
Under the new medical reform situation, the ideological and political work of public hospitals should be strengthened

author:Public Health News

Abstract:Under the background of the new medical reform, it is particularly important to strengthen the ideological and political work of public hospitals. Public hospitals are important places for the masses to seek medical treatment, and their ideological and political work has a bearing on the work attitude, medical quality, and doctor-patient relationship of medical personnel. With the deepening of the reform of the medical system, strengthening the ideological and political work of public hospitals and improving the ideological consciousness and service awareness of medical staff have become important issues that need to be solved urgently. Under the new situation of medical reform, we should fully understand the importance of ideological and political work, and earnestly strengthen the ideological guidance, education and management of all medical personnel in public hospitals.

Keywords: new medical reform; public hospitals; Ideological and political work

The development of the new medical reform into public hospitals has brought new opportunities and new challenges, and also put forward higher requirements, requiring medical staff to have good ideological character and professional ethics. Against this background, it is particularly urgent to strengthen the ideological and political work of public hospitals. As an important medical service unit of the state, the ideological and political work of public hospitals is not only related to medical quality and medical safety, but also related to the professionalism and social responsibility of medical personnel. Only by strengthening ideological and political work and guiding medical staff to establish correct service concepts and professional ethics can public hospitals continuously improve service quality and build a good medical environment [1].

1. The importance of ideological and political work in public hospitals

The ideological and political work of public hospitals is the foundation for maintaining medical order and medical ethics. As service providers, the ideological and political quality of medical personnel has a direct impact on the quality and effectiveness of medical services. Good ideological and political work can strengthen the professional ethics of medical personnel, guide them to abide by medical ethics, respect life, protect the legitimate rights and interests of patients, and improve the service level of hospitals. The ideological and political work of public hospitals is the key to maintaining the doctor-patient relationship and promoting harmonious development. The doctor-patient relationship is the cornerstone of hospital development, and the ideological and political quality of medical staff directly affects the communication and trust between doctors and patients. By strengthening ideological and political work, medical staff can be more concerned about the needs of patients, understand patients' feelings, improve communication skills and emotional management level, so as to establish a good doctor-patient relationship and enhance patients' trust and satisfaction with the hospital. The ideological and political work of public hospitals is a key link in promoting the reform and development of hospitals and achieving their goals. The deepening of the reform of the medical system requires medical personnel to continuously improve their own quality and adapt to the medical needs and market competition under the new situation. Through ideological and political work, we can stimulate the innovative consciousness and responsibility of medical staff, enhance the spirit of teamwork and willingness to learn, comprehensively promote the innovation of internal management methods and service models of hospitals, and realize the improvement of medical quality and efficiency.

2. The mission and responsibilities of the senior leaders of the hospital in the ideological and political work

The senior leaders of the hospital should realize the importance of ideological and political work to the development of the hospital from the perspective of the overall situation, and deeply understand its basic, overall and strategic role in the work of the hospital. As the leaders of hospitals, they should take promoting the in-depth development of ideological and political work as their own mission, and clarify their responsibilities and responsibilities in ideological and political work. On the basis of fully understanding the ideological dynamics of medical staff, senior leaders of hospitals should improve the ideological realm and professional ethics of medical staff through guidance, motivation and demonstration. Through publicity and education, discussion and exchange, incentives and rewards, etc., guide medical staff to adhere to medical ethics, pay attention to professional ethics in daily work, enhance service awareness and sense of responsibility, and comprehensively improve the ideological quality and professional accomplishment of medical staff. The senior leaders of the hospital should also firmly establish a sense of service, pay attention to the ideological and emotional changes of the medical staff, find and solve the existing problems in a timely manner, ensure the stability of the medical staff's thinking, and prevent bad emotions from adversely affecting the work and patients. It is necessary to actively create a good atmosphere for ideological and political work, strengthen communication and ties with the grassroots, understand the work needs and ideological trends of the frontline, solve problems for medical personnel in a timely manner, and enhance their sense of gain and identity. The senior leaders of the hospital also need to strengthen the planning and organizational leadership of the ideological and political work, clarify the division of responsibilities, establish a sound working mechanism, strengthen the guidance and supervision of the ideological and political work, and ensure that the ideological and political work of the hospital is always steadily advancing in the right direction [2].

