
There are three kinds of "fierce" women, no matter how good-looking, they can't love

author:Our stuff
There are three kinds of "fierce" women, no matter how good-looking, they can't love

Asking what the world's situation is, The Orthodox people feel sad...

There are only three kinds of love in this world.

One is that a good woman meets a bad man.

One is that a good man meets a bad woman.

One is that a good man meets a good woman.

Everyone wants to meet a kind person, but good or bad is always hindsight, even if you understand what you can do, blame us for being too stupid, knowing that the other party is false, but also stubborn, unless you lose very badly, hurt very painfully.

Once a woman is made of water, the heart must be incomparably gentle, especially a good-looking woman, where can the heart be bad? That beautiful smile is her beautiful soul.

Unfortunately, the flowers gradually enter the charming eyes, when those flowers have passed through your life, suddenly looking back, not all the flowers are full of fragrance, some flowers seem delicate, "taste" the taste, only to know that it is a mandala!

Although some women in this world are absolutely beautiful, even if you are fascinated by a woman who is shy of the moon, when you fall deeper and deeper, after seeing her inner monologue, you will understand that although some women are good-looking, their hearts are really "fierce".

There are three kinds of "fierce" women, no matter how good-looking, they can't love

01 Blindly demanding, do not know how to be grateful for the woman

She sees that you are loyal and honest, and she still has some money in her pocket, so she smiles, keeps moving closer to you, saying hypocritical words (which are actually very easy to hear), and then waits, you take the initiative to spend money on her.

Once you stop giving her money to spend at will, she will find various reasons to directly reach out and "want", this kind of woman will not be so self-respecting and self-loving, because she feels that if you don't give her money to spend, you are stingy.

Falling in love with a woman, it is understandable to spend money on her, just afraid of a woman, the eyes are only staring at your wallet, saying sweet words on the mouth, but worrying about your money in your heart.

She doesn't care how much money you have left, she just spends it, until one day, you run out of money, she finds out, she will turn away, there will be no nostalgia.

A woman who only thinks of blindly taking, her heart is fierce, she doesn't care about what love or not to love, but the strange thing is that often this kind of woman always puts love on her lips, perhaps, because she doesn't care.

A woman who only knows how to take, her soul is already numb, she only wants to get possessions, to satisfy her barren heart, to get, she will not be moved, so from the first day, she did not think about the future.

There are three kinds of "fierce" women, no matter how good-looking, they can't love

02 Half-hearted, unfaithful women

This kind of woman can put down a love anytime and anywhere, no matter how much you pay in this love, she will not have a trace of reluctance, once she loses interest in you, she will immediately secretly Chen Cang and find a "back road" for herself.

She regards feelings as a child's play, feels that she looks good, she doesn't care who is who, anyway, she has never lacked men's admiration, this kind of woman, seems to know men very well, and is also very good at attracting men.

But she is particularly cruel in her heart, even if she seems to have a pulse, in fact, she does not take any relationship seriously in her heart, the better you treat her, the more she looks down on you, and she does not understand why this kind of woman has such thoughts.

The most cruel thing is that she will step on two boats and even interact with several people at the same time, this kind of woman is simply realistic to the bone, she only for her own goal - to find a rich fool? Once she has a little dissatisfaction with you, she will easily choose to leave, and maybe, not tell you.

Once you find out that she is half-hearted, she will never admit that she will immediately cut off all contact information with you when she sees that things are not good, but she will not feel guilty at all, but will secretly taunt you!

Even if you are heartbroken and angry, she can be "as quiet as water", her face is not red, her heart is not beating, she will look at you coldly, then smile contemptuously, and then, turn around and walk away, directly remove you from her world.

There are three kinds of "fierce" women, no matter how good-looking, they can't love

03 A woman full of lies and without a word of truth

Some women are particularly able to speak the Tao, but there is no truth, such a woman lies into sex, even if she looks beautiful, please put it down.

Love or no love, in fact, will not make people too helpless, afraid of a relationship, not even a little sincerity, some women will blush when they say a lie, but some women do not have a word of truth, she also feels that her lies have no loopholes!

If there is no sincerity between people, and you don't know why, you don't know why, they all say that women are thin-skinned, but some women prefer to lie, as if living in the world of lies, even if you dedicate too much sincerity, she will treat you as a fool, cheating you again and again, even if you expose her lies, she will resolutely refuse to admit it.

Such a woman does not understand what love is, not even the minimum character of being a person, if you stubbornly want to have spiritual communication with such a woman, it is simply equivalent to doing useless work, in the end, she will not tell you a word of truth, you will only be deceived by her lies in the end.

A woman is fierce, more fierce than a man, a fierce woman's self-proclaimed maturity and rationality, in fact, is that her soul has become numb, her character has been corrupted, even if she looks good, do not love, fall in love with a fierce woman, after all, it is also a game, the more serious you are, the more miserable you will lose.

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