
No matter how cold it is, don't do these things to your child

There are definitely a few things you can't do with your baby when it gets cold

No matter how cold it is, don't do these things to your child

First, do not dress your child too thickly

Walking on the street in winter, it is not difficult for us to find small rice dumplings. The parents of these children are afraid that their baby bumps are frozen, which can be described as three layers inside and three layers outside, wrapped tightly, walking like a small penguin.

When sleeping at night, the child's bed is warmed up, and it is not at ease. Put thick pajamas on your child and cover them with two layers of quilts.

This practice does not agree, why?

Wearing too much or covering too much can easily cause skin problems in your baby. Covering it too hot causes your baby to sweat and is more likely to catch a cold. In addition to causing different degrees of hypoxia in the baby;

It will also cause the body to lose a lot of water and cause symptoms of dehydration. Isn't there a "blindfold syndrome"? That's the case. Parents should pay attention!

No matter how cold it is, don't do these things to your child

Second, do not use the small sun for the baby

The little sun is simply an essential cold-resistant artifact in winter. I believe it is also the choice of most families, but the little sun, must not be used for the baby! Must not!

We all know that the closer to the little sun, the higher the temperature, and the maximum temperature of the small sun is more than three hundred degrees. Babies are young and curious, and it's easy to touch them with their hands.

The child's skin is delicate, how can it withstand this temperature? In addition, the use of the small sun can also cause damage to the child's vision.

Before the age of six, the baby's retina is not mature, and long-term direct direct viewing of high-intensity light sources will cause damage to the macular area of the retina, and prolonged high temperature of the eyes will cause keratitis.

Such a serious harm, little sun, do you dare to give it to your child?

Third, you can't let your baby stay home for a long time

I don't know when the popular "lying corpse" culture began, have parents been recruited? Regardless of whether parents have been recruited or not, they cannot be infected with the baby!

How can babies exercise when they stay at home for a long time? Don't worry about your child's cold because it's cold, so try to minimize your child's going out.

This practice is easy to make children lazy, and their physical fitness gradually deteriorates, what are the benefits?

Parents may wish to take their children out for a walk, to the fresh air of the park to walk, not only to enhance the feelings of parents and children, but also to let everyone have a good mood. Why not kill two birds with one stone?

No matter how cold it is, don't do these things to your child

Fourth, electric blankets and rechargeable warm water bags are best not for babies

The quality of the electric blanket on the market is uneven, if the quality of the electric blanket bought at home is not good, coupled with the child's habit of wetting the bed easily, it is easy to cause a circuit short circuit and an accident.

In addition, the temperature of the electric blanket is relatively high, and the capillaries will expand after the baby is exposed. Because the baby's water metabolism rate is faster than ordinary people, it is easy to suffer from dehydration fever.

If left untreated, it can be life-threatening. It is not recommended to use a rechargeable warm water bag with hot water, but also because of quality reasons. In the annual news reports, it is not unusual for cases of being injured by a hot water bottle.

As the saying goes, "If you want to be safe, you are hungry and cold." "Therefore, if you want your baby to spend the winter healthily, parents can't be greedy to keep their children too warm!"

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