
These famous love stories in film history are tragedies! Is the love between Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan the same as them? Douban ranks in the top 50 movies, all of which can be called classics, among which love

author:The old ghost is here to make a noise

These famous love stories in film history are tragedies!

Is the love between Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan the same as them?

Douban's top 50 movies, each can be called a classic, among which the love story, can be called epic, look at the ending of these epic love stories (sorted by Douban score):

Douban ranked 2, "Overlord Farewell", Ju Xian hanged, cheng Dieyi killed himself with a sword.

Douban ranked 3, "Forrest Gump", Jenny is terminally ill and leaves her son for Forrest Gump.

Douban ranked 4, Titanic, and Jack left the hope of life to Ruth, freezing to death in front of Ruth.

Douban ranked 5, "This Killer Is Not Too Cold", Leon in order to save Matilda, pulled a grenade and the evil police leader Stanfield died together.

Douban ranked 6, "Beautiful Life", Guido pursued How beautiful the plot of Dora, and how sadistic the plot in the concentration camp was. In the end, Guido is discovered by the Nazis because he wants to rescue Dora, and calmly dies in front of his son Joshua.

Douban ranked 9th, "Inception", wife Mel because he could not distinguish the reality of the dream, committed suicide, Cobb has been living in deep self-blame and pain, subconsciously he wants to accompany his wife forever.

Douban ranked 19th, "Journey to the West", the supreme treasure of the reincarnated Sun Wukong, can only watch Zixia die in his arms in pain.

Douban ranked 29, "The Dark Knight", the omnipotent Batman can not love the woman he likes, under the design of the Joker, the yin and yang error did not save her, for this reason and Harvey turned against each other, and finally assumed the reputation of the Dark Knight.

Douban ranked 33rd, "Gone with the Wind", Scarlett circled between several men, and finally realized that her favorite was Brad, but Brad had already been discouraged and left desperately because of the death of her daughter.

Douban ranked 46, "Paradise Cinema", Duoduo and Elena Hai vowed to the mountain alliance, but could not fight Elena's father, can only go away.

Douban ranked 49th, "Roman Holiday", journalist Bradley and Princess Anne love each other deeply, but the difference in their identities is doomed to no result.

The above epic love, the process is beautiful, the results are tragic.

For the sake of his lover, the angel will eventually break his wings.

Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan's love is so sadistic, the process of their love has been through hardships, and their wings have long been scarred.

Will they break this law and become a love epic with a happy ending?!!

These famous love stories in film history are tragedies! Is the love between Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan the same as them? Douban ranks in the top 50 movies, all of which can be called classics, among which love
These famous love stories in film history are tragedies! Is the love between Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan the same as them? Douban ranks in the top 50 movies, all of which can be called classics, among which love
These famous love stories in film history are tragedies! Is the love between Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan the same as them? Douban ranks in the top 50 movies, all of which can be called classics, among which love
These famous love stories in film history are tragedies! Is the love between Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan the same as them? Douban ranks in the top 50 movies, all of which can be called classics, among which love
These famous love stories in film history are tragedies! Is the love between Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan the same as them? Douban ranks in the top 50 movies, all of which can be called classics, among which love
These famous love stories in film history are tragedies! Is the love between Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan the same as them? Douban ranks in the top 50 movies, all of which can be called classics, among which love
These famous love stories in film history are tragedies! Is the love between Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan the same as them? Douban ranks in the top 50 movies, all of which can be called classics, among which love
These famous love stories in film history are tragedies! Is the love between Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan the same as them? Douban ranks in the top 50 movies, all of which can be called classics, among which love
These famous love stories in film history are tragedies! Is the love between Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan the same as them? Douban ranks in the top 50 movies, all of which can be called classics, among which love
These famous love stories in film history are tragedies! Is the love between Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan the same as them? Douban ranks in the top 50 movies, all of which can be called classics, among which love
These famous love stories in film history are tragedies! Is the love between Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan the same as them? Douban ranks in the top 50 movies, all of which can be called classics, among which love
These famous love stories in film history are tragedies! Is the love between Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan the same as them? Douban ranks in the top 50 movies, all of which can be called classics, among which love
These famous love stories in film history are tragedies! Is the love between Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan the same as them? Douban ranks in the top 50 movies, all of which can be called classics, among which love

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