
What kind of person should I choose to get married?

Advice on mate selection for all girls

Today is still a day to take you through love from a male perspective. Mate advice for all girls.

It may be a bit harsh and realistic. But it must be useful to you in the long run.

Try not to think about marriage too early.

Especially girls who are just out of school.

You still don't know what you need, and walking blindly into a marriage is not only easy to regret, but also easy to be taken advantage of.

Men like this kind of little girl with no social experience too much, and yearn for love and lack of defense, if you are good to you, you will pay your heart and lungs, and you don't need too much practical effort to trick you into marriage and childbirth.

By the time you react, you've basically been in a great life for several years.

Really, first go to the business, there is a mine at home do not need you to work too hard to engage in the career, but also experience the life of a person, walk around and see.

When you grow up, or your career is stable, your needs for feelings will be more clear, and the other half you find at this time is often more suitable for you.

Otherwise you are just another of the most common love victims in the world.

What kind of person should I choose to get married?

If you want the kind of romantic love and marriage, don't look for men who are too ambitious.

After all, people's energy is limited, and if he is bent on taking off in his career, he is doomed to not have so much energy to share with you, and the understanding of feelings between two people will also have a great deviation.

What you think is that the flowers are blooming well and the two people go on an outing together on the weekend, and what he thinks is that this Sunday, no overtime work, just find a meal for customers to open up a network.

What's more, many men who are intoxicated with their careers do not need feelings at all, they just want to find a "virtuous helper" to help them take care of everything in the family, it is best to work hard and complain without saying a word, you think he has too little emotional investment and he also thinks that you are really troublesome.

Even their real feelings are part of the exchange of interests, and from the time they chased you, they have begun to calculate how much you will help him in the future.

In the same way, if you are the kind of person who doesn't care about the wind and snow, stay away from those clingy young boys, otherwise his various insecure manifestations will drive you crazy sooner or later.

In short, women must take the initiative to choose a mate according to their own needs.

What kind of person should I choose to get married?

It's not who you like who is good to you, or who others think is right for you, but who you think is right for you, but who you need. Most of the reasons for women's emotional misfortune are because they are too passive at the beginning, what to give, and forget to want to be happy to forage for their own food.

It is not so much that men are realistic as that marriage is realistic.

Many men have something to ask for in marriage, and it is basically a matter of luck to marry you purely because they love you.

Some depend on whether your conditions match his, some depend on whether you are suitable for living with him for a long time, some depend on whether your body looks and academic qualifications work has "face", and some "I want it all".

There are even a small percentage of people who marry just to get married, just to have a family with children, or just to have a free babysitter.

The kind of man who is full of you and who would rather die alone than marry you basically only exists in romance novels, at least in real life, I have seen men, and there is not necessarily one in ten.

Even if he has everything, he wants you to add to him.

What kind of person should I choose to get married?

Therefore, when women choose a mate, they must dilute the component of "love" and use reality to hedge reality.

Think about what you can get out of this relationship, is it a real benefit? Is it inner happiness of fulfillment? Or is his genes excellent enough to pass on to the next generation? Or the love you crave?

If you don't get anything, just talk about being in love and be happy, almost pulling your legs and leaving, or if you want to get married, he doesn't want to, you can also leave him to find someone else.

Don't be embarrassed, don't feel that you are "not a woman" in this way, "decent", "sensible", "crazy for love" has always been a shackle on women, and there is nothing wrong with being a realistic and sober "bad woman".

When you should show your fangs, you have to show your fangs, don't lower your eyebrows and be a rabbit, the rabbit is cute, right? Well, it's still very fragrant when it's boiled.

How to tell if a man is a good man or a bad man? I'm sorry, you basically can't see it at the beginning of the relationship.

The more the devil is better at disguise, the more scumbags know how the average girl is most likely to be attacked, the hidden self in the early stage of love to create a perfect illusion for you, you have to be him before he begins to release his dark side, this kind of story abounds.

It's not enough for you to just stare at what he does for you "out of love", and with most women's requirements for "love me", it doesn't take much effort for men to achieve your standards.

What kind of person should I choose to get married?

So what should I see?

A few suggestions:

See if he has basic self-control and moral concepts, whether he can empathize with other people, and whether he always thinks about himself first.

There is no taboo in doing things, six relatives do not recognize, the moral concept is shallow, the self-control is extremely poor, such a man is good to you and stay away from him, he is good to you because you are still useful to him now, you have not used him, his cruelty is far beyond your imagination.

See if he treats you as an equal.

You have places that are inferior to him, he encourages you to grow, where you are better than him, he sincerely admires, does not suppress, does not demean, does not ridicule, and the more broad-minded a man understands love.

· Usually test his attitude towards the female group.

Ask him what he thinks of the cost of women's fertility, see if he has a natural contempt or hostility toward women, and explore his sexual philosophy from daily life.

What kind of person should I choose to get married?

Two points must be emphasized:

1. How he views the relationship on a larger level will end up with you.

2. The kind of person who hangs "women are not as good as men" every day, he does not despise "other women", in the end, he despises you.

At any stage of the relationship, there should be no "from one to the end" mentality.

Love is serious love, don't think about "must marry him", if you can get along, work together, if you don't get along, it's better to get together.

Take love as a shoe trial on the right, the eye is not necessarily fit, the fit is not necessarily good to walk, the ultimate goal of the feeling is to try the most comfortable shoes, not to let you grind a foot of blisters but also comfort yourself "endure a will not hurt."

When you get married, carefully examine whether the other party can coexist with you, and don't think about self-touching, "I never thought about leaving when I got married."

You must know that all interpersonal relationships are gradual, and people who are now compatible may not be compatible after a long time together, and feelings are a process of constantly discovering contradictions to resolve contradictions.

Also, people will change, today's eyes are full of your people, in a few years may also treat you as air, and even everywhere think that you are obstructing your eyes.

The most valuable ability of women in their relationships is not to "see the scum at a glance", but to reserve the courage and ability to leave at any time.

It's like you enter the air-conditioned room, feel very cool, wait and find that the air conditioner is turned off by itself, it is getting hotter and hotter, you still don't go, do you have to wait for heat stroke?

What kind of person should I choose to get married?

Last Article:

Men are not your necessities. Nor is love.

In other words, if you feel that a person is comfortable, capable and confident that he can support his own life, and is not very attached to having a family and having a child, then you don't need to care too much about choosing a mate.

Of course it's good that someone loves you, and if no one loves you, you promise that you won't be bad.

It is dangerous to place all your hopes on others.

What a person can give you, it is easy to take it back, you should strive to make sure that there is no difference between him and him in life, in order to be assured and bold to talk about feelings.

Don't listen to any kidnapping, many people just want to send you into marriage, and then they don't care, they can't take care of it, cold and warm can only be borne by yourself.

It is what you like, you fight more, not what you want, you let go in time.

If someone says to you, "Don't be satisfied with where you go to find such a good person," you say to them:

"If you like it, take it."

What kind of person should I choose to get married?

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