
If a person has no sense of awe about people and things, only his own argument, then he is not far from death, it is too terrible. When a couple quarrels, the two of them have their own reasons, and they don't do it at all

author:Use the pen as a medium

If a person has no sense of awe about people and things, only his own argument, then he is not far from death, it is too terrible.

When a couple quarrels, the two of them have their own reasons, completely ignoring the young children with high fever, how to persuade them to return are all reasonable. No way, I can only say that this couple is too selfish, and their children are too pitiful to be born into their family.

I just want to feel happy in my heart, completely lose my sense of responsibility as a parent, and still speak out. Every parent says that they love their children, but in fact, what they really love in their hearts is themselves, and what they love is their own emotions, their own preferences.

I just want to say that this pair of parents really don't deserve to be parents, and it's really pitiful for children to be born in a family like theirs.

@ Pen as a medium When you have a conflict and want to quarrel, please take care of the people around you, especially your children. Be in awe and gratitude in everything, don't flaunt your kindness, and people who choose to love only their emotions are selfish.

Please be kind to our children, they have no choice in their parents, can you love them a little more?

#Kids##Emotional Review Awards# #情感 #

If a person has no sense of awe about people and things, only his own argument, then he is not far from death, it is too terrible. When a couple quarrels, the two of them have their own reasons, and they don't do it at all

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