia, and pregnancy complicated with chronic hypertension and chronic hypertension complicated by preeclampsia.

The symptoms of this group of diseases usually include blood pressure and height, proteinuria (when there is a lot of protein, there is foam in the urine), edema, damage to multiple organs throughout the body, convulsions (eclampsia) and coma in severe cases, which seriously affect the health of mothers and babies.

Gestational hypertension is one of the leading causes of maternal and perinatal mortality.

Pregnant women with high blood pressure refuse to take medication and are diagnosed with eclampsia after giving birth, which is a fatal obstetric emergency

According to the basis of the disease and the degree of organ damage, gestational hypertension can be divided into 5 categories:

First: gestational hypertension: high blood pressure appears for the first time after 20 weeks of pregnancy, blood pressure ≥ 140/90mmHg, and can return to normal at 12 weeks postpartum.

Second: Preeclampsia: After the 20th week of pregnancy, both chronic hypertension and gestational hypertension can lead to this serious condition, with symptoms including protein in the urine, or no protein in the urine but with any of the following: thrombocytopenia, liver damage, renal damage, pulmonary edema, visual disturbances.

Third: Eclampsia: preeclampsia pregnant women have convulsions or coma, which cannot be explained by other causes, and eclampsia mostly occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy or before labor.

Fourth: Chronic hypertension in pregnancy: hypertension has been diagnosed before pregnancy or before 20 weeks of pregnancy, and persists until 6 weeks postpartum.

Fifth: chronic hypertension complicated by preeclampsia: chronic hypertension pregnant women have no proteinuria before pregnancy, proteinuria occurs after 20 weeks of pregnancy, or proteinuria occurs before pregnancy, proteinuria increases significantly after pregnancy, or blood pressure further increases during pregnancy, or thrombocytopenia, etc.

The cause of pregnancy-induced hypertension has not been determined, but risk factors for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy include:

●Those who are overstressed or stimulated to cause central nervous system dysfunction.

●Pregnant women with a history of chronic hypertension, chronic nephritis, diabetes, etc.

●Sisters and mothers with pregnancy-induced hypertension and genetic history.

●Uterine hypertonia, such as polyhydramnios, twins or multiples.

● Moms under the age of 18 or over the age of 40.

●Obesity, BMI ≥ 28, or malnutrition.

●First pregnancy, ≥ 10 years apart.

●Hypertension or preeclampsia during a previous pregnancy, especially if these conditions occurred early in pregnancy.

At every prenatal visit, the doctor will check the woman's blood and urine levels to monitor whether the blood pressure is normal, so it is important to have a regular prenatal check-up during pregnancy.

Pregnancy-induced hypertension

If it is not controlled in time, it will seriously affect the health of mothers and babies!

If it is a high-risk pregnant woman, it is necessary to have a regular prenatal check-up, closely monitor blood pressure, once diagnosed with hypertension during pregnancy, it should be actively treated, if pregnancy-induced hypertension is not well controlled, it will endanger the health of the mother and baby.

Complications that can endanger the pregnant mother:

●HELLP syndrome. Characterized by hemolysis, elevated liver enzyme levels and thrombocytopenia, it is a serious complication of preeclampsia, often endangering the life of mother and baby, typical symptoms are general malaise, pain in the right upper quadrant, sudden weight gain, increased pulse pressure, and a small number of pregnant women may have nausea, vomiting and other manifestations.

●Preterm birth. Sometimes an early delivery is needed to prevent life-threatening complications that can occur when high blood pressure occurs during pregnancy.

●Placental abruption. Preeclampsia increases the risk of the placenta separating from the lining of the uterus before delivery. Severe cases can cause heavy bleeding, which can be life-threatening for both mother and baby.

●Mother's body organs are injured. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to injury to the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, and other major organs. In severe cases, it can be life-threatening.

●Future cardiovascular disease. Having preeclampsia may increase your risk of heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) disease in the future. If you have preeclampsia more than once, or if you are born prematurely due to high blood pressure during pregnancy, you have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease in the future.

Pregnant women with high blood pressure refuse to take medication and are diagnosed with eclampsia after giving birth, which is a fatal obstetric emergency

Complications that can endanger the fetus and newborn:

●Decreased placental blood flow. If the placenta doesn't have enough blood, your baby gets less oxygen and nutrients. This can lead to slow growth (intrauterine growth restriction), low birth weight, or premature birth. Premature birth can lead to breathing problems, an increased risk of infection, and other complications for the baby.

