
#Beauty Encyclopedia #@Headline Fashion Cherry Tomato today to share with you. !️ Save some foundation! !️

author:Cherry Tomato GO

#Beauty Encyclopedia #@Headline Fashion Cherry Tomato today to share with you.

Take off your "mask" for me! !️ Save some foundation! !️

As a skincare po master, my care face that is called a delicate!

More than a dozen bottles of whitening essence a year to the face, the face can be white and tender!

Here comes the !️ contrast! My body is two shades darker than my face! 😭

When you go out every day, your neck and makeup-on face are two shades! That's embarrassing!

So when I go out in the summer, I have to use foundation to paint the exposed parts of my body, thieves trouble! 🥱

Otherwise it's like wearing a white mask!

Later, 👭 my girlfriend really couldn't stand it, and recommended OLAYA's new whitening body lotion to me

I spent more than half a month.

A whole surprise stayed!


Before sharing it with everyone, I did my homework rigorously! 👇🏻

It has a whitening certificate! !️

Holding a certificate is a proper strength faction, full of confidence! 👍🏻

No wonder the whitening effect is so good!

The sisters have all used niacinamide stock solution or serum!

👉 Niacinamide is olaya's housekeeping ingredient,

The niacinamide content in this bottle of whitening body milk is about equal to 3.5 bottles of 30ml of niacinamide stock solution! 👏🏻

And! !️

In addition to niacinamide, there are also whitening handles to stabilize VC and inositol!

With this whitening ingredient, melanin is really a door don't even want to come in again!

It's really the effect of the real material to see wow! 💯

The body lotion is a 🍑 sweet peachy vanilla smell, and it smells like a head up

The delicate lotion texture is applied to the body and moisturizing, and it is not greasy at all

Absorb so fast, use the skin is refreshing and fragrant, smooth and tender to the touch!

Now in winter, I can also moisturize all night plus a whole day, the skin will not dry and will not be tight, and the moisturizing force will be leveraged! 👍🏻

I don't have to worry about my neck being darker than my face now! ✌🏻️

Digging up this bottle of treasure whitening body lotion is really a surprise harvest in 2022!

Every like you pay attention to and point, I seriously take it as a like~

OLAY Ultra White Bottle Whitening Body Lotion

#Beauty Encyclopedia #@Headline Fashion Cherry Tomato today to share with you. !️ Save some foundation! !️
#Beauty Encyclopedia #@Headline Fashion Cherry Tomato today to share with you. !️ Save some foundation! !️
#Beauty Encyclopedia #@Headline Fashion Cherry Tomato today to share with you. !️ Save some foundation! !️
#Beauty Encyclopedia #@Headline Fashion Cherry Tomato today to share with you. !️ Save some foundation! !️
#Beauty Encyclopedia #@Headline Fashion Cherry Tomato today to share with you. !️ Save some foundation! !️
#Beauty Encyclopedia #@Headline Fashion Cherry Tomato today to share with you. !️ Save some foundation! !️

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