
One second he was cleaning, and the next he almost lost his life! In summer, these two cleaners should be used with caution!

author:Yishui release

In the summer, many homes have an unpleasant smell in their sewer pipes, which can also breed small flying insects.

At this point, cleaning the drain is essential, but do you know how dangerous the job can be?

One second he was cleaning, and the next he almost lost his life! In summer, these two cleaners should be used with caution!
One second he was cleaning, and the next he almost lost his life! In summer, these two cleaners should be used with caution!

"Bang"! The sewers blew up

One second he was cleaning, and the next he almost lost his life! In summer, these two cleaners should be used with caution!

Ms. Huang opened a homestay, and a few days ago, in order to solve the problem of frequent sewer blockages, Ms. Huang poured a bottle of dredging agent by herself.

According to Ms. Huang's recollection, she had used the dredging agent many times before, and "it felt quite good, cheap and fast".

However, just this time, the unexpected happened.

"I poured half a bottle down the drain and saw it bubbling, and then it exploded with a bang."

Ms. Huang was rushed to the hospital and rushed to the emergency room of the hospital, where the doctor diagnosed corneal and conjunctival burns in her left eye.

The doctor told her that if she had been any closer, she might have gone blind!

One second he was cleaning, and the next he almost lost his life! In summer, these two cleaners should be used with caution!

△ Ms. Huang's hospital medical certificate

After returning home, Ms. Huang and her husband carefully reviewed the instructions for using the pipe dredging agent.

According to their analysis, pouring half a bottle at a time and using too much dosage were the main reasons for this accident.

And during the whole process, Ms. Huang did not wear gloves, masks and glasses to do the corresponding safety protection.

Why do unclogging agents explode?

It turns out that most of these dredging agents are based on the alkaline ingredient sodium hydroxide.

When sodium hydroxide encounters water, it generates a lot of heat, and when the heat increases in the small space of the pipe, the pressure increases.

At this point, the liquid spills out of the narrow pipe and releases gases that are so corrosive that they can easily burn people's skin.

Therefore, when using this type of detergent, you should strictly follow the dosage and method indicated on the instructions, and do not have close contact when using it.

One second he was cleaning, and the next he almost lost his life! In summer, these two cleaners should be used with caution!

A foul smell hits

The life of the two-year-old baby hangs by a thread

One second he was cleaning, and the next he almost lost his life! In summer, these two cleaners should be used with caution!

Not long ago, 2-year-old Xiao Wu was playing alone at home, while his mother was cooking lunch in the kitchen. Suddenly, there was a cry mixed with a cough in the toilet.

Mom hurriedly stepped forward to check, and the bathroom was filled with a pungent smell.

Xiao Wu sat on the ground crying and coughing, and there were remnants of yellow-white disinfectant tablets in the bottle next to him.

One second he was cleaning, and the next he almost lost his life! In summer, these two cleaners should be used with caution!

△ Xiao Wu inhaled the bottle of "poison gas" (source: Shenzhen Children's Hospital)

It turned out that Xiao Wu was curious, so he added water to the bottle containing the disinfectant tablets.

As a result, the "pills" in the bottle immediately began to churn, and streams of yellow-green gas gushed out.

In just a few seconds, Xiao Wu began to cough non-stop, and his eyes were so smoked that he couldn't open them. Soon, his lips turned white, his heart raced, and his breathing was noticeably rapid.

When the mother noticed the child's abnormal behavior, she rushed the child to the nearest hospital. After the hospital gave Xiao Wu a series of first aid measures, his symptoms were still worsening, and he fell into shock for a while, and his life hung by a thread!

After investigation, Xiao Wu was poisoned by chlorine!

It turns out that these disinfection tablets belong to chlorine-containing disinfection tablets, which are immediately decomposed into sodium hypochlorite when exposed to water, and even release a large amount of chlorine gas, which can cause acute respiratory damage and organ function damage to the human body.

You know, chlorine was used as a chemical weapon in the First World War, and it caused a lot of casualties!

In life, in addition to the chlorine gas produced by this kind of disinfectant tablets when used improperly, the combination of 84 disinfectant + toilet cleaner will also release a large amount of chlorine gas to cause poisoning.

Be careful!

Source: Linyi CDC

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