
Two Women's Spiritual Dialogue: If You Can't Love You, Pass Through the Mist of Love "Sister Chapter" If You Can't Love You (Sister Chapter) Through the Mist of Love (Sister Chapter)

author:Poneva fun to read about travel

Source: Public number Fun Reading Travel (id: koalatravel) original

Two Women's Spiritual Dialogue: If You Can't Love You, Pass Through the Mist of Love "Sister Chapter" If You Can't Love You (Sister Chapter) Through the Mist of Love (Sister Chapter)

Can you say we can still like other people? One morning, a certain girl (Lady No. 1) suddenly threw me this bomb problem.

She said: "I've been thinking about what you said about "don't get too emotionally attached," but it's contradictory and hard to do. Because you like others, it is inevitable that you will be addicted.

I said: This is good, we all come to think deeply, you write one, I write one, and the sister article is sent to our public account. Good idea! Kill two birds with one stone.

She said: I'm going to think about it.

I whispered that she I knew couldn't escape my clutches.

So-and-so No. 1

Recently, I have been thinking about the words of a certain girl in my mind: don't indulge in feelings, and don't indulge in your own scars.

I asked her: So do you think we can still like other people?

But if you like someone else, there are a million possibilities of indulging in it, so what?

Often when chatting with a child, he would joke that he was a little fart, and he always dismissively contradicted me, not much older than him, but talked about age all day. Yesterday's chat, said that when some people are separated, they always like to calculate how many things they have bought for each other and how many red envelopes they have sent, and everything in a relationship has been reduced to only material. He asked me, just thinking about how much I had paid, how much I had not thought about how much I had received. This sentence made me look at him with admiration. Maybe I've been stuck in a superficial sense of him and never really got to know the real him.

Returning to the question just now, in the relationship between the sexes, many people (regardless of gender) always habitually calculate and measure whether what they have paid in a relationship is proportional to what they have received; if so, they will be complacently relieved; if not, the unwilling party will gradually lose balance in their hearts, and in one quarrel after another, they will count their past efforts and then blame each other. In fact, at this time, why not think about what kind of psychology the two people are not together, it should be the kind of silent attention, the opportunity to show kindness to each other, and once the other party accepts, their hearts will be ecstatic, right?

Why is it an honor to be able to give for each other before being together, and then it becomes an exchange after being together? If you are good to each other, the other party will give reciprocity or even more returns, only in this way can you soothe the unwillingness in your heart. And this, or love? The lyrics of one song are written like this: If the way I love you has started differently, we might as well change our position and see what it looks like. If we, no matter how long we have been together, can always cherish that original intention and cherish each other; then, even if we are addicted to feelings, we will still not lose ourselves and will not lose each other; we will still be as shy and lovely as we first saw; we will still resist all interference in the flower world, and we will appreciate each other and protect each other day by day.

Zhu Deyong once said that your goodness is like a piece of sugar to others, and when you eat it, it will be gone; your badness is like a scar for others, and it will remain forever; this is human nature. Love is very simple; it is human beings who make love complicated, forcibly mixing the greed, suspiciousness, jealousy, vanity, etc. that come with human nature, so that love is no longer pure. Love is the most powerful ability of human beings, it can make people happy and sad in an instant, powerful and vulnerable, it can make human beings become countless kinds of appearances that you can't even imagine, it can make people invincible. In any case, loving someone should be a happy thing, even if you are addicted to it, it should be a sweet sinking; even with scars, we will touch the scars and move forward firmly; even if it is pain, it is a happy and reassuring pain; even if it is full of waiting, it is to get far more love than to give.

Life is very short, to meet, is the greatest luck; to be able to walk together, is the greatest happiness; to be able to firmly choose, is the greatest three lives of luck; to be able to join hands with the white head, is the greatest honor. Therefore, even if we are addicted, even with scars, we must not be afraid, and we must love bravely; only in this way can we live up to ourselves, to each other, and to this life.

If I can't love you, I'll become a walking corpse; so even if I'm addicted again, I'll still choose to continue to love you.

