
5.18 Oriental Forum|Zhong Xiaohua: Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

author:Haina Baichuang
5.18 Oriental Forum|Zhong Xiaohua: Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

Xiaohai: The third event of the "2024 Oriental Forum - Entrepreneurial Career Lecture Series" with the theme of "'Just' in Shanghai, Inclusive of Hundreds of Innovations" was successfully held in the multi-functional hall on the fourth floor of the Shanghai Library (West Building) on the afternoon of May 18, 2024. This event is also one of the series of government opening activities of the Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

5.18 Oriental Forum|Zhong Xiaohua: Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

Zhong Xiaohua, Director of the Institute of Sociology, School of Politics and International Relations, Tongji University, and Tutor of Shanghai Public Welfare Entrepreneurship Base, gave a speech entitled "Social Innovation and Public Welfare Entrepreneurship", which allowed entrepreneurs to understand the importance and development prospects of social innovation and social entrepreneurship in the context of rapid change and innovation-driven era, and guided entrepreneurs to think about how to solve social problems or meet social needs through new products, services, organizations or process innovations, and at the same time balance social and commercial aspects to obtain sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship opportunities.

5.18 Oriental Forum|Zhong Xiaohua: Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship
5.18 Oriental Forum|Zhong Xiaohua: Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship
5.18 Oriental Forum|Zhong Xiaohua: Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

In the interactive question session, Ms. Zhong Xiaohua answered the audience's hot questions about the characteristics of social entrepreneurship, the path and platform of social entrepreneurship, and the methods and tools of innovation and entrepreneurship based on her own professional research and practical experience.

Guest certificates

5.18 Oriental Forum|Zhong Xiaohua: Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

Cai Donghai, Director of the Entrepreneurship Guidance Division of the Shanghai Employment Promotion Center

Zhong Xiaohua was awarded the certificate of "Distinguished Lecturer of Oriental Forum".

Consulting services

5.18 Oriental Forum|Zhong Xiaohua: Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

China Minsheng Bank was on the scene

Provide entrepreneurs with public welfare consulting services for start-up guarantee loans

Lecture dry goods sharing

1. The origin and characteristics of social innovation

(1) Definition and connotation of social innovation

Social innovation refers to solving social problems, improving social welfare, and promoting social progress through innovative solutions. Social innovation includes not only technological innovation, but also institutional innovation, cultural innovation, organizational innovation and other aspects of innovation.

(2) The concept and characteristics of social entrepreneurship

1. The concept of social entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship refers to the goal of solving social problems and improving social welfare, and achieving a win-win situation of social value and economic benefits through innovative means and business models.

2. Characteristics of social entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship has a strong sense of social responsibility and pays attention to disadvantaged groups and public interests.

(3) The development model and path of public welfare entrepreneurship

1. Social entrepreneurship model

  • Social enterprise
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Philanthropic investment and innovation
  • Social Impact Investing

2. Social Entrepreneurship Path

Social Problem Identification→ Resource Mining → Solution Design → Implementation Evaluation

3. Characteristics of social entrepreneurship

  • Optimize the social structure
  • Matching of resource supply and demand
  • Expand employment opportunities

(4) Characteristics of social innovation and public welfare entrepreneurship

  • sociality
  • Innovative
  • Business model
  • Social differences

2. The path and platform of social entrepreneurship

(1) Social innovation and entrepreneurship education:

It is an educational model that aims to cultivate students' social innovation and entrepreneurship skills, and guide them to identify and solve social problems through education.

1. Four modes of social innovation and entrepreneurship education:

  • Curriculum integration model
  • Project-driven mode
  • Community engagement model
  • International cooperation model

Professional integration type - general knowledge platform type - new professional type - entrepreneurial project type

2. Path 1: Professional curriculum system

Ladder courses

Scenario: Featured projects and social organizations that have been in operation for 2 years or more.

Mode: community landing + base support.

Goal: Social practice and public service base for college students.

