
Choose snacks for the elderly to master 3 wants and 3 don'ts, these 4 types of snacks are more suitable!

author:Dr. Qian talks about orthopedics
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In our daily life, snacks have become a part of people's lives, whether young or old, they will have their favorite snacks.

However, for the elderly, the choice of snacks is particularly important. Because the physical condition and nutritional needs of older people are very different from those of younger people, their snack choices also require special attention.

Special needs and challenges for snacks in older adults

With the increasing concern about health, people have realized that not only staple foods, but also snack choices can affect our health.

Choose snacks for the elderly to master 3 wants and 3 don'ts, these 4 types of snacks are more suitable!

Especially for the elderly who are gradually declining in physical function, the choice of snacks is more related to their health.

However, there are many types of snacks on the market, and the variety of flavors and nutrients is dazzling, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty for the elderly to choose snacks.

The tastes, digestive abilities and nutritional needs of older people are also very different from those of younger people, which requires them to be more cautious and picky when choosing snacks.

How to choose the right snacks for the elderly has become a problem that we need to think about.

Three principles for choosing snacks for the elderly

For the elderly, choosing snacks is not only to meet the needs of taste, but more importantly, to meet their nutritional needs, while also taking into account their digestive ability.

Therefore, when choosing snacks for the elderly, we need to follow these three principles:

Snacks need to be easy to chew and digest, and since the function of the teeth and digestive system of the elderly has declined, they need snacks that are easy to chew and digest. For example, some soft dried fruits, dried tofu, etc., are better choices.

The nutrient density of snacks should be high, and the so-called nutrient density refers to the density of important nutrients contained in food per unit of calories.

For the elderly, what they need is to get more nutrients with the same calorie intake, so it is very important to choose snacks with high nutrient density.

Choose snacks for the elderly to master 3 wants and 3 don'ts, these 4 types of snacks are more suitable!

It is also necessary to consider the individual condition of the elderly, everyone's physical condition is different, some people may have chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, etc., and some people may have allergies to certain foods.

When choosing snacks, we need to make a choice based on the individual condition of the elderly.

Top three taboos for the elderly when choosing snacks

While choosing snacks for the elderly, we also need to avoid some common pitfalls. Here are the top three taboos:

Avoid snacks that are high in sugar, salt, and oil, which may aggravate chronic diseases in older adults, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.

Avoid choosing large portions of snacks because older people have weaker digestion and large portions of snacks may increase their digestive burden.

Avoid pursuing novelty snacks, for the elderly, they need nutrition and health, not novelty and excitement.

When we choose snacks for them, we should focus on nutrition and health, rather than chasing novelty and excitement.

Choose snacks for the elderly to master 3 wants and 3 don'ts, these 4 types of snacks are more suitable!

In the process of choosing snacks for the elderly, we need to grasp the above principles and contraindications to ensure that they can get enough nutrients from snacks and avoid affecting their health.

The importance of a healthy diet for older adults

The nutritional needs of older people are significantly different from those of younger people, and they need foods that are low in sugar, salt and oil, but rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber.

Such a diet can help them maintain good physical condition and prevent the occurrence of various chronic diseases.

The impact of dietary choices on chronic diseases in the elderly cannot be ignored, and many elderly people suffer from chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, and the occurrence of these diseases is closely related to diet.

For example, a diet high in salt can increase blood pressure, and a diet high in sugar may trigger diabetes. Therefore, choosing healthy snacks for the elderly is a check on their health.

Four categories of snack recommendations for seniors

So, what kind of snacks are suitable for seniors? Four categories of snacks for seniors are recommended:

Meat, eggs, milk and beans are snacks with raw materials, which are rich in high-quality protein, which can help the elderly supplement the amino acids needed by the body and maintain the normal operation of the body. For example, low-salt and low-sugar dried tofu, dried eggs, etc.

Choose snacks for the elderly to master 3 wants and 3 don'ts, these 4 types of snacks are more suitable!

Chewy vegetables and fruits and snacks made from vegetables and fruits, which are rich in dietary fiber, can help the elderly improve digestion and prevent constipation. For example, sugar-free preserved fruits, dried vegetables, etc.

Snacks made from high-quality grains, which are rich in B vitamins and minerals, can help the elderly to replenish nutrition and maintain good health. For example, graham crackers, oatmeal, etc.

Snacks made from plain nuts, which are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, can help the elderly lower blood lipids and prevent cardiovascular diseases. For example, walnuts, almonds, etc.

Selection and recommendation of healthy snacks for the elderly

It is the responsibility of each of us to choose healthy snacks and check the health of the elderly. We need to choose nutritious and easy-to-digest snacks for the elderly according to their physical condition.

We should also avoid choosing snacks that are high in sugar, salt, and oil, so as not to burden their bodies.

We can also refer to the selection principles of healthy snacks and complementary foods for infants and children to choose snacks for the elderly. Because these principles tend to focus more on the nutritional value and health of food, they are more suitable for the needs of the elderly.

Choosing healthy snacks for the elderly can not only help them supplement their nutrition and improve their physical condition, but also improve their quality of life and make their later life healthier and happier.

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