
The regiments of the Fifth Division in Shuanghe City carried out in-depth party discipline study and education

author:Shuanghe Fusions
The regiments of the Fifth Division in Shuanghe City carried out in-depth party discipline study and education

In the past few days, the regiments of the Fifth Division in Shuanghe City have carried out party discipline learning and education in various forms, further strengthened the sense of discipline and rules of party members, stimulated the sense of responsibility and mission of the majority of party members, and promoted the study and education of party discipline to be deeper and more practical.

The regiments of the Fifth Division in Shuanghe City carried out in-depth party discipline study and education
The regiments of the Fifth Division in Shuanghe City carried out in-depth party discipline study and education

On May 16, the 86th regiment held a party discipline study and education propaganda activity, and all party members of the regiment's organs and institutions, companies of grassroots units, and members of the "two committees" of the community listened to the propaganda and watched the warning education film "Ring Ruler".

The lecture was titled "Learning Discipline, Knowing Discipline, Knowing Discipline, and Observing Discipline - Striving to Be Loyal, Serving the People, Responsible, and Clean League and Company Cadres", starting from why to carry out party discipline learning and education, and to "strengthen the construction of discipline and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth", "learn the essence of the "Regulations", and create a strong atmosphere of learning discipline, knowing discipline, knowing discipline, and abiding by discipline", "deep study and practice, perform duties and responsibilities, and transform party discipline learning and education into actual results in promoting work", combined with actual cases, explained the grasp of the "six disciplines" The importance of the matter.

The regiments of the Fifth Division in Shuanghe City carried out in-depth party discipline study and education
The regiments of the Fifth Division in Shuanghe City carried out in-depth party discipline study and education

The content of the lecture is simple to understand, rich in connotation, logical and rigorous, and vivid in language, which not only understands the original text, but also connects with reality; It is not only closely related to the spiritual essence, but also close to the reality of the grassroots, so that the party members and cadres attending the meeting have deepened their understanding and comprehension of the content of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", and have made new progress and improvement in learning discipline, knowing discipline, understanding discipline, and abiding by discipline. Party members and cadres have said that they have been deeply touched and benefited a lot from listening to the preaching, and they should deeply understand and improve themselves, be honest and pragmatic, perform their duties, and be loyal, clean and responsible good party members and cadres.

Li Yaqi, director of the 86th Regiment Social Management Comprehensive Management Office

Through my studies, I have deepened my understanding of the importance of strengthening the building of party discipline and the harmfulness of ignoring and violating party discipline. In the future, I will strengthen my sense of discipline and rules, consciously accept the constraints of the party's discipline, and implement the results of party discipline study and education in my daily work and life.

In the past few days, in accordance with the deployment requirements of the regimental party committee, the grassroots party organizations of the 87th regiment have actively organized party members to carry out activities such as "three meetings and one lesson" with the theme of studying the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", theme party days, party branch secretaries giving discipline party classes, and watching warning education films, so as to continuously enhance the awareness of discipline and rules of the majority of party members and form a strong atmosphere for all party members to participate in the study and education of party discipline.

The regiments of the Fifth Division in Shuanghe City carried out in-depth party discipline study and education
The regiments of the Fifth Division in Shuanghe City carried out in-depth party discipline study and education

Party members have said that through study, they have strengthened their awareness of discipline and rules and built a strong line of defense against honesty and self-discipline.

Secretary of the Party Branch of the Sixth Company of the 87th Regiment

Instructor of the Management Committee Qi Zhengwei

We have issued the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" for Party members, and used the "Three Meetings and One Lesson", the members of the "Two Committees" of the company to study intensively, and the staff and Party members to study at home to learn the "Regulations" in practice, through and thoroughly.

The regiments of the Fifth Division in Shuanghe City carried out in-depth party discipline study and education
The regiments of the Fifth Division in Shuanghe City carried out in-depth party discipline study and education

In carrying out party discipline learning and education, the Daulada community of the regiment took into account the large number of mobile party members in the community, and ensured that all party members participated in the study by sending learning materials online and contacting local party organizations.

Wu Zhijiang, deputy secretary of the party branch of the Daulada community of the 87th regiment

Combined with the actual situation, the party branch secretary of our community will also give a party class to all party members to ensure that the party discipline study and education achieve practical results.

(Correspondents: Lv Xianlin, Li Yanping, He Keming)

Source | Shuanghe City Rong Media Center of the Fifth Division

Edit | Sun Jingjing

Editor-in-Charge | Li Haixia

Executive Director | Mao Yan

Audit | Wang Wenhua: What a standard

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