
Refutation of rumors: Drinking porridge is drinking sugar water? Diabetics remember 4 o'clock, drinking porridge does not raise blood sugar

author:Mingjie Health Chinese Medicine

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Li Hua, a senior medical doctor, came to his friend Zhang Ming for help one day because of blood sugar fluctuations.

Li Hua decided to accompany him to the hospital in person to see what was causing these problems.

Zhang Ming is a business executive with a busy day and a regular diet.

Refutation of rumors: Drinking porridge is drinking sugar water? Diabetics remember 4 o'clock, drinking porridge does not raise blood sugar

Lately, his blood sugar has been high and low, which has worried him. At Li Hua's suggestion, they went to the central hospital.

In the outpatient hall of the hospital, Zhang Ming looked around with some anxiety. Li Hua patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, let's find an experienced endocrinologist and have a good check-up." ”

Refutation of rumors: Drinking porridge is drinking sugar water? Diabetics remember 4 o'clock, drinking porridge does not raise blood sugar

After a brief registration, they were arranged to Dr. Zhou's office in the endocrinology department.

Dr. Chow is a middle-aged woman who always has a gentle smile on her face.

Zhang Ming's medical history and recent eating habits were carefully inquired, and then he was advised to go for a detailed blood sugar monitoring and related blood tests first.

Refutation of rumors: Drinking porridge is drinking sugar water? Diabetics remember 4 o'clock, drinking porridge does not raise blood sugar

Zhang Ming completed various examinations under the guidance of the nurse, and returned to Dr. Zhou's office after receiving the results.

Dr. Zhou looked at the examination report and frowned slightly: "Mr. Zhang, judging from your examination results, your blood sugar does fluctuate a little. Especially in the morning, fasting blood sugar is significantly high. ”

Zhang Ming was a little nervous: "Doctor, is this diabetes?" I don't usually eat too badly, how can this be? ”

Refutation of rumors: Drinking porridge is drinking sugar water? Diabetics remember 4 o'clock, drinking porridge does not raise blood sugar

Dr. Zhou smiled slightly and said slowly, "Don't worry, it may have something to do with your diet. I see that you usually like to drink porridge? ”

Zhang Ming nodded: "Yes, I am used to drinking a bowl of white porridge in the morning, and I feel light and nourishing my stomach." ”

Li Hua interjected at this time: "Doctor Zhou, I have recently seen some sayings that drinking porridge is drinking sugar water, and it is better for diabetics not to drink porridge." What do you think? ”

Refutation of rumors: Drinking porridge is drinking sugar water? Diabetics remember 4 o'clock, drinking porridge does not raise blood sugar

Doctor Zhou nodded: "There are indeed many misunderstandings about this issue. In fact, drinking porridge is not the same as drinking sugar water, but you need to pay attention to the method and collocation. ”

She went on to explain, "The main ingredient of porridge is rice, and the main ingredient of rice is carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are converted into glucose in the body, which causes blood sugar to rise when they enter the bloodstream.

Refutation of rumors: Drinking porridge is drinking sugar water? Diabetics remember 4 o'clock, drinking porridge does not raise blood sugar

In particular, white rice porridge has a high glycemic index (GI value), which causes blood sugar to rise rapidly. ”

Zhang Ming was a little confused: "Is it that you can't drink porridge?" ”

Dr. Zhou smiled and shook his head: "Not really. Diabetics can still drink porridge, but pay attention to the following points. ”

Refutation of rumors: Drinking porridge is drinking sugar water? Diabetics remember 4 o'clock, drinking porridge does not raise blood sugar

Choose low-GI grains such as brown rice and oats, which are higher in fiber and can slow down glucose absorption.

At the same time, beans, vegetables, etc. can be added to the porridge to increase the nutrient and fiber content.

Don't drink a lot of porridge at once, drink it in moderation and combine it with other low GI foods to help control blood sugar levels.

Refutation of rumors: Drinking porridge is drinking sugar water? Diabetics remember 4 o'clock, drinking porridge does not raise blood sugar

Adding the right amount of protein and healthy fats to porridge, such as lean meat, eggs, fish, etc., can delay the rate of gastric emptying and reduce the rapid rise in blood sugar after meals.

Avoid drinking large amounts of porridge on an empty stomach, and it is best to eat some fiber-rich foods before eating to slow down the rise in blood sugar. Porridge can be served as part of a main meal rather than on its own.

Zhang Ming nodded thoughtfully: "So that's the case, it seems that I still need to adjust my eating habits." ”

Refutation of rumors: Drinking porridge is drinking sugar water? Diabetics remember 4 o'clock, drinking porridge does not raise blood sugar

Li Hua also agreed: "Dr. Zhou is very reasonable, such dietary adjustment is not only helpful for diabetics, but also for ordinary people to keep blood sugar stable. ”

In the days that followed, Li Hua continued to help Zhang Ming adjust his eating habits and suggested that he record his daily diet and blood sugar changes.

Gradually, Zhang Ming found that his blood sugar levels had stabilized and his physical condition had improved.

Refutation of rumors: Drinking porridge is drinking sugar water? Diabetics remember 4 o'clock, drinking porridge does not raise blood sugar

This process allowed Li Hua not only to help his friends, but also to re-realize the importance of diet for health.

I decided to write this experience into a novel, hoping to convey health knowledge through literature and help more people understand the importance of diabetes and a reasonable diet.

"Diabetes isn't scary, it's about how we manage our lifestyle.

Refutation of rumors: Drinking porridge is drinking sugar water? Diabetics remember 4 o'clock, drinking porridge does not raise blood sugar

A healthy diet, moderate exercise and good work and rest habits are all important factors in maintaining good health.

I hope that everyone can find balance in their lives, have a healthy body and a happy life. ”

This novel not only tells the process of a patient from examination to treatment, but also conveys the scientific concept of health through delicate descriptions and real dialogues.

Refutation of rumors: Drinking porridge is drinking sugar water? Diabetics remember 4 o'clock, drinking porridge does not raise blood sugar

Li Hua hopes that while reading this novel, readers can gain knowledge and be inspired, so as to improve their own lifestyles and realize their desire to live a long and healthy life.

Li Hua published this novel in a medical journal and received praise from many readers.

We know that medicine is not only about cold data and serious treatment, but also about the art of human health and happiness.

Refutation of rumors: Drinking porridge is drinking sugar water? Diabetics remember 4 o'clock, drinking porridge does not raise blood sugar

Through words, he hopes to let more people understand the importance of health and create a better world together.

Through the stories of Li Hua and Zhang Ming, this article demonstrates the importance of dietary regulation in diabetes management.

It is hoped that through this story, readers will be able to better understand the management of diabetes and master the scientific diet method to improve their health.

Refutation of rumors: Drinking porridge is drinking sugar water? Diabetics remember 4 o'clock, drinking porridge does not raise blood sugar

Li Hua disseminates medical knowledge in a literary way, which not only warms people's hearts, but also has profound educational significance.

I hope that everyone can find a healthy way for themselves in life and enjoy a better life every day.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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