
Neighbor reminds: Your family of three goes to the city, go quickly, and pull your sister-in-law out

author:Capital Observation Jun

At that time, my family lived in a small town, and the relationship between neighbors was very good. But that day, my neighbor Uncle Li suddenly mysteriously pulled me aside and said, "Xiao Zhang, I just heard that your family of three is going to the city today, you have to leave quickly, and you have to block your sister-in-law." ”

I'm a straight-tempered person, and when I heard Uncle Li say this, I suddenly became angry: "Uncle Li, what did you say this?" What's wrong with my sister-in-law? Why did you block her? ”

Uncle Li looked left and right, and whispered: "Yesterday, I heard your sister-in-law call a stranger and say, 'You will bring money today, and I promise that the three of them will not be able to go back'." Xiao Zhang, you have to be careful, don't let your sister-in-law harm your family. ”

I was stunned, and I had mixed feelings. My sister-in-law has been married to my family for so many years and has always been very good, why did it suddenly become like this? But Uncle Li watched me grow up, and he won't lie to me. I decided to go home and check it out first.

As soon as I entered the house, I saw my sister-in-law packing her things and preparing to go to the city. My heart tightened and I asked her, "Sister-in-law, are you hiding something from us today?" ”

The sister-in-law was stunned for a moment and said, "No, what's wrong?" ”

I told her what Uncle Li said, and my sister-in-law's face suddenly turned pale. She said hesitantly: "Well, in fact, I called a friend of mine yesterday, and he owes me money and wants to pay me back today." I was afraid that you would misunderstand, so I didn't say it. ”

I looked at my sister-in-law in disbelief, but she suddenly cried: "I really didn't lie to you, if you don't believe me, I won't go to the city." ”

Seeing my sister-in-law like this, I don't feel good in my heart. At this time, my wife and children also came out and asked me what was the matter. I thought about it for a moment and said, "Let's go to the city together to see if my sister-in-law's friend really pays her back." ”

So, our family of three and my sister-in-law went to the city together. Along the way, my sister-in-law seemed very nervous. When they arrived at the agreed place, a strange man came over, handed his sister-in-law an envelope, and said, "This is money owed to you, sorry for keeping you waiting." ”

I took the envelope and opened it, and it was filled with money. But at this moment, the man suddenly took out a knife and put it against my sister-in-law's neck: "If you dare to call the police, I will kill her!" ”

It turned out that this man was a liar, and he was not here to pay back the money at all, but to kidnap us. I was trembling with anger, but there was nothing I could do. Just then, a police car suddenly rushed over and subdued the man.

It turned out that my sister-in-law secretly sent me a distress text message on the way here. The police told us that the man was a repeat offender who specialized in defrauding friends and family.

On the way home, I was overwhelmed with emotion. Although my sister-in-law almost hurt us, she also saved us. I decided to trust her and no longer doubt. As for Uncle Li, I think he is also for our good, but he just misunderstood his sister-in-law.

Since then, our family has been more united and nothing like it has ever happened again. And I also understand a truth: trust is mutual, and only by treating each other sincerely can we avoid misunderstandings and contradictions.

The days passed peacefully, and the sister-in-law gradually regained her old smile. However, life is always full of surprises. That day, I was mruning flowers and plants in the yard when I suddenly heard a sharp knock on the door. When he opened the door, it turned out to be Uncle Li, and he said anxiously: "Xiao Zhang, it's not good, your sister-in-law has been kidnapped!" ”

My head "buzzed", and I didn't react for a while. Uncle Li pulled me and panted and said, "I just saw your sister-in-law in the vegetable market being pulled into a black car by a strange man, I chased it for a while and didn't catch up, so hurry up and tell you." ”

I immediately realized the seriousness of the situation and quickly called the police. Afterwards, I gathered a group of neighbors and went to look for my sister-in-law. I prayed silently in my heart that my sister-in-law would be safe.

