
On May 19, was the pension adjustment notice announced? Where does the pension of 3300 yuan rise more?

author:The expectation and yearning of life

May 19 has arrived, and your pension adjustment notice should be on the way! Every retired aunt and uncle is staring at that small amount of money, hoping to go up a little bit.

On May 19, was the pension adjustment notice announced? Where does the pension of 3300 yuan rise more?

Don't worry, although the official hasn't released the news yet, let's guess first, in which province this time, the pension of 3,300 yuan can grow fatter?

Let's talk about this pension adjustment first, in fact, at this time of year, it is quite lively. The retirees, like the horses before the race, are waiting for the starting gun to sound.

On May 19, was the pension adjustment notice announced? Where does the pension of 3300 yuan rise more?

It's just that their competition track is jointly laid by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Finance. Normally, each province has to submit its adjustment plan by the end of May before it can develop a "salary increase". But until now, the official website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security is still like an old monk meditating, motionless.

In 2023, the pension adjustment is 3.8%. It sounds pretty good, but in fact, this number has nothing to do with how much money you and I have. Because each province has its own set of calculation formulas, it is like each chef has a different understanding of the same recipe.

On May 19, was the pension adjustment notice announced? Where does the pension of 3300 yuan rise more?

For example, last year, retirees in Tibet could be said to have won a small lottery, and the quota was adjusted by as much as 70 yuan. For the elderly in Yunnan, the adjustment is only 15 yuan, and the gap is a bit distressing.

The situation in Beijing and Hainan is also quite telling, if the retirees in Beijing pay for every 1 year, they can get 3 yuan more per month, and Hainan is 0.5 yuan, this gap is simply the cat in the alley and the lion on the road!

There is also an adjustment linked to the basic pension, the proportion of adjustment in Guangxi is 2.24%, while in Anhui Province is only 0.5%, which is like two people eating the same dish, one eats shiny, and the other can only lick the plate.

On May 19, was the pension adjustment notice announced? Where does the pension of 3300 yuan rise more?

If you are a retired old man who receives a pension of 3,300 yuan a month and has paid for 25 years, how much will your money bag bulge this year? Let's do a simulation.

The elderly in Tibet continue to lead the way, and their total adjustment amount can reach 193.6 yuan. Beijing and Shanghai followed with 161 yuan and 145.4 yuan, respectively. These three places are simply a "bonanza" for pensions.

On the other hand, in Liaoning Province, the elderly under the same conditions can only get 88.1 yuan, which is a lot behind. Jilin and Jiangxi are not far behind, with 96.3 yuan and 97.6 yuan respectively, and their pension adjustment is like a test on the verge of raising wages.

On May 19, was the pension adjustment notice announced? Where does the pension of 3300 yuan rise more?

If your pension is in an area with a high average level, your purse bag will naturally be larger. It's like being in a casino, the bigger you bet, the more you win. But the bet here is your life's hard work and sweat!

Now let's say you're a veteran who has worked for 35 years, and you're getting an extra 105 yuan a month in Beijing, which is much more than an old man who has worked for 25 years. Coupled with the adjustment of the basic pension, your monthly pension may reach an increase of nearly 300 yuan, which is not a small amount!

On May 19, was the pension adjustment notice announced? Where does the pension of 3300 yuan rise more?

There are also some provinces that have special policies, such as old-age subsidies in some places, or extra care for patients with critical illnesses. These are all small blessings in retirement, although not much, but they can always bring some sweetness in life.

Having said all that, you may ask, where does this data come from? In fact, the specific adjustment plan every year needs the approval of the two ministries and commissions before the provinces will announce it. So while all we can do now is estimate and compare, in the near future, the specific numbers will be clearly in front of everyone.

On May 19, was the pension adjustment notice announced? Where does the pension of 3300 yuan rise more?

Although the official website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has not been updated yet, based on the experience of previous years, the information should be released around the end of this month. At that time, retirees in each province will know how much their pension will increase according to the specific plan of the province.

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