3. Strategies for strengthening ideological and political work in public hospitals

3.1 Strengthen the party's leadership and ideological guidance

In the process of strengthening the ideological and political work of public hospitals, we must deeply understand the vital importance of strengthening the party's leadership and ideological guidance. We must always adhere to the party's overall leadership, ensure that the party will always stand at the forefront of the hospital's ideological and political work, play a leading and promoting role, and lead the majority of medical staff to closely integrate all aspects of ideological and political work, and implement the party's decision-making and deployment into concrete actions. It is necessary to strengthen the role of party members and cadres in ideological guidance. Party members must abide by party discipline and state law in an exemplary manner, play an exemplary role, lead the medical staff of the hospital to practice the core values of socialism, actively spread positive energy, establish a noble image, and provide strong support for the ideological and political work of the hospital. Only through the strong leadership of the party and the demonstration of party members and cadres can we achieve more remarkable results in ideological and political work and enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the hospital. Under the current situation, strengthening the party's leadership and ideological guidance has gone beyond the scope of local interests and narrow thinking, and is the need for the long-term development of the hospital and the responsibility for the health of the majority of patients. Only by firmly establishing the correct political direction and unswervingly following the party's ideological and political line can we inject strong positive energy into the progress and development of public hospitals [3].

3.2 Establish and improve the internal management mechanism

In order to strengthen the ideological and political work of public hospitals, it is necessary to establish and improve the internal management mechanism. It is necessary to establish and improve a standardized hospital management system, clarify the responsibilities and work processes of each department, and stimulate the enthusiasm of medical staff through rules and regulations and incentive mechanisms, so as to ensure that the management work is carried out in an orderly manner. It is necessary to strengthen internal communication and establish a multi-level and all-round communication mechanism to make information flow smoothly and feedback opinions in a timely manner, so as to promote teamwork and consensus among medical staff. It is also necessary to strengthen the internal supervision and evaluation mechanism, and a scientific appraisal system should be established to comprehensively supervise and evaluate the development of ideological and political work, so as to provide a basis and direction for the improvement of work. In order to achieve this goal, it is also necessary to strengthen the education of medical personnel on ideals and beliefs, improve their ideological and political quality, and enhance their loyalty to the party and their awareness of behavioral norms, so as to provide a solid ideological and political guarantee for the healthy development of public hospitals. Strengthen the ideological and political construction of leading cadres, establish a correct outlook on power and interests, and lead the medical staff of the hospital to make unremitting efforts to carry forward the core values of socialism.

3.3 Strengthen value education

To strengthen the ideological and political work of public hospitals, it is urgent to strengthen the education of the values of medical personnel. This initiative not only needs to deeply integrate value education into the medical care business, but also guide medical workers to correctly establish their outlook on life, values and career, and cultivate a sense of continuous service and responsibility. It is also necessary to practice the core values of socialism through practical actions, and guide and consolidate the correct world outlook, outlook on life and values of medical staff through diversified thematic education and discussion and exchanges, so as to enhance their teamwork spirit and sense of mission. In the value education, we should pay attention to the construction of innovative culture, create a cultural atmosphere of respect for knowledge and talents, encourage medical staff to actively explore and innovate, and constantly improve the professional level, so as to promote the overall development of the hospital. In such an atmosphere, medical staff can consciously practice the core values of socialism, form a positive work attitude and teamwork spirit, contribute to the progress of medical care and the benign development of the hospital, and make due contributions to the harmony and stability of the society. Continuously strengthening the value education of medical staff is also an inevitable move to build a harmonious and stable medical environment, which is conducive to the improvement of doctor-patient relationship and the improvement of medical service quality.

Under the current situation of new medical reform, strengthening the ideological and political work of public hospitals is not only an intrinsic requirement of medical reform, but also a concrete embodiment of the responsibility of medical staff. Only by strengthening ideological and political work, establishing the ideological cornerstone and moral standards of medical personnel, and stimulating their enthusiasm for service and motivation for innovation, can we truly achieve the goal of hospital reform, improve the level of medical services, and provide more high-quality and efficient medical services for the people. Strengthening the ideological and political work of public hospitals is not only the basic guarantee for the development of medical undertakings, but also the internal driving force for comprehensively deepening medical reform. In this context, medical staff should always keep in mind the original mission of the benevolence of doctors, establish a correct world view, outlook on life and values, enhance the sense of service and responsibility, always put the doctor-patient relationship in the first place, adhere to medical ethics and medical style, have the courage to explore and innovate, constantly improve their professional level and treatment skills, devote themselves to medical work with the fullest enthusiasm, and contribute to the development of medical industry.


[1] Chen Yi. Reflections on strengthening the ideological and political work of public hospitals under the new medical reform situation[J].Wenyuan(Middle School Edition),2023(8):118-120.)

[2] Zhao Yan. Strengthening the ideological and political work of public hospitals under the new medical reform situation[J].Modern Enterprise,2024(2):147-149.)

[3] Chen Xin. Reflections on strengthening the ideological and political work of public hospitals under the situation of new medical reform[J].Think Tank Times,2022(25):17-20.)

Liu Bin, Shiqiao Town Central Health Center, Jiahe County, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province

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