We searched all the streets and alleys of the city, but we never found any trace of my sister-in-law. As night fell, my heart became more and more anxious. At this time, the police came with the news that my sister-in-law's mobile phone and clothes had been found in an abandoned factory on the outskirts of the city.

We rushed to the scene and the police had already launched an investigation. At the scene, I found an unfamiliar button, I picked it up and looked at it carefully, and suddenly my heart was shocked: this button was exactly the same as the button on the dress my sister-in-law wore when she came back from the city that day.

I suddenly remembered the police officer who had rescued us in the city that day, and he said that the scammer was a repeat offender who specialized in defrauding friends and family. Could it be that this incident has something to do with that man? I immediately told the police about the clue.

The police acted quickly and discovered the traces of the black sedan through the investigation of surveillance footage. It turned out that the liar did not stop, and he was always looking for an opportunity to get revenge on us. This time, he took aim at my sister-in-law.

Thanks to the efforts of the police, we finally found the abandoned factory, but it was empty. The police told me that they had deployed a police force to hunt down the crook all over the city. I walked anxiously around the factory, worried about my sister-in-law's safety.

Just then, my phone rang, and it was an unfamiliar number. I answered the phone, and my sister-in-law's voice came from inside: "Xiao Zhang, help me, I'm ......"

Before he could finish speaking, the phone hung up. I hurriedly dialed back, but I couldn't get through. I quickly told the police about the situation. Based on the phone call, the police quickly identified an area, and we rushed there immediately.

In front of a remote house, the police successfully rescued the kidnapped sister-in-law. The crook was also subdued by the police and finally caught in the net. Seeing that my sister-in-law was safe and sound, a stone in my heart finally landed.

My sister-in-law hugged me and said with tears streaming down her face: "Xiao Zhang, thank you for saving me, I will never be so impulsive in the future." ”

I gently patted my sister-in-law on the back and said, "Sister-in-law, don't be afraid, our family is by your side." ”

This incident made us cherish each other more and taught us the importance of unity. And I firmly believe that as long as we treat each other sincerely and trust each other, no difficulty can knock us down.

The days gradually returned to calm, and the sister-in-law, with the care of her family, gradually came out of the shadow of being kidnapped. However, this incident has brought a huge change in our lives, and we have begun to pay more attention to each other's safety and value family harmony more.

One day, I was chatting with my sister-in-law in the living room, and she suddenly mentioned an idea: "Xiao Zhang, I want to open a snack bar, first, to pass the time, and second, to increase some income for the family." What do you think? ”

I was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, this is a good idea!" The food you cook is so delicious, opening a small shop is definitely popular. Our whole family has your back! ”

My sister-in-law listened to my words, and her eyes flashed with excitement. She took my hand and said, "Thank you, Xiao Zhang." With your support, I have the confidence to do this well. ”

As soon as we said it, our family started to get busy for my sister-in-law's snack bar. Site selection, decoration, and procurement of ingredients have been poured into every step of the way. Finally, the snack bar opened smoothly.

On the opening day, the neighbors came to congratulate him, and Uncle Li also came. He patted me on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Zhang, it's really not easy for your family, you have gone through so many things, and you can still be so united. I'm sure your snack bar will do a good business. ”

I replied with a smile, "Uncle Li, thank you for your blessings." We'll try. ”

The business of the snack bar is really good, and the craftsmanship of my sister-in-law has been recognized by everyone. Every day, we help take care of the shop, and although we are busy, we are full of happiness.

One day, a strange middle-aged man came to the snack bar. After tasting his sister-in-law's specialty dish, he was full of praise. When the man left, he left his business card and said, "Your skills are so good, I am the manager of a nearby hotel, if you are interested, you can come to our hotel as a chef." ”

My sister-in-law took the business card, hesitated for a moment, and then said to me, "Xiao Zhang, what do you think?" ”

After thinking about it seriously, I said, "Sister-in-law, this is an opportunity. You can go to the hotel and try it, if it doesn't work, we'll come back and open a snack bar. ”

The sister-in-law nodded and decided to go to the hotel for an interview. The interview went well, and my sister-in-law successfully became a chef at the hotel. Although she was a little worried about the snack bar, our family encouraged her to aim higher.

After my sister-in-law went to work at the hotel, the snack bar business was still booming. We hired a trusted relative to help with it, and we helped from time to time.

One night, I was helping out at a snack bar when I suddenly received a call from my sister-in-law. She said excitedly: "Xiao Zhang, I just got a commendation from the head chef of the hotel, and he said that my craftsmanship is the best in the hotel!" ”

I smiled and replied, "Sister-in-law, congratulations!" You must keep working hard, we are all proud of you. ”

After all kinds of twists and turns, our family cherishes each other even more. My sister-in-law's success has made us understand a truth: as long as we unite and move forward bravely, life will definitely give us rich rewards.

And this reward is not only reflected in the material, but also in the warmth and trust in our hearts. In this loving family, we work together to create a better future.

As the days passed, my sister-in-law's work in the hotel became more and more smooth, and the snack bar was also taken care of by relatives, and business was getting better and better. Although our family is busy, we all have a full life.

One day, I was helping out at a snack bar when I suddenly received a strange phone call. A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone: "Xiao Zhang, it's me, Uncle Li." ”

I asked in surprise, "Uncle Li, why did you change your number?" Can I help you? ”

Uncle Li's voice was a little heavy: "Xiao Zhang, I haven't been feeling well recently, and the doctor said that I may be old and need to be hospitalized for observation for a period of time." I would like to ask you to help take care of my little dog Duoduo. ”

I immediately agreed: "Uncle Li, don't worry, I will take care of a lot." You can recuperate with peace of mind and recover sooner. ”

Uncle Li said gratefully, "Thank you, Xiao Zhang." I knew I wasn't looking at the wrong person. ”

From that day on, in addition to taking care of the snack bar, I also had to find time to visit Uncle Li and his little dog Duoduo every day. Duoduo is a smart and clever teddy who is happy to see me every time and circles around me.

Uncle Li's health gradually improved, and on the day he was discharged from the hospital, I went to pick him up with my sister-in-law. He looked at us and said with a smile, "You two, it's really my sweet little padded jacket." ”

My sister-in-law and I looked at each other and smiled, our hearts filled with warmth. We accompanied Uncle Li home and prepared a sumptuous dinner for him. Uncle Li looked at the table full of dishes and said with emotion: "With you here, I really have something to rely on." ”

The days passed like this, and our family, Uncle Li, and the puppy Duoduo lived a warm life. My sister-in-law's work at the hotel is getting smoother and smoother, and she has also been promoted to head chef. And I'm becoming more and more comfortable in the management of snack bars.

One day, I was helping out at a snack bar when I suddenly received a call from my sister-in-law. She said excitedly: "Xiao Zhang, the hotel decided to send me to participate in an international food competition, I was a little nervous, I didn't know if I could do it. ”

I encouraged her, "Sister-in-law, you can do it." Your craft is so good, I'm sure you'll get good results. ”

The sister-in-law smiled: "Thank you, Xiao Zhang." With you by my side, I'm not afraid of anything. ”

After a period of intense preparation, my sister-in-law finally embarked on a journey to the International Food Competition. And our family cheered her on in the small town.

The day of the competition is approaching day by day, and we are looking forward to good news from my sister-in-law every day. Finally, the competition ended, and the sister-in-law lived up to expectations and won the gold medal of the competition. She called us excitedly: "Xiao Zhang, I succeeded!" I got the Gold Award! ”

My family and I rejoiced and were proud of my sister-in-law's success. And the success of my sister-in-law also made us understand a truth: as long as we work hard, we will definitely be able to realize our dreams.

In this loving family, we work together to create a better future. And all this is because we always believe that as long as we unite and move forward, life will definitely give us rich rewards.

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