
#My Spring Festival Preparation Diary#My Spring Festival cleaning, saving time, effort and money, share it with you. It's so hard to make money this year, isn't saving money equal to earning more?

author:Fellows will be a fellow villagers

#My Spring Festival Preparation Diary# My Spring Festival cleaning, saving time, effort and money, will be shared with you.

It's so hard to make money this year, isn't saving money equivalent to earning more? So this year's cleaning, I plan to do it myself, and I won't spend money on hiring people anymore.

For pots and pans, range hood rust remover, degreaser is indispensable, you can save a lot of effort with it, and these things are not expensive, they are very cheap on the Internet, and you can buy them for a few dollars.

The bedding is covered with a quilt, and while cleaning, it is washed in the washing machine without delay.

For the cleaning of the floor, I bought a bottle of floor cleaner, and the effect is also good, saving time and effort.

The most difficult thing is glass, I bought a magnetic glass eraser, which cost 52 yuan, and the effect is not bad.

However, you should be very careful when using it, do not let the two pieces of glassware get caught in your hand, in case it hurts to clamp your hand, you should be careful to take it one by one, and never take it together.

When I wipe, I always use a small watering can to spray a little detergent water on the glass, and then apply some detergent to the two pieces of glass, first clean the two corners of the top in place, then slide down from the top arc, and finally finish, wipe the end with a towel. A glass of glass can be done in a few minutes, which is much easier than wiping it with a towel and toilet paper. You might as well give it a try, this year's Spring Festival focuses on a flower, the province, saving money is equal to making money.

#My Spring Festival Preparation Diary#My Spring Festival cleaning, saving time, effort and money, share it with you. It's so hard to make money this year, isn't saving money equal to earning more?
#My Spring Festival Preparation Diary#My Spring Festival cleaning, saving time, effort and money, share it with you. It's so hard to make money this year, isn't saving money equal to earning more?
#My Spring Festival Preparation Diary#My Spring Festival cleaning, saving time, effort and money, share it with you. It's so hard to make money this year, isn't saving money equal to earning more?

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