3. Path 2: Service Learning Project

Expert/professional organization training

Applicable scenario: Entrust a third-party professional team to mine resources and talents, and promote them in the community in a thematic way. For example, technology for good, micro-renewal (space theme), resilient community (epidemic prevention volunteers), child-friendly, etc.

Mode: professional advantage + public welfare base + industry mentor.

Goal: Specialized integration, integration of industry and education projects, and institutional and enterprise training.

4. Path 3: Social cooperation base

Holistic ecological building

Applicable scenarios: major local strategies and key development areas.

Mode: Three-zone linkage network + foundation + regional entity.

Goal: To build a full-cycle entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship base for the integration of college students inside and outside the school.

5. Path 4: International Cooperation Network

International vision, global experience and cooperation network

Applicable scenario: cross-border cooperation, bringing together talents from different professions and industries.

Mode: Practice-oriented, attaching importance to on-site research and practical operation of enterprise scenarios.

Goal: Long-term investment and continuous development of the alumni partnership mechanism.

(2) Partnerships in Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship: Political-Social-Enterprise

1. Two-way embedding and two-way empowerment

The government gives legitimacy and institutional support to social enterprises

Social enterprises enhance the government's capacity for social mobilization

Funding and technical support are provided by economic enterprises

Social enterprises help businesses achieve their social goals

(3) Shanghai Social Organization Public Welfare Entrepreneurship Competition:

It has been held for 5 consecutive years, attracting nearly 1,000 projects from 14 provinces and 37 regions across the country, involving nearly 100 colleges and universities across the country. In the first four sessions, a total of nearly 40 empowerment activities were carried out, focusing on cultivating 164 award-winning teams and promoting the implementation of nearly 30 social organizations and public welfare teams.

1. Schedule and content:

  • Initiation and solicitation stage
  • Preliminary round→ semi-finals → finals
  • Post-competition nurturing phase

2. Participants:

  • Social Organization Category
  • Public welfare team

3. Field of Entry:

Social Governance, Scientific and Technological Innovation, Rural Revitalization, Social Assistance, Ecological Civilization, Elderly Care, Uninsured Care, Women's Development, Public Welfare and Charity, Cultural and Sports Education, Disability Inclusion, Spiritual Healing

3. Methods and tools for innovation and entrepreneurship

(1) Types and operations of social innovation organizations:

1. Organization Type:

According to the nature and purpose of the organization, public welfare organizations can be divided into various types, such as charitable organizations, non-profit organizations, and social enterprises. According to the organizational development cycle, it can be divided into pivotal type, growth type and professional organization.

2. Organizational Operation:

Organizations usually raise funds through public donations, government funding, corporate sponsorships, etc., and use them to carry out various public welfare projects and activities.

3. Organizational management:

Non-profit organizations need to establish a sound internal management system to ensure that the use of funds is transparent and fair, and at the same time pay attention to improving organizational efficiency and service quality.

(2) Design and planning of public welfare projects:

1. Project Objectives:

Clarify the objectives of the project, such as solving social problems and improving the community environment, to ensure that the project has clear social value.

2. Project demand analysis:

Gain an in-depth understanding of the needs of the target group, collect information through questionnaires, interviews, etc., and provide a basis for project design.

3. Project implementation plan:

Formulate a detailed project implementation plan, including project implementation steps, time arrangement, resource allocation, etc., to ensure the smooth implementation of the project.

(3) Implementation and management of public welfare projects:

  • Project planning
  • Resource integration
  • Team building

(4) Specific steps for public welfare innovation:

Logical Models, Social Business Canvas, Design Thinking, Social Change, Community Scenarios, Stakeholder Engagement

(5) PEST analysis:

  • Analyze political factors
  • Analyze economic factors
  • Analyze social factors
  • Analyze technical factors

(6) Scenario-based application:

People's city construction, rural revitalization, governance capacity and system modernization, five new cities, Yangtze River Delta integration, digital transformation, new quality productivity, social innovation......

