
The launching ceremony of Xin'an's "Xiaocao Dream Love Workstation" network fundraising was held yesterday

author:Pocket Qingdao
The launching ceremony of Xin'an's "Xiaocao Dream Love Workstation" network fundraising was held yesterday

Qingdao Evening News 2024-05-21 page

The launching ceremony of Xin'an's "Xiaocao Dream Love Workstation" network fundraising was held yesterday

Xin'an's "Little Grass Dream Love Workstation" was officially unveiled.

The launching ceremony of Xin'an's "Xiaocao Dream Love Workstation" network fundraising was held yesterday

The scene of the event.

The launching ceremony of Xin'an's "Xiaocao Dream Love Workstation" network fundraising was held yesterday

Medals were awarded to the caring enterprises that participated in the donation.

The launching ceremony of Xin'an's "Xiaocao Dream Love Workstation" network fundraising was held yesterday

The launching ceremony of Xin'an's "Xiaocao Dream Love Workstation" and "Enjoy Silver Age and Healthy Accompaniment" was held in Xin'an Street, West Coast New District, Qingdao on the morning of May 20. The event was supported by the China Social Aid Foundation, initiated by the District People's Congress, and hosted by the Xin'an Street Liaison Xiaocao Fund and Qingdao Evening News. At the same time, the online fundraising activity of "Happy Silver Age and Healthy Companionship" was launched, and 9 representatives of the assisted masses were awarded love subsidies and 7 enterprises were awarded caring enterprise medals.

Respect the elderly, love the young, support the army, respect the teachers and the people

It's all real "dry goods"

Xin'an "Xiaocao Dream Love Workstation" was initiated by the representatives of the People's Congress in the district, and the first workstation in the West Coast New Area was established by Xin'an Street, Xiaocao Fund, Qingdao Evening News, and social caring people"Fixed-point targeted care and assistance is the main method, and in-depth activities such as helping the weak and the poor, public welfare popularization of law, and psychological escort are carried out. The workstation will actively create and create a brand of "Xiaocao Da'an" Xiaocao Dream Love Public Welfare Action. The funds raised are mainly used to help the disadvantaged groups in the jurisdiction of Xin'an.

"It is of practical significance to establish the Xin'an Xiaocao Dream Realization Love Workstation team and put forward a plan to do practical things for vulnerable groups such as the elderly and children in distress and low-income households." Cui Xiaoying, Executive Deputy Secretary-General of the China Social Assistance Foundation, said at the meeting, "I am very pleased to participate in today's event as a public welfare supporter and contribute to the care of the living conditions of the disadvantaged elderly and children. Since its establishment in 2009, China Social Assistance Foundation has always adhered to the mission of "helping the old and weak to live well and help the poor to improve themselves", and has been helping the weak and the poor, education and student assistance, medical assistance, disaster relief and other fields since its establishment in 2009. A large number of public welfare projects have been carried out for the elderly, children, patients with serious illnesses and special disease groups, benefiting more than 10 million people. In recent years, focusing on the vision of "serving the disadvantaged groups and creating a better life together", the China Social Assistance Foundation has adhered to integrity and innovation, and joined hands with all sectors of society, including public welfare organizations such as the Xiaocao Foundation, to actively explore new forms and new methods, so as to serve the disadvantaged groups more effectively and make due contributions to the development of social assistance.

"Xin'an's public welfare planning is very creative." Mr. Lu Langqiu, director of Xiaocao Fund, said at the meeting that Xin'an Street has carried out a series of service activities such as respecting the elderly, caring for children, supporting the army, respecting teachers, and reassuring the people.

In recent years, Xin'an has focused on the concerns of the masses, strengthened service measures, and given birthday gifts to the elderly over 80 years old; 10,702 residents over the age of 65 were given free chest CT scans; Every year, a "micro-wish" of the spring bud girl is satisfied; Provide 2,000 yuan per child from low-income families with a learning fee; 5,000 yuan per child who has lost both parents or a single parent is sick; For Xin'an active-duty soldiers who have won commendations such as outstanding soldiers, commendations, and meritorious service, the street will give 2 times the reward; It took the lead in carrying out the trade-in subsidy for flame-out protection gas stoves in the whole district, replacing 424 households; Carry out the commendation of "Thanksgiving for You and Educating the Country" to outstanding teachers, outstanding class teachers and other advanced models; In the subtleties, it shows the temperature of "this place of peace of mind is Xin'an...... These piles are all real "dry goods", with the temperature of Xin'an, warm the hearts of every person who is eager for care and need help, and raise the sail of love in the hearts of the people of Xin'an.

"In the future, the Xin'an team will always maintain the original intention of serving the people, cultivate the feelings of the people, and use the efforts of every cadre to make 260,000 Xin'an people feel the warmth of 'this peace of mind is Xin'an', and add luster to the Daai New Area with the light of Xin'an." Wang Xiaoming, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xin'an Street, said.

Gather the power of grass

Sowing hope for the future

Since its establishment 12 years ago, it has done a lot of fruitful work in public welfare undertakings such as helping the weak and the needy, caring for the elderly, and gathering upward forces for good with love and kindness to promote common prosperity. "Today's public welfare undertakings are in a new era of vigorous development," Lu Langqiu said at the meeting, "Xin'an has integrated public welfare undertakings into the practical action of 'serving the people' with new ideas and new actions, opening up a new window for connecting the masses and caring for the disadvantaged." ”

Lu Langqiu said that the establishment of Xin'an "Xiaocao Dream Love Workstation" is a combination of public welfare and charity and common prosperity strategy, "so many caring people at the meeting site donated generously, and donated money to help the poor to form a beautiful public welfare landscape." ”

When the reporter came to Xin'an, as soon as he walked into the conference room, there was a 7-character banner on the wall: This place of peace is Xin'an, and his eyes lit up. A banner shows the management feelings of Xin'an Street, and expresses the greatest wish of grassroots workers, to let everyone living in the hot land of Xin'an "feel at ease". Under the guidance of the party and government, all of us are united, the starting point of all work is focused on the basis of strengthening the country and enriching the people and benefiting one party, the focus of all work is on the action of loving the people, serving the people and reassuring the people, and the foothold of all work is focused on letting Xin'an people live a peaceful life, social stability, people live in peace and people's hearts are stable. "Every initiative of Xin'an to care for the disadvantaged groups shows the warmth and extraordinary magnanimity of 'this peace of mind is Xin'an'. We would like to express our heartfelt respect for the love of the leaders and the masses at all levels and departments in the West Coast New Area. Lu Qiulang said.

Public welfare is a great cause, an important symbol of social civilization, and it is also the mission and pursuit of Xiaocao Fund for a long time. Today, Xiaocao Fund has gradually moved from Qingdao to the whole country. At present, six teams of love workstations have been set up in the old revolutionary base area, and have successively extended a helping hand to 1,000 "five lost children" and their families. Xin'an's loving action that day also provided new experience and injected new impetus into the development of Xiaocao. "We deeply feel that in the grassroots organizations and in the deep layers of society, there is a hot magma of love, which can burst out to form a towering volcano of love." Lu Langqiu said that Xiaocao will learn from successful experience, expand and extend, take root at the grassroots level, and promote the vigorous development of Xiaocao's public welfare undertakings. Subsequently, Xiaocao Fund will continue to carry out a series of activities such as "One Penny Donation for Ten Thousand Merchants of the Vegetable Basket Project", "One Yuan Donation for One Million People", "Drinking a Big Bucket of Water, Realizing the Dream of Xiaocao for Two Yuan Donation", "Caring Enterprises Protecting Xiaocao 100 Yuan Donation" and other activities. "With sincerity and humility, we will work with all caring people to unite the power of grass and sow hope for the future."

Every inch of the heart meets the sea, and the dripping water becomes the ocean. The launch of Xin'an's "Xiaocao Dream Love Workstation" is a new starting point, and it is hoped that every caring NPC representative and people from all walks of life will lend a helping hand, spread hope, gather strength, and pass on love and warmth with sincerity and enthusiasm.

Scan QR code donation instructions:

You can make a donation by scanning the QR code on your mobile phone. All caring people who participate in the Xin'an Xiaocao Dream Realization Love Activity can receive an electronic donation certificate from the China Social Aid Foundation. If you need to donate invoices, you can apply to download the electronic invoices at the donation link of the Xiaocao Project on the Tencent Charity Network to deduct taxes according to law. Those who donate more than 300 yuan can be gathered together and announced in the "Love Honor List" of the Evening News Xiaocao Public Welfare Special Edition. Those who participate in the donation and whose people and families meet the conditions for assistance can enjoy the priority right of assistance with the donation certificate.

Service telephone: 0532-82613022


Love Honor Roll

List of enterprises that have donated less than 20,000 yuan and more than 1,000 yuan

Qingdao China Aerospace Eagle UAV Technology Co., Ltd

West Coast Nautical Vocational School

Qingdao Baifeng Shengyuan Food Co., Ltd

Qingdao Zhongke Hualian New Materials Co., Ltd

Qingdao Haier Air Conditioning Electronics Co., Ltd

Qingdao Wanbao Compressor Co., Ltd

Qingdao HBIS Composite New Material Technology Co., Ltd

Hisense Group Holdings Co., Ltd

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