
Don't juice the fruit anymore and drink it, close to drinking sugar water! Nutrients can be wasted

author:Dr. Qian talks about orthopedics
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Nutritional value and risks of fruits

In life, we often hear that "an apple a day, the doctor is far away from me". Indeed, fruits have won people's love for their rich nutritional value and delicious taste.

They are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and dietary fiber, which have many health benefits.

However, when these fruits are pressed into juice, their nutritional value may be lost, and at the same time, the concentration of sugar will increase significantly, which can be a potential risk to health.

Nutritional changes and health effects during juicing

A sharp increase in sugar content and its effect on blood sugar

When fruit is squeezed into juice, the sugar in it is concentrated, which means that drinking a glass of fruit juice can consume far more sugar than eating the same fruit.

For example, a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice may contain more than five apples of sugar. This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for blood sugar management.

Don't juice the fruit anymore and drink it, close to drinking sugar water! Nutrients can be wasted

Because the rapid absorption of sugar can lead to a sharp rise in blood sugar levels, this is undoubtedly bad news for diabetics.

Significant loss of dietary fiber and its effects on the digestive system

During the juicing process, most of the dietary fiber in the fruit is discarded. Dietary fiber plays an important role in human health, it can increase satiety, promote intestinal peristalsis, help prevent and relieve constipation, and can also help with weight control.

However, when these fibers are discarded, the juice feels much less satiety, which can lead to us unknowingly consuming too many calories and increasing the risk of obesity.

Loss of vitamin C and antioxidants

During the juicing process, some important nutrients in the fruit, such as vitamin C, β-carotene, polyphenols and other antioxidants, are also lost.

This is because during the juicing process, these nutrients come into contact with the air and undergo an oxidation reaction, which reduces their content. This means that drinking fruit juice may not get all the nutrients in the fruit.

Increased possible contaminants during juicing

During the juicing process, if the juicer used is not made of the same material or is not cleaned thoroughly, it may lead to the release of harmful substances such as plasticizers.

Don't juice the fruit anymore and drink it, close to drinking sugar water! Nutrients can be wasted

Once these harmful substances enter the human body, they may have an impact on human health, such as affecting the endocrine system, and may even increase the risk of certain cancers.

Health hazards of additives in fruit juices

In some packaged juices sold in the market, some additives such as preservatives and colorings may be added, and the safety of these additives has not been fully proven.

Long-term intake of these additives may pose potential risks to human health.

Neglect of overall dietary balance

Over-reliance on fruit juice for nutrients can lead to an unbalanced diet. Because, fruits do not provide all the nutrients that the human body needs, such as protein, fat, trace elements, etc.

We also need to eat other foods such as grains, vegetables, meat, etc., to ensure a balanced diet.

Proper posture for juice intake

Control your intake and not exceed the recommended amount per day

Although the nutritional value of fruit juice has decreased, juice in moderation can still be used as part of the daily diet. However, the key is "in moderation".

The World Health Organization recommends that adults should not consume more than 10% of total calories per day, and fruit juices tend to be high in sugar, so we need to control our juice intake and avoid excessive sugar intake.

Choose juice from low-sugar fruits, such as berries

Not all fruits are suitable for juicing, and some fruits with high sugar content, such as apples and grapes, may have too high sugar content after juicing.

Don't juice the fruit anymore and drink it, close to drinking sugar water! Nutrients can be wasted

We can choose some low-sugar fruits to juice, such as berries. These fruits have a lower sugar content and a relatively low sugar concentration after juicing.

Try to keep the pomace when juicing to preserve the dietary fiber

Dietary fiber is an important component in fruits, but it is often discarded during the juicing process.

When juicing, we can try to keep the pomace to preserve the dietary fiber. This not only increases the satiety of the juice, but also helps us get more nutrients.

Arrange your diet wisely, and fruit juice should not replace staple foods or large amounts of fruits

Fruit juice is not a substitute for staple foods or large amounts of fruit, which provide all the nutrients we need, while fruit juice does not. We need to arrange our diet properly to ensure a balanced diet.

Return to the essence of fruit and enjoy a healthy life

The nutritional value of fruits is self-evident, however, when they are squeezed into juice, their nutritional value may be somewhat reduced.

We should try to get nutrients in the form of fruits, rather than relying on fruit juices. Not only will this help us get more nutrients, but we will also avoid excessive sugar intake.

Don't juice the fruit anymore and drink it, close to drinking sugar water! Nutrients can be wasted

Healthy eating habits are an important factor in maintaining good health, we should reduce juicing, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and at the same time, we need to diversify our diet to ensure a balanced nutrition. Only in this way can we truly enjoy a healthy life.

No food, be it fruit or juice, is a substitute for medical treatment. If you have any health problems, you should seek medical attention and follow your doctor's advice.

At the same time, we should also have regular medical check-ups so that health problems can be detected and dealt with in a timely manner. A healthy life is inseparable from our every effort, let us work together to enjoy a healthy life.

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