
"Love Helps, Love is Unhindered" public welfare activities to help the disabled increase income

author:Guangzhou Sunshine Angel Intelligence Station

On May 19, the 34th National Day for the Disabled, the Shilou Town Social Work Service Station and the Asian Games City Tianfeng Property Service Center launched the "Love Help, Love is Not Hindered" public welfare activity to help the disabled and increase their income, promote the integration of the disabled into the community, form a joint force to help the disabled, and continue to improve the sense of gain and happiness of the disabled. This activity recruited 15 community volunteers (including two disabled volunteers), served a total of 46 residents, and helped the community fund raise 230 yuan, adding strength to help the disabled generate income.

"Love Helps, Love is Unhindered" public welfare activities to help the disabled increase income

Group photo of the event

* There is no hindrance to love, and the community is integrated

Xiao Chen became an intellectually disabled child after an acquired accident that caused brain trauma. A normal child's simple movements, Xiao Chen may need to exercise for 2~3 months to barely do. Xiao Chen's mouth muscles are not well controlled, and his pronunciation is not very clear. His mother kept repeating the teaching, "Do you want to buy it?" Xiao Chen also worked hard and effortlessly to use his muscles to express clearly. A caring child bought a toy sold by Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen carefully showed how to operate the toy, and at the same time, in order to thank the caring child, Xiao Chen also gave him a sausage baked at home. This image fully reflects the purpose and significance of the event, so that people with disabilities can use their abilities to interact with the community and integrate harmoniously.

"Love Helps, Love is Unhindered" public welfare activities to help the disabled increase income

Love flows

* Helping to increase the income-generating platform for families with disabilities in difficulty

Uncle Guo, a family member of the disabled, is over 70 years old, his son and daughter-in-law are all disabled, and the family is in financial difficulty. After learning about the situation, the social worker set up more sales platforms and opportunities for Uncle Guo, and invited him to the event to sell home-grown vegetables, so as to promote his family's income and let the community know about the difficulties of disabled families.

"Love Helps, Love is Unhindered" public welfare activities to help the disabled increase income

Helping the disabled to generate income

* Love donation, more understanding, more tolerance

In order to let more community residents understand the disabled, this activity designed a variety of games - fist stacking cups, table tennis cups, blindfolded steps, bowling quizzes, and shiatsu board walking, through interactive games, community residents can understand the definition and classification of people with disabilities, the inconvenience of daily life, and learn to treat people with disabilities with smiles, active communication, positive acceptance, and equal treatment.

"Love Helps, Love is Unhindered" public welfare activities to help the disabled increase income


Finally, I would like to thank the Asian Games City Neighborhood Committee, Zhonghai Asian Games City, Asian Games City Tianfeng Property Service Center and caring people in the community for their strong support to this event, and contribute to creating a harmonious and loving Shilou community.

"Love Helps, Love is Unhindered" public welfare activities to help the disabled increase income

Ping Pong cupping

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