●Fetal intrauterine distress. This may result in decreased amniotic fluid, fetal distress, fetal neurological damage, fetal death, and low birth weight.

Healthy pregnancy, regular prenatal checkups, and aggressive blood pressure control

In order to better protect mother and baby

Mothers with gestational hypertension must monitor their blood pressure closely and control it according to the doctor's instructions.

If not well controlled, eclampsia seizures are usually followed by coma, and complications include aspiration pneumonia, intracerebral hemorrhage, kidney failure, and cardiac arrest, which can be very scary.

Therefore, every woman who wants to get pregnant should pay attention to pre-pregnancy check-ups, exclude high-risk factors in the body, and have a healthy pregnancy at the same time.

Although there are high-risk factors does not necessarily mean that there will be danger, taking precautions can better ensure the safety of yourself and your baby.

Here are three steps to take to protect yourself and your baby.

First, prepare for pregnancy in a healthy state

●Do a good preconception check-up. Paying attention to pre-pregnancy check-ups, excluding high-risk factors, and actively controlling them can make women have a healthier physical state to get pregnant.

●Disease control. If you have high blood pressure or diabetes, you must actively control it, and then get pregnant under the premise that your blood pressure is well controlled, and if you have diabetes, you should also pay special attention to it, because after the blood sugar rises, it will also cause high blood pressure.

Second: mothers with high-risk factors should follow the doctor's instructions to get pregnant

●Use seasoned salt as needed, and an appropriate low-sodium diet is recommended during pregnancy.

● Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

●Increase the amount of protein you eat and reduce the amount of fried and junk food you eat.

● Have a good rest.

●Maintain prenatal care

●Take antihypertensive medications as prescribed

●Maintain normal exercise that suits you

● Eat a healthy diet

● Know what is off-limits and avoid smoking, alcohol, and illegal drugs.

●Consult your doctor before taking over-the-counter medications.

Third: Timely prenatal check-up for a healthy pregnancy

●Regular prenatal check-ups. Regular prenatal check-ups are the most important thing, and even if there are high-risk factors in pregnancy, with the help and intervention of doctors, the harm can be minimized.

●Lifestyle habits should be healthy. A healthy lifestyle is the most basic premise of a healthy pregnancy, the pregnant mother should have a balanced diet, regular work and rest, stable mood, physical conditions, and appropriate exercise.

●Follow your doctor's instructions to manage complications. If you are a mother with gestational hypertension and diabetes, you must follow the doctor's instructions to control it, check it, and take medication.

If you need to take medicine, you should take it according to the doctor's instructions, and it is very dangerous to stop taking medicine without authorization.

If you need to be hospitalized, you must cooperate with the doctor, and it is too late to regret it if you have an accident.

●Carefully monitor fetal movements. Fetal movements can reflect the health status of the baby, if you find that the fetal movement is too fast, or the fetal movement is reduced, or the fetal movement disappears, you should go to the hospital immediately.

I hope every mother can have a healthy pregnancy and give birth safely!

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  • Pregnant women with high blood pressure refuse to take medication and are diagnosed with eclampsia after giving birth, which is a fatal obstetric emergency
  • Pregnant women with high blood pressure refuse to take medication and are diagnosed with eclampsia after giving birth, which is a fatal obstetric emergency
  • Pregnant women with high blood pressure refuse to take medication and are diagnosed with eclampsia after giving birth, which is a fatal obstetric emergency
  • Pregnant women with high blood pressure refuse to take medication and are diagnosed with eclampsia after giving birth, which is a fatal obstetric emergency
  • Pregnant women with high blood pressure refuse to take medication and are diagnosed with eclampsia after giving birth, which is a fatal obstetric emergency
  • Pregnant women with high blood pressure refuse to take medication and are diagnosed with eclampsia after giving birth, which is a fatal obstetric emergency
  • Pregnant women with high blood pressure refuse to take medication and are diagnosed with eclampsia after giving birth, which is a fatal obstetric emergency
  • Pregnant women with high blood pressure refuse to take medication and are diagnosed with eclampsia after giving birth, which is a fatal obstetric emergency

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