
【Health】People who don't sleep well eat this fruit, and it's also friendly to people who are losing weight and people with diabetes!

author:Shanghai Changning

Recently, "domestic cherries" are going to be listed, the price is fair, the taste is good, it is good for the heart to eat in summer, friends who miss cherries, don't miss it~

Eat more small cherries in the summer

Chinese cherries, commonly known as cherries and small cherries, have been cultivated for more than 3,000 years and are known as "treasures in fruits" and "the first branch of spring fruits".

It belongs to the same family as cherries (European sweet cherries, transliterated as cherries), and the taste is similar to that of the two, and there is almost no difference in nutrition.

However, because Chinese cherries are smaller, rounder, and have thinner skins, they are not resistant to storage and are not convenient for transportation, so we often only eat them in the season when they are on the market!

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that cherries are both good fruits and good medicines, and are most suitable for summer consumption.

01 Nourish your heart

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing: Su Wen Six Sections of Tibetan Elephant Theory" records that "those who have the heart are connected to the summer qi".

At this time, the person's heart blood is easily consumed in the high temperature, and the heart is more likely to be affected.

Cherry red into the heart, can replenish the heart, nourish the heart and blood, known as the "fruit of the heart", eat some at the beginning of summer, can well nourish the heart and blood, protect the heart.

02 Replenish the temper

"Famous Doctors" records cherry: "Its main tone is good for the spleen, good for color, and good for the will." ”

From the perspective of the five elements, the heart and spleen are the relationship between mother and child, the heart belongs to fire, the spleen belongs to the earth, and the heart fire gives birth to the spleen and soil.

Eating cherries at the beginning of summer can make the heart and blood vigorous, make the spleen and stomach healthy, and enhance the resistance.

03 Dispelling wind and replenishing blood

Most of the itchy skin (but no rash) problems are related to external wind evil and blood deficiency.

Cherries can replenish blood, dispel wind, and relieve itchy skin.

04 Beauty and beauty

In the "Commentary on the Materia Medica", it is said that cherries "are sweet in taste, in the main tone, good for the spleen, good for color, and beautiful." ”

Therefore, friends who love beauty may wish to eat some cherries for beauty.

In addition to the above effects, modern nutrition believes that cherries contain more vitamin C, iron, potassium and dietary fiber, which can prevent and improve iron deficiency anemia and help stabilize blood pressure.

Its low calorie and low glycemic index are very friendly to people who are losing weight and diabetics.

In addition, the melatonin contained in cherries is very good for improving sleep quality, so don't miss it if you have poor sleep~

Cherry edible caution

Cherries can be eaten by the general population, especially suitable for people with spleen and stomach deficiency, indigestion, loose stools and diarrhea, rheumatism, low back and leg pain, arthritis, weak constitution, anemia and fatigue, and dull complexion.

However, cherries are warm and should not be eaten more, especially those with fever, hypothermia, cough, constipation and fire should avoid eating; Patients with ulcer symptoms, diabetes, renal insufficiency and oliguria should be cautious.

When giving cherries to children, parents should be careful not to let them bite the kernel and be careful of choking.

How to buy sweet cherries?

First of all, you can tell by the color.

Dark-colored cherries are generally sweeter, and light-colored cherries are mostly sour.

Secondly, the shape is regular, the belly is full and round, the size is large, the whole cherry is in a D-shaped flat shape, and the more concave the pedicle of the fruit stem, the sweeter it is.

When cleaning cherries, the correct way should be to soak the cherries first, and then remove the stalks after the stalks are cleaned, so that the pulp will not be contaminated.

【Health】People who don't sleep well eat this fruit, and it's also friendly to people who are losing weight and people with diabetes!
【Health】People who don't sleep well eat this fruit, and it's also friendly to people who are losing weight and people with diabetes!

Source: Wellness China

Editor: Bi Yangjing

Editor-in-charge: Yan Wenbin

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

【Health】People who don't sleep well eat this fruit, and it's also friendly to people who are losing weight and people with diabetes!

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