
Regardless of men and women, if you feel that you have a high probability of not getting rich, then get married early. Take advantage of the fact that you still have collagen on your face, and take advantage of the fact that you can also deceive the other party that you are beautiful and have potential stocks

author:Emotions are a thing or two

Regardless of men and women, if you feel that you have a high probability of not getting rich, then get married early.

Take advantage of the fact that you still have collagen on your face, and take advantage of the fact that you can also deceive the other party that you are beautiful and have potential stocks.

Otherwise, once everyone is over 30+, whether it is a mule or a horse, it is almost the bottom of the ordinary people, and no one should look down on anyone.

Women take advantage of their youth, the room for choice is very large, do not wait for the passage of time in vain to regret the beginning.

Men also don't think of themselves as 40 a flower, flowers refer to rich men, no money is collectively called old singles, what men do not care about the age of the man is a joke.

Those who are unwilling to enter the marriage can ignore it.

Those who feel that they will be able to get rich in middle age can also ignore it.

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