
If you want to live a long life, stick to exercising in the morning?Reminder: 4 "harmful" exercises, many people are still doing the morning sun shining into the bedroom, and someone on the street has already started their daily exercise. This one

author:Energetic and promising, Dr. Wu

If you want to live a long life, stick to exercising in the morning?Reminder: 4 "harmful" exercises, many people are still doing them

The morning sun is shining into the bedrooms, and people on the street are already starting their daily workouts. This scenario is common in many communities. After all, a morning workout seems like a no-brainer for people who are looking for health and longevity. However, there are some popular morning exercise Xi that aren't good for everyone.

Imagine a neighbor who loves to run in the morning and runs several kilometers every morning. At first, it seems like a good Xi to learn Xi. But a few months later, he had to stop due to joint pain and heart problems. This story is not unique, and it reveals an important problem: not all morning workouts are suitable for everyone, especially middle-aged and older adults.

The purpose of this article is to explore: why some seemingly beneficial morning exercise methods may actually have a negative impact on health, and what exercises should middle-aged and elderly people avoid in the morning? What should the correct morning exercise method be? By understanding these, readers can identify and correct their exercise Xi habits and make them more scientific and healthy.

Benefits of Morning Workouts:

In the morning, a new day begins, and the body awakens from the night's rest. At this time, proper exercise can not only increase the heart rate and promote blood circulation, but also help to activate the brain and make thinking clearer. For example, one study showed that doing moderate-intensity aerobic exercise in the morning, such as brisk walking or light cycling, can improve productivity and improve memory.

What's more, exercising in the morning helps regulate hormone levels in the body. For example, moderate exercise can increase the secretion of endorphins, naturally occurring chemicals that can bring feelings of pleasure and reduce anxiety. At the same time, morning exercise can also help stabilize cortisol levels, a stress hormone that can be overproduced that can lead to a variety of health problems.

Also, the morning is a critical time to control your weight. Exercise speeds up your metabolism and helps burn more calories. One study found that people who exercised before breakfast had a higher total energy expenditure in a day than those who exercised after breakfast.

Finally, exercising in the morning can also be beneficial for blood sugar control. For people with diabetes or at risk of high blood sugar, morning exercise can help stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of daytime hyperglycemia.

Potential Risk: Exercise also has a "minefield"

Morning workouts are often seen as the secret to longevity, however, not all workouts are suitable for everyone. Certain forms of exercise, especially for middle-aged and older adults, can be a hidden health risk.

First, consider the body's natural rhythms. In the morning, the body transitions from a resting state at night to an active state, when blood pressure naturally rises and the heart is overloaded. Sudden high-intensity workouts, such as brisk running or weight training, can put unnecessary strain on the heart. One study found that strenuous exercise without a warm-up, especially in the morning, increased the risk of cardiac events.

Secondly, joints and muscles also need special attention. After resting at night, the joints and muscles are in a relatively stiff state. Directly engaging in high-intensity exercise, such as weightlifting or explosive power training, can lead to strains or other injuries. For example, excessive running can cause knee and lower back pain, especially if the joints are worn out or there are previous injuries.

In addition, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), although efficient, is more demanding on the heart and lungs and muscles. For middle-aged and elderly people who are sedentary or have little exercise, sudden HIIT may lead to overload of the body, which is not good for health. Similarly, some difficult yoga poses require a high level of flexibility and balance, and are not suitable for beginners or people with physical limitations.

List of "harmful" campaigns:

When exploring the effects of morning exercise, there are several common but potentially harmful forms of exercise that need to be warned. Here are four types of exercise to look out for and their potential risks.

Excessive Running: Running Out of Health Problems?

Running is widely considered a healthy form of exercise, but excessive running can lead to wear and tear on the joints and increase the burden on the heart. One study showed that long-term high-intensity running increased the risk of heart disease. When running, you should pay attention to the pace and intensity and avoid overdoing it.

Overweight Lifting: The Enemy of Muscles?

Weightlifting is an effective way to improve muscle strength and bone density, but choosing the wrong weight can lead to muscle strains or even fractures. Experts recommend gradually increasing the weight and always maintaining the correct posture to avoid injury.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT): Effectiveness or risk?

HIIT is popular for its highly effective fat burning, but it can be a risk for people whose cardiovascular systems are not prepared. One study showed that people who did not exercise had increased heart stress when they did HIIT. Beginners should start with low-intensity training and work their way up to the next level.

Extreme Yoga Poses: The Consequences of Excessive Bending?

Yoga improves flexibility and balance, but some difficult poses can cause muscle strains or joint damage. Especially older Xi should avoid overly complex postures and choose movements that suit them.

If you want to live a long life, stick to exercising in the morning?Reminder: 4 "harmful" exercises, many people are still doing the morning sun shining into the bedroom, and someone on the street has already started their daily exercise. This one
If you want to live a long life, stick to exercising in the morning?Reminder: 4 "harmful" exercises, many people are still doing the morning sun shining into the bedroom, and someone on the street has already started their daily exercise. This one
If you want to live a long life, stick to exercising in the morning?Reminder: 4 "harmful" exercises, many people are still doing the morning sun shining into the bedroom, and someone on the street has already started their daily exercise. This one
If you want to live a long life, stick to exercising in the morning?Reminder: 4 "harmful" exercises, many people are still doing the morning sun shining into the bedroom, and someone on the street has already started their daily exercise. This one

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