(7) Joint recruitment of "Dream Building Public Welfare" social organizations

(8) Resource integration and coordinated development:

  • Shared resources
  • Collaboration
  • Innovative models

(9) Social benefit assessment:

1. Evaluation indicators:

Social impact assessments usually include indicators of economic, social and environmental dimensions, such as employment opportunities, community participation, environmental impact, etc.

2. Assessment Method:

Social benefit assessment can be conducted through questionnaires, interviews, data collection, etc., to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the assessment results.

3. Evaluation Report:

The assessment report should record the assessment process, results and conclusions in detail to provide a reference for decision-makers.

IV. Conclusions and Challenges

(1) Challenges:

  • uncertain
  • Technological change
  • Social and environmental issues

(2) New trends

1. Digitalization and technology-driven:

  • artificial intelligence
  • Big data
  • cloud computing

2. Sustainable Development:

  • Green economy
  • Low-carbon living
  • Recycling

3. Cooperation and Networking:

  • Network collaboration
  • Sharing economy
  • Social media

4. Localization Solution:

  • Community Participation: Encourage community residents to participate in community affairs, jointly solve community problems, and improve community cohesion and sense of belonging.
  • Resource sharing: Integrate community resources, such as education, medical care, culture, etc., to achieve resource sharing and improve the level of community services.
  • Innovation Cooperation: Encourage innovative cooperation among community members to jointly explore new methods and models to solve community problems.

5. Environmental protection and sustainable development:

  • Energy saving and emission reduction
  • Green Building
  • Circular economy

6. Internationalization of social enterprises:

  • Market expansion: Social enterprises can expand their business scope and market share by expanding into emerging markets, such as Africa, Southeast Asia, etc.
  • Partnerships: Social enterprises can establish partnerships with local partners to jointly develop markets, reduce risks, and increase success rates.
  • Cultural Acculturation: In the process of internationalization, social enterprises need to adapt to the local cultural, legal and business environment to better integrate into the local market.
5.18 Oriental Forum|Zhong Xiaohua: Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

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5.18 Oriental Forum|Zhong Xiaohua: Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

The opening time of the individual registration channel is 19:00 on May 20

Friendly reminder: This lecture implements a real-name system, please fill in the relevant information truthfully in the registration link, and please enter the museum 20 minutes in advance to participate in the lecture.

5.18 Oriental Forum|Zhong Xiaohua: Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

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5.18 Oriental Forum|Zhong Xiaohua: Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

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5.18 Oriental Forum|Zhong Xiaohua: Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship
5.18 Oriental Forum|Zhong Xiaohua: Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship
5.18 Oriental Forum|Zhong Xiaohua: Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

"Oriental Forum: Entrepreneurial Career" lecture series

Founded in June 2004, the "Oriental Forum" is a new carrier of ideological and cultural work explored to comply with the construction of Shanghai's public cultural service system and the spiritual and cultural needs of the general public, innovate the grassroots propaganda and ideological work mechanism, build a new position of lecture culture, and publicize the socialist core value system.

"Oriental Forum, Entrepreneurial Career" series of lectures is the "Oriental Forum" featured columns, but also the city's public entrepreneurship and employment services and public cultural services of the characteristic brand, jointly initiated by the Propaganda Department of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, in April 2005 to carry out the first lecture, has been held for 19 consecutive years, more than 90 lectures, aiming to create an entrepreneurial atmosphere and optimize the entrepreneurial environment through the integration of high-quality resources of Shanghai's public cultural services and employment and entrepreneurship public services. Convey new ideas, new ideas and new models of entrepreneurship and employment to the majority of small and micro entrepreneurs in the city. The "Oriental Forum: Entrepreneurial Career" series of lectures has become an important cultural platform and publicity position for enhancing and cultivating Shanghai-style entrepreneurial culture.

5.18 Oriental Forum|Zhong Xiaohua: Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

Details of the entrepreneurship policy

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