
Do you have rebellious children in your family, and how are you educated?

Do you have rebellious children in your family, and how are you educated?

As a counselor, I met too many rebellious children, and after the scolding and education of their parents, they were often sent to me.

It can be seen that scolding does not work at all for these young people in the new era.

Before thinking about educating him, we must first understand the rebellious period and understand why he rebelled.

Do you have rebellious children in your family, and how are you educated?

Adolescent rebellious behavior presents some common characteristics:

1. Age characteristics - about 14 years old is the peak age for adolescent rebellious behavior.

2. Gender characteristics - Among students with rebellious personalities, there are more boys than girls.

3, educational characteristics - poor academic performance students are more rebellious than students with good academic performance.

4. Trigger characteristics - mainly manifested in the fierce confrontation between parents and children or teachers and students.

5, behavioral characteristics - most of the rebellious teenagers do not care about the consequences of the behavior, do some very extreme things, such as long-term in Internet cafes, and may even wander and beg, gamble, carry out illegal and criminal activities and so on.

Moreover, with the change of the times, the environment of teenagers in the new era is much more complicated than the environment of their parents' generation.

So their rebellious period will be 1-2 years earlier, but at a younger age they are under more pressure.

Do you have rebellious children in your family, and how are you educated?


Why does it make children start to rebel?

After the child enters puberty, psychological changes are triggered by physiological changes.

They begin to think, form immature opinions, and begin to doubt their parents' words.

After the authority is shaken, it is difficult for parents to adapt for a while, and they are unwilling to reduce their value and adjust their educational methods to face their children.

In this regard, the child is resistant, and the parents find it difficult to discipline.

What do parents do?

Parents need to keep pace with the times, fully understand the rebellious situation of contemporary teenagers, and give their children respect.

In fact, everyone has come from the rebellious period, but some people have forgotten their former selves as they walk.

Parents should learn to empathize with their rebellious children.

As long as it resonates, it will understand the child, encourage the child, and stabilize the child's emotions.

In academics, properly reduce the burden and let him go out to see nature.

Do you have rebellious children in your family, and how are you educated?

Everyone goes through a period of adolescent rebellion, but everyone's youth should be colorful, and rebellion is only one of the colors.

As the saying goes, "Good medicine is good for the sick, and good advice is good for the ear." ”

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[Author of this article]: Director Li of Orangutan Village

[Original Statement]: Some of the content of the article is excerpted from the Network, if there is infringement, please contact the author to correct and delete.

[Column Introduction]:

"Apes Ball xx said" is a parent-child education column of the new media channel of "Apes Ball Village". We aim to help more families improve their parent-child relationship and let the flowers of the motherland have a good childhood.

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