Two Women's Spiritual Dialogue: If You Can't Love You, Pass Through the Mist of Love "Sister Chapter" If You Can't Love You (Sister Chapter) Through the Mist of Love (Sister Chapter)
Two Women's Spiritual Dialogue: If You Can't Love You, Pass Through the Mist of Love "Sister Chapter" If You Can't Love You (Sister Chapter) Through the Mist of Love (Sister Chapter)

So-and-so no. 2

Loving someone is a happy thing, but also a spiritual desire, a desire to die in Duras's pen, and a heroic dream in a tired life.

There is a passage in the movie "Once Upon a Time in America": "When I am tired of everything, I think of you, think of you living and existing somewhere in the world, I am willing to bear everything, your existence is very important to me." 」 ”

If there is a person who ignites your passion, satisfies your fantasies, and makes your heart rejoice, like running in the wilderness with a cheerful wind, you find how hot your love is, how deep your addiction. After touching each other with your heart, you can no longer be reluctant to exile the end of the world.

All one's life wants a tender, sweet, infinitely spoiled and inclusive, absolutely safe, unchanging ideal love. You want both passion and longevity, but the two naturally contradict each other. Passion is to inherit the love of a strong existence, and for a long time is to continue to love and be loved. Sometimes the desire for sex will also be disguised as the 15% short-term passionate love, and the 85% of the long-term warmth will inevitably fall into mediocre love in the end.

It's an exaggeration to say that everyone loves only 1% of the other person, and there are 99% of the loopholes waiting for the other 99 people to fill. But no one admits to being flawed. Love is a very personal act, paying - expecting - suffering - joy - caring - suffering - deep love - paying, only by establishing a deep relationship, emotions will not be quietly steamed dry, in this process need to endure the heavy flames of feelings, learn to carve the soul, learn to pain and joy penetrate each other.

It is as if one is alone through a forest of mist to reach a deeper level of life. Arm yourself with being loved, and use love to achieve the path you most desire.

The woman who is addicted to love has a warm tenderness and reveals a human nature that is attached to it; the woman who withdraws from love is truly awe-inspiring, because it is enough to be breathtaking, like the daughter of heaven shining with dazzling divinity.

She doesn't need to wait for someone else to ignite, she knows how to ignite herself; she doesn't need to rely on someone else's life, she can rely on her own life. She can maintain a keen sense of emotion and passion, see it as nourishment for growth, but do not regard it as all the necessities of life and life, she has the ability to transcend emotions, and she has the wisdom of being able to transcend emotions. She is no longer attached to loving and being loved, not to gaining and losing. "Roses have no cause, they blossom."

We seek eternal life through love. Hence the desire for love burns hot. The anxiety and dissatisfaction in love are often due to excessive force and inability to relax and enjoy the spring breeze and joy of life.

Love may be the energy that exists in the universe, quietly circulating in some invisible spatial level, negative energy positive, so there is a difference between cold and evil love and warm and righteous love.

The uncertainty of love makes it full of magic, and it also makes it full of anger. Love is not the embodiment of goodness, it is neutral, you are not possessing it, you are using it. Love is like electricity like fog, floating and wandering, unable to control, and the only thing that can be done is guidance.

If you love a person in a fantasy, you actually love yourself; you want to get someone because you want to get such a self.

How do you combine physical and spiritual love into one to love others? One is that the spirit is stronger than the body and no longer cares about its defects; the other is to reach a state of harmony, so that the two complement each other.

Love a person, not for others, only for yourself, only so transparent, in the end, no matter whether you love this thing, whether you gain or lose, you will not complain about the world. Most importantly, in this process, you have unswervingly learned what you have learned and what kind of essence you have tempered yourself. Only by emptying oneself can we make all things pass through the heart.

Author: Public Account Fun Reading Travel (id: koalatravel) Reading & traveling, body and soul are on the way. Share interesting travel stories, books, videos, and commentaries, focus on small and beautiful, and read soft, wise and healing. Welcome to forward and share, please contact the author for reprinting. Acknowledgements: The image comes from the Internet and the copyright belongs to the original author

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