
"Neighborhood Watch, Warm Walking" Gang Caring Home Visit Activity

author:Guangzhou Sunshine Angel Intelligence Station

In order to enhance the sense of social integration and belonging of the needy people and special groups, and further expand the coverage of the "Gang Gang" volunteer team in Chadong Village, the Dalong Street Social Work Service Station joined hands with the Chadong Villager Committee and community volunteers to carry out the "Neighborhood Watch, Warm Walk" Gang Love Home Visit Activity on the afternoon of May 18, 2024. This activity takes cultural stories and cultural and creative products as the starting point to promote the interaction between community residents and the needy people, and alleviate the loneliness of the needy people's daily life. This activity attracted 18 volunteers to participate, serving a total of 12 people in need in Chadong Village.

"Neighborhood Watch, Warm Walking" Gang Caring Home Visit Activity

The social worker took a group photo with all the volunteers

The volunteer team of "Group" in Chadong Village is mainly composed of young people in the area, who act in groups with other volunteers and carry carefully prepared cultural stories and cultural and creative products into the poor families in the village. At each time they visit a family in need, the volunteers talk to the family members to learn more about their physical condition, living conditions, and recent difficulties. The volunteers listened carefully, answered patiently, and warmed the hearts of every needy person with sincerity and care. Uncle Cao, who is living in extreme poverty, is always at home alone, rarely goes out due to his limited mobility, and rarely visits his relatives and friends. He said excitedly: "These children have come to visit me several times, and every time they will be very intimate and ask for warmth, I am so happy to see them!" Uncle Cao's "pairing" object, Xiao Da, also gave an enthusiastic response: "We haven't experienced the era of Uncle Cao's youth, but it is also very interesting to hear Uncle tell the story of going south and north to do business in the past!" Xiaowen, a volunteer who joined the house, was very touched by this scene, and she secretly said to the social worker: "I really want to do my best for the elderly in need in the community, can I also join the volunteer team of the 'Bang Bang Tuan'?" Both the social worker and the team leader said that they were very welcome to join the new members.

"Neighborhood Watch, Warm Walking" Gang Caring Home Visit Activity

The members of the "Gang Gang" team listened carefully to the voices of the people in difficulty

The establishment of the "Bangbang Group" aims to provide help and support to the needy people in the community through the advantages and strength of volunteers. They use their practical actions to make more people feel the warmth and care of the society. In the future, the "Bangbangtuan" will continue to give full play to its own advantages, actively plan and carry out various volunteer services, and send more warmth and care to the needy people in the community. Here, we also call on more residents and friends to join the ranks of volunteer service and jointly contribute to the construction of a harmonious community.

"Neighborhood Watch, Warm Walking" Gang Caring Home Visit Activity

Volunteers will make their own cultural and creative products and donate them